From janitor to actor

Chapter 259 Rival Actors

Chapter 259 Rival Actors
Ever since Fang Shufen and Ren Shuai finished filming the first scene of their rivalry, she never talked too much.

Although she likes to give pointers to people in performances, since she finished giving pointers to Ren Shuai, she put herself in it, and she is not a human being inside and out.

However, Ren Shuai has a very kind attitude, is very patient, and has great acting skills. She listens to whatever she says, which makes her blush.

After a day of filming, she could tell that Ren Shuai was a crossover actor who debuted halfway.

If she really wanted to put her acting skills together, she, who had been in the industry for decades, couldn't handle the acting.

If she still pointed her face at others, she would be too ignorant, and she would have no face to hang out in the circle in the future.

Now Fang Shufen is a little afraid of playing with Ren Shuai. Every time she sees the other party's gentle smile, it always reminds her of her unreasonable advice, which makes her feel ashamed.

Fortunately, the second day's scene was a solo scene after the two ran away from home.

After Ren Shuai came back from work today, he received a call from Shen Luxi.

"Mr. Li, I saw that your movie became a box office hit during the Spring Festival. Congratulations!" Shen Luxi said happily.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that he was only playing a small supporting role in the movie, and no matter how high the box office was, it would at most help him gain some recognition, not as high as the ratings brought by the TV series.

Therefore, he was not overjoyed, and said flatly, "Thank you."

Shen Luxi had long been used to Ren Shuai's indifferent attitude, and said immediately, "I heard that you have gone to director Chi's crew to shoot a new film?"

Ren Shuai met Chi Yi because he was filming spy films with Shen Luxi, and Shen Luxi also knew the news that he was filming in Chi Yi's crew.

"Well, I just joined the team for a day." Ren Shuai said.

"I heard that the book is very interesting. It's a story about the protagonist and heroine becoming younger. I happen to be filming nearby these few days. Is it convenient to visit the set tomorrow?" Shen Luxi asked with a smile.

"Visiting class?"

Ren Shuai was very puzzled, Shen Luxi was so full of announcements every day, and she was always filming in the crew, how could she be interested in visiting the crew, and there was nothing interesting in filming.

"The main reason is that I have nothing to do tomorrow. I just happen to be curious about your drama. By the way, I can go say hello to Director Chi."

Of course, Shen Luxi didn't just visit the set, she just wanted to see more of Ren Shuai's filming, after all, opportunities to watch seniors filming are rare.

Although she has a high status and a lot of acting appointments, most of her opponents are young front-line actors, and there are very few opportunities to play against her seniors.

Shen Luxi doesn't want to be positioned as a vase because she knows that the artistic life of an actress is very short, especially those few years at the peak.

Once you get older in the future, you need to seek transformation, and the success of transformation is inseparable from the support of acting skills.

Therefore, Shen Luxi wants to accumulate more experience while she is young, broaden her acting career, learn from her predecessors, and transform it into her own nutrients.

These are the reasons Shen Luxi made for visiting the cast. In fact, there is always a voice deep in her heart saying that she is simply interested in Ren Shuai's filming.

"Okay, see you tomorrow then."

After Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi confirmed the time, they hung up the phone and began to review the script.

Tomorrow, after the character he played ran away from home, he found a chain hotel to stay in, and he became younger after waking up.

In fact, this was originally a shot of Ren Shuai alone, but in order to show the effect of him becoming younger, there is a shot of him talking to the hero in the mirror.

Standing him on one side, and the leading actor on the other.

In other words, he will have a rivalry with the leading actor tomorrow morning.

After briefly reading the script, he curiously checked the information of the opponent's actor on the Internet, and hoped that he would not meet such a weirdo as Fang Shufen tomorrow.

Ji Fengfeng, the leading actor in this show, was born in a major and graduated from the Intercontinental Film and Television Academy majoring in acting. He is a rising star in the showbiz.

Last year, he gained attention with a little sweet drama, and began to appear frequently in variety shows, and was loved by many fans with his straightforward personality.

Among the younger generation, his acting skills are remarkable, successfully surpassing most actors of the same age, and he is on his way to becoming a first-line actor.

Ren Shuai read the information, but did not find any obvious characteristics of Ji Fengfeng. He has not debuted for too long, and there are not many works. Ren Shuai can only watch the performance clips twice.

This Ji Fengfeng's acting is not bad, he is young, lively and energetic, and he speaks very straightforward and humorous, giving people a good impression.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that tomorrow's filming should go well.

Early the next morning, Ren Shuai came to the set after getting dressed.

As soon as he came out of the dressing room, he saw a tall and thin actor complaining to the woman next to him.

Ren Shuai didn't care, and walked straight past, the voices of the two talking still reached his ears.

"Didn't you say that the actor who played me after I got old was a handsome old man? Why did I look at the set makeup photos yesterday and found out that he was a very ordinary old man?" said the actor.

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Li is quite handsome, the photo you saw was not taken well." The woman waved her hand quickly.

"Then I also heard that his acting skills are very poor. Yesterday, I re-shot the scene with Mr. Fang several times. I also checked the information on the Internet and found that he has never studied acting. He used to be a janitor." The man continued.

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Li's acting skills are quite good, he is the teacher of Meiying." The woman corrected again.

"But this man named Li Laifu doesn't have any works at all. The only time he got out of the circle was because of dubbing. Other than that, he doesn't have a good reputation. Playing the same role as me, isn't it lowering my celebrity status?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Li is the spokesperson of Fendenko Nickey. He has been on the hot search several times, so how can he not be famous?"

"In short, I'm not very satisfied with the actor Li Laifu. Since the director wants to make a movie, he must at least invite a famous teacher to play a cameo."

"You just make do with it, there are not many scenes..."

Although Ren Shuai only heard a few words, he knew they were talking about him.

After walking over, he turned his head to look at the thin and tall actor over there, and found that it was today's rival actor Ji Fengfeng.

You think I'm not good-looking, I don't have acting skills, and I don't have a coffee position, right?

Ren Shuai walked up to Chi Yi as if nothing had happened and said, "Director Chi, I'm ready, can we start the machine?"

Seeing Ren Shuai approaching, Chi Yi immediately nodded enthusiastically and said, "You are here, and the male lead is ready as well. Let's start the machine immediately."

"Okay." Ren Shuai nodded and smiled.

Chi Yi held a small speaker and called Ji Fengfeng over, ready to start filming.

Ji Fengfeng ran over enthusiastically, nodding his head to indicate that there was no problem.

Then, he turned his head and glanced at Ren Shuai, a flash of disgust flashed in his eyes, then he showed a casual smile, nodded slightly and said, "Hello, Teacher Li."

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(End of this chapter)

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