From janitor to actor

Chapter 258 The Clown

Chapter 258 The Clown
Fang Shufen originally wanted to wait until Ren Shuai finished reading this line, and then she would perform a wave of high explosive output.

But she didn't expect Ren Shuai to attack before her, and this wave of eruption was like a torrent, rushing towards her face, making her completely powerless to fight.

Facing Ren Shuai's calm and prestige gaze, Fang Shufen felt her heart beating wildly, her blood began to flow rapidly, her hands and feet were cold, and her head was in a daze.

Although Ren Shuai didn't raise his tone, nor did he appear angry, his gaze put tremendous pressure on Fang Shufen.

This kind of pressure is even better than his previous two performances, that kind of tone and mental oppression, with a kind of hidden power.

It was like a bullet, already in the loaded gun at this time, waiting to be fired at any time.

And when this bullet stays in the gun chamber, it is more deterrent than when it is fired.

It was this sense of threat that Ren Shuai brought to Fang Shufen.

Fang Shufen's mind is blank now, and she has completely forgotten about her acting and speaking lines, and her whole body is in a state of froze after being frightened.

This state lasted for several seconds.

This time, Chi Yi didn't call to stop. He couldn't understand Fang Shufen's pointing at Ren Shuai, so he just kept turning on the phone and recorded Fang Shufen's state, sincerely feeling sorry for her.

It wasn't until Ren Shuai gradually subdued the anger in his eyes that Fang Shufen returned to normal from that frightened state in a daze.

She let out a long breath before turning her head to look at the director belatedly.

Chi Yi immediately acted as if he had just reacted, and shouted "Ka Ka Ka."

After Fang Shufen breathed a sigh of relief, she looked up at Ren Shuai in shock.

At this time, Ren Shuai had returned to his usual calm and gentleness, and he couldn't tell that the person with awe-inspiring aura just now was him.

Ren Shuai asked with a smile: "Teacher Fang, are you okay? I think you seemed to be distracted just now. Do you have any new inspiration for this scene? Do you want me to cooperate with you to shoot again?"

Fang Shufen subconsciously waved her hand.

It was only later that she realized that she couldn't lose her aura, and she had to act like a senior in the entertainment industry.

So Fang Shufen coughed twice again, and said following Ren Shuai's words: "That's right, I was acting just now, and I got a new inspiration, so I was a little distracted."

Chi Yi rolled his eyes to the sky when he heard this, thinking that he had only heard that Fang Shufen was meticulous in acting, so at first he thought she was pursuing art.

I didn't expect that it was just because of saving face, and he also liked to put on airs of his seniors. If he had known this was the case, Chi Yi would never have invited Fang Shufen to the set.

But Ren Shuai nodded in admiration and said: "Mr. Fang, I am really envious of an artist like you. You can be inspired during the performance. Unlike me, you can only act according to the script. Tell me more about it." , see what else I can adjust, let's take a few more shots."

Chi Yi felt that Ren Shuai was a bit too nice. He remembered that when he met a digital actor on the set last time, Ren Shuai was not so good-tempered.

Is it because Fang Shufen is a woman that she receives extra care?
Fang Shufen felt very useful when she heard Ren Shuai's compliment, so she went on to say: "I feel that your performance just now was a bit too aggressive, you should not concentrate your anger too much, but spread it out.

After all, I am playing your wife, there is no deep hatred between us, and you don't need to show too much hatred, you can vent your anger on some surrounding props. "

These words were actually made up temporarily by Fang Shufen in order to find a way for herself, mainly to disperse Ren Shuai's anger and not let his aura be directed at herself alone.

In this way, her pressure will be reduced a lot, so that she can continue to perform.

Ren Shuai nodded in agreement when he heard the words, and said, "Mr. Fang, you are so right. I also feel that the performance just now is inappropriate. After all, we are husband and wife. I can't vent my anger on you alone. "

Fang Shufen nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Chi Yi and said, "Very good, then let's shoot again."

Chi Yi looked at Ren Shuai with puzzled eyes, and seeing that he didn't have any objection, he nodded and said, "Okay, those two teachers, please take their seats, and we'll start shooting from the part where the phone was dropped."

After turning on the phone, Ren Shuai picked up the phone and threw it on the bed with a "snap", showing anger rising, then picked up the phone again and threw it on the bed repeatedly.

Fang Shufen was taken aback when she saw him like this, and forgot to say her lines.

Chi Yi stopped immediately.

Fang Shufen looked at Ren Shuai suspiciously and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

Ren Shuai said honestly: "I listened to your suggestion and prepared to use props to vent my anger, but I don't have any other props at hand. I only have this mobile phone. I just want to express my anger by repeatedly hitting the mobile phone."

Fang Shufen felt a little helpless. She scanned the room and found that apart from a bed and a mobile phone, there were indeed no other props around Ren Shuai.

She couldn't let Ren Shuai fall off the bed. After all, this thing was very heavy, and he couldn't move it. Even if he kicked it, his feet would hurt.

So, Fang Shufen came up with another idea: "Then why not, look around after you drop your phone, don't focus all your eyes on my face."

In this case, the anger will also be vented in all directions, and it will not only be aimed at her alone.

So Ren Shuai did it again.

After Chi Yi announced to turn on the phone, Ren Shuai dropped his phone and started to get mad, and then said a few words in various directions, such as the window, the wall and the ceiling, with a very arrogant attitude and a very bad tone, showing his abnormal anger at the moment .

Fang Shufen was a little dumbfounded after reading it.

She thought to herself, if this trend continues, it may not be a husband and wife quarreling, but a lunatic running wild.

Fang Shufen thought to herself, if Ren Shuai got angry at her, she wouldn't be able to hold back, and if he vented at other places, it would look very funny and unreasonable.

So, Fang Shufen suggested: "Mr. Li, I think it's better to be like this, you should mainly endure and try not to let your anger explode.

After all, you should be patient with your wife at home, I think it would be more reasonable to perform this way. "

Ren Shuai suddenly realized when he heard the words, and then turned to look at Chi Yi and said, "Director Chi, let's just pass this one?"

Fang Shufen was a little puzzled, thinking that she and Ren Shuai hadn't filmed yet, so why did it pass?
At least he had to act as she said once. Could it be that Ren Shuai wanted to give up after acting a few times.

Meeting Ren Shuai's gaze, Chi Yi immediately understood what he meant, nodded and said, "That's right, after passing this one, let's use the first one. The one with the best performance is also the most in line with Teacher Fang's plan."

Fang Shufen was stunned on the spot, remembering that when Ren Shuai took the first shot, he acted in the way she said.

Unexpectedly, after going around in a circle, she pointed out others for a long time, and they all played the piano randomly.

The Joker is herself.

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(End of this chapter)

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