Chapter 260
Ren Shuai glanced at Ji Fengfeng, who had a cold expression, and didn't make a particularly clear response. He just nodded slightly and walked to his seat.

Ji Fengfeng was even more dissatisfied when he saw that he was indifferent to him.

I thought to myself, don't act like an old artist in front of me. In the show business circle, status and fame have always been used to talk.

At such an advanced age, I don't have much fame. I can only play a small supporting role, and I still put on airs in front of others. I really can't find my position.

He originally thought that this was the first time he was making a movie. This kind of plot setting is very novel. Maybe the actor who played him in his old age was a actor-level character.

At that time, you can still get the light of the seniors, and take a look at the halo of the old artists of the seniors by the way.

Unexpectedly, the actor who played his old age turned out to be an unknown newcomer, which made his initial plan come to nothing.

Therefore, he will have some dissatisfaction today.

Seeing that the two of them were seated, Chi Yi started talking.

"Ms. Li, after a while, you will stand on the other side of the mirror and act in the form of a phantom. Fengfeng is standing in the room. The two of you should make the same expressions and movements, just like looking in a mirror."

Chi Yi knew Ren Shuai's acting skills and had great confidence in him. He even felt that this time when he met Ren Shuai in filming, he performed better than the last time he worked together.

Chi Yi was a little worried about Ji Fengfeng. After all, he was a young actor with little experience. If he performed with Ren Shuai on the same stage, his acting skills might look even younger.

Therefore, Chi Yi said very caringly: "Mr. Li, Fengfeng is a newcomer, you can take care of him a little bit, and bring him with you when you are on the show."

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile, while Ji Fengfeng next to him was a little unhappy, wondering whether the director was deceived by this actor named Li Laifu, thinking that he was old enough to have rich experience, and maybe his acting skills were not as good as him.

After explaining the precautions, Chi Yi announced the start-up.

Ji Fengfeng sat up from the bed, looking ignorant that he hadn't woken up yet, he stroked his hair randomly, got up and passed in front of the mirror.

However, in the next second, he stepped back in surprise, looked at himself in the mirror, and widened his eyes.

He quickly closed his eyes and opened them again.

This time, Ren Shuai appeared in the mirror.

This shot was shot with two cameras simultaneously, one shot was aimed at Ren Shuai's profile, and the other was aimed at Ji Fengfeng's profile.

According to what he said at the beginning, the expression on Ren Shuai's entire face froze, only his eyes shot out an unbelievably shocked light.

The same is true of Ji Fengfeng on the opposite side, but under the simultaneous shooting of the two cameras, the shock in Ren Shuai's eyes is more real and rich in layers, while Ji Fengfeng's eyes are just wide open, and the surprise in his eyes is even more superficial.

There is no harm without comparison.

If the two were shooting separately, there wouldn't be much problem.

It's a pity, now that the shots of the two people are put together, there is a strong contrast in an instant.

The main reason is that the shock in Ji Fengfeng's eyes was too fake, it looked like it was faked.

Chi Yi could only yell to stop, then looked at Ji Fengfeng and said, "Xiaofeng, you have to pay attention to Mr. Li's expression, try to be in sync with him, the shock in your eyes should sink a little bit, don't be too exaggerated, try to be restrained. "

What he said was quite subtle, in fact, he told Ji Fengfeng not to act too falsely, but to be more distracted.

After hearing this, Ji Fengfeng was of course not happy. He didn't see his performance, but he felt in his heart that he had put all his heart into it, and there was nothing wrong with his performance.

He also saw Ren Shuai's performance just now, and didn't think there was anything special about it.

But the director's face still needs to be given, so Ji Fengfeng reluctantly nodded and said, "I'll adjust it."

Ren Shuai didn't say anything. After turning on the phone again, he still had a shocked expression, but the shock and bewilderment in his eyes became richer and more layered than before.

In addition, his pupils trembled unconsciously, showing his inner shock and disbelief even more.

Ji Fengfeng's performance this time has also improved, but compared with Ren Shuai, it seems insignificant.

Chi Yi yelled to stop again, and beckoned Ji Fengfeng to go to the monitor to see the effect.

Ji Fengfeng felt that the acting was very good this time, and the director must have praised him, so he happily walked to the monitor.

Chi Yi also took into account the hero's face and didn't say it clearly, let Ji Fengfeng see the comparison on the monitor to understand.

Seeing him watching the replay, Ren Shuai sat down on the props bed to rest.

He is ready today to shoot this one all day long.

Let Ji Fengfeng know what acting is.

At this time, Ji Fengfeng's expression in front of the monitor was a little ugly. He thought the director was going to praise him, but he didn't expect reality to slap him in the face.

In the playback screen, Ren Shuai performed superbly like an actor, but he was like a poor imitator, learning clumsily in front of the mirror.

The contrast between the two was too strong, Ji Fengfeng looked at his performance like a rookie who had never learned acting.

"Director, I'll find out how I feel." He whispered.

Chi Yi thought to himself, it would be really difficult for him to perform with Ren Shuai in the same mirror, after all, even Fang Shufen's old drama skills can't handle Ren Shuai's scenes.

However, he thought, Ren Shuai should be very good at taking care of the newcomers' performances, and it should be fine if he brings the opponent's emotions a little bit.

So Chi Yi went to Ren Shuai again, and asked him to take care of Ji Fengfeng's level, and to accommodate him if he could.

Ren Shuai agreed, then looked in Ji Fengfeng's direction and nodded.

"Okay, both of you, please get ready and turn on!"

Standing behind the mirror, Ren Shuai stared slightly, opened his mouth, and frowned, his eyes filled with vain shock.


Chi Yi sighed, thinking that he was just asking Ren Shuai to accommodate Ji Fengfeng, but he didn't want him to act as low-level as Ji Fengfeng.

Looking at Ren Shuai's performance like this, Ji Fengfeng felt as if he was slapping his face. He thought that Ren Shuai was deliberately disgusting him, right?
If Ren Shuai knew what he was thinking, he would definitely nod heavily.

Chi Yi smiled wryly: "Mr. Li, you should act according to your own understanding. Xiaofeng pays attention to Mr. Li's performance."

Ren Shuai readily agreed, while Ji Fengfeng showed embarrassment and nodded unwillingly.

Then, the shot began endless reshoots.

Ji Fengfeng already felt his expression was stiff and his eyes were dry, but he couldn't imitate Ren Shuai's expression no matter how hard he tried, there was always a feeling of imitation.

Chi Yi felt that today's progress might not be completed, so he scratched his hair with a sad face.

"Let's rest for ten minutes first," Chi Yi said.

Seeing his appearance, Ren Shuai walked up to him while taking a break and said, "Director Chi, why do you have this expression?"

"Hey, Mr. Li, Ji Fengfeng's acting skills can't keep up with yours. I'm afraid this scene won't be able to be shot in a while." Chi Yi sighed.

"Well, I have an idea." Ren Shuai laughed.

When Chi Yi heard the words, his sorrow disappeared immediately, and he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Li, what good idea do you have?"

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(End of this chapter)

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