Chapter 261
Ren Shuai gave Chi Yi an idea, and Chi Yi nodded after thinking about it: "Okay, then I will talk to Xiaofeng."

Ji Fengfeng came over, and Chi Yi said: "Xiaofeng, when you take the next shot, you should take the side view, so there won't be too much contrast."

As a result, Ji Fengfeng suddenly smiled with a bracelet, and said to Chi Yi: "Director, I am the leading actor. Even if this shot is shot from the back, it's still a shot of Mr. Li, right?"

Chi Yi coughed, thinking that it's because of your bad acting skills, not because of Ren Shuai's bad acting skills.

In the end, before Chi Yi objected, Ren Shuai nodded first and said, "Okay, we have a problem, and we will shoot as you said."

Ji Fengfeng glanced at him, thinking that he could find his own position.

Ren Shuai laughed secretly, even if he acted with the back of his head, he could overwhelm you.

He clicked on the system, bought a charm card, and was ready to use it at any time.

After the break, turn on the machine again, and Ren Shuai and Ji Fengfeng are in place.

The two faced each other, Ji Fengfeng showed a triumphant smile, and Ren Shuai looked at him expressionlessly.

After adjusting the camera position, Chi Yi announced the start-up.

The camera focused on Ji Fengfeng's face and the back of Ren Shuai's head.

Ren Shuai pinched and used the charm card.

After the performance started, Ji Fengfeng performed hard, trying to look shocked.

However, all eyes on the set unconsciously shifted to Ren Shuai.

Even if there is only half of the face, it is still so eye-catching.

Even Ji Fengfeng, who was shocked by the performance, was a little distracted. He felt that the temperament of Ren Shuai standing opposite him suddenly changed, and there was always a feeling that he wanted to focus on him.


Chi Yi nodded and said, "This is over."

Ji Fengfeng was a little surprised, he was almost distracted just now, why did he pass it?
He walked to the monitor suspiciously and watched the replay, only to find that Ren Shuai's back profile was too stealthy.

Even if you can't see the expression on your face, just the back of your head can show shock.

This is too much.

It's obviously a steal.

Ji Fengfeng raised his eyes to look at Ren Shuai, and found that his current temperament was weird, and he always attracted people's attention unconsciously.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he turned to Chi Yi and said, "Director, I feel that Mr. Li's acting skills are too good, and it's not suitable to play the same role as me."


Chi Yi was puzzled and didn't know why he said that.

Ji Fengfeng said: "We have just started the machine, so it should be too late to change people. I feel that he is too stealthy, so my position is very embarrassing."

Chi Yi was a little messed up after hearing this, thinking that you can't keep up with your own acting skills, yet you're still so confident. I've never heard of an actor who was despised because of his good acting skills.

However, Ji Fengfeng is an actor recommended by investors. Although he is the director, he cannot interfere with the choice of the main actor, but Ren Shuai is the one recommended by him. Now the male lead actually asks for a replacement because his opponent's acting skills are too good. It's been a long time.

Chi Yi held back his temper, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li's acting skills are very good, and there is no problem with the performance. I'm afraid there is no legitimate reason to change?"

Ji Fengfeng said: "He doesn't match my acting skills. The reason is very legitimate. You can't replace me, can you?"

Chi Yi chuckled, and said directly, "Ms. Li was specially invited by me."

When Ji Fengfeng heard this, he immediately understood that changing people would not give the director face, so he said in another way: "I didn't say that I would drive away Mr. Li. Isn't there an angel character in our play? I think Mr. Li will It's perfect for that role."

Chi Yi was speechless for a moment, the role of that angel was the one who made the male and female protagonists look younger, and there were only two scenes in the whole play.

He definitely couldn't agree to let Ren Shuai change roles temporarily, but Ji Fengfeng was from the investor's side, so he couldn't be too offended.

When he was struggling, Ren Shuai came over and said with a smile: "Director, can we start shooting the next one?"

Ji Fengfeng turned his head to see him, and immediately smiled and said, "Ms. Li, I was talking about you. I feel that my acting skills don't match yours, so..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Shuai hurriedly replied with a smile: "You want to resign as the male lead?"

Ji Fengfeng choked, then waved his hand and said: "I am the number one male, how can I change it casually, I mean you adjust your position and play the role of an angel."

After hearing this, Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Okay, I can act in anything, but you have to tell Mr. Fang that yesterday's scenes should all have to be reshot."

Ji Fengfeng was stunned, almost forgetting that Ren Shuai and Fang Shufen had been filming for a whole day yesterday.

But he has already said what he said, and he can't take it back, otherwise his face will be ruined.

So he summoned up his courage and said, "Then I'll go and talk to Teacher Fang."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Okay, I heard Teacher Fang's film appointments are quite full, you'd better ask her if she has a reshoot schedule."

Ji Fengfeng didn't answer the words.

Chi Yi took advantage of the situation and added: "The reshoots cost about 1 million a day, which is not much, as long as the investor agrees, and there is Teacher Fang's salary for a day, and all the cast members of the whole crew have to work overtime. Unfortunately, we have to quickly find an actor to replace Mr. Li in this role."

Ji Fengfeng was completely stunned, he didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to change an actor.

He was caught in a dilemma and felt that he couldn't choose well.

Ren Shuai didn't give him too much time to hesitate, he turned to Chi Yi and said, "Should I continue filming the current role? If I change roles, I'll leave first and go back to prepare a new script."

Although this was said to Chi Yi, it was to let Ji Fengfeng make a decision as soon as possible.

Ji Fengfeng was instantly embarrassed, neither left nor right.

Facing the eyes of the two of them, Ji Fengfeng held back for a long time before saying: "Then let me think about it for 10 minutes?"


Ren Shuai readily agreed.

Seeing Ji Fengfeng walk away, Chi Yi said to Ren Shuai with a speechless face: "It's outrageous that he wants to replace you because your acting skills are so good."

Ren Shuai spread his hands and said, "Who made him belong to the investor?"

Chi Yi didn't expect Ren Shuai to think so. If this were to be placed on other old actors, he wouldn't have to go crazy on the spot and point his nose at him to teach him a lesson.

He said indignantly, "You are still the one I invited."

Ren Shuai smiled and said nothing, thinking that Chi Yi was just a rookie director, and the investors had already given him face by finding him to direct the play, and his words didn't have much weight.

There is no need to offend investors because of a careless actor.

While the two were chatting, the assistant ran over and said, "Director, Shen Luxi has come to visit our crew."

Chi Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise, "Who are you talking about, Shen Luxi?"

Now Shen Luxi is on fire, not only has the hit drama "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", but also endorsed Fenden Kou Niqi women's clothing, firmly in the ranks of first-line actresses, faintly developing towards super-first-line actresses.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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