Chapter 262
Chi Yi had never heard of the news that Shen Luxi was coming to visit the class, but at this moment he was overjoyed.

Many entertainment reporters were squatting outside the crew waiting to catch news. Shen Luxi came to the crew to visit the crew in order to help them stir up news in disguise and increase their attention.

It is simply a good thing that can't be asked for.

Chi Yi smiled like a star-chasing little fan, and proudly said to his assistant: "I just collaborated with Shen Luxi in my last play, she must have heard that my new play is starting, and she came here to join in the show."

Ren Shuai smiled and nodded.

Chi Yi and his assistant hurried to the entrance of the studio to greet him. Not only did Shen Luxi come this time, but he also prepared gifts for the cast and crew, each with a glass of hot pear juice.

Chi Yi immediately felt honored, and greeted Shen Luxi with a smile.

At the same time, other cast members in the crew also heard the news, and when they came to receive gifts, they also took a look at the first-line beauty stars.

After hearing the news, Ji Fengfeng also came out of the lounge, wanting to take the opportunity to make Shen Luxi stronger.

Maybe there will be some opportunities for cooperation in the future, or when Shen Luxi is filming a new movie, when he meets a character like the leading actor, he will be able to think of his existence.

He put down the phone he was going to contact the investor, thinking that it was important to know Shen Luxi. As for whether Ren Shuai would change his role, it was a trivial matter.

When Ji Fengfeng came out, Chi Yi and Shen Luxi had already walked into the studio together, chatting by the way.

"Lu Xi, you are so busy, why do you want to visit the class?" Chi Yi asked with a smile.

After Shen Luxi glanced around, she replied with a smile: "I happened to be filming nearby, so I came to visit the class while I was taking a break. By the way, why didn't I see Teacher Li?"

Chi Yiyi pointed to the location of the set, and said, "Just now, after filming a scene, Mr. Li is resting there."

Shen Luxi looked in the direction he pointed, and immediately quickened her pace and said, "I'll go say hello to Teacher Li."

As soon as she took a few steps forward, she saw a hurried figure running towards her.

"Hi, Luxi, hello, I'm Ji Fengfeng, the male number one in this show, nice to meet you." Ji Fengfeng stretched out his hand and smiled.

Shen Luxi focused her eyes on Ren Shuai, but was blocked by Ji Fengfeng who suddenly appeared, so she could only take a step away, nodded politely and said, "Hello."

After she finished speaking, she didn't even look at Ji Fengfeng, and continued to walk in Ren Shuai's direction.

Ji Fengfeng withdrew his hand in embarrassment, but he didn't feel unhappy. The moment he saw Shen Luxi just now, he couldn't help sighing that he was really cold and beautiful, and he was worthy of being a fairy.

Seeing Shen Luxi walking in, Ji Fengfeng also followed behind.

Ren Shuai looked at Shen Luxi who was walking towards him, smiled and raised his hand to say hello.

"Come on."

His greeting was very casual, like someone he knew very well.

Ji Fengfeng listened behind him, and felt that Ren Shuai was a bit cynical and took himself too seriously.

Unexpectedly, Shen Luxi replied with a very enthusiastic smile: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Li, I originally wanted to come in the morning, but something suddenly delayed me. I wonder if coming here now will delay your shooting?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand indifferently and said, "No delay at all, I'm about to call it a day."

"Huh?" Shen Luxi looked puzzled, and asked, "I came here to watch your performance, observe and study, why did you finish filming so quickly?"

Standing behind Ji Fengfeng was very surprised, the expression on his face was much more real than when he performed the scene of looking in the mirror.

He never expected that Shen Luxi's visit to the class was aimed at Ren Shuai.

It also points out that observation and learning should be carried out.

How much face does this have to make Shen Luxi take the initiative to observe and study?

She is now recognized as the high-value acting school in the good-looking school, the good-looking in the acting school.

Ren Shuai sighed helplessly, and half-jokingly said: "I can't help it, the acting is too good, I have to change roles."

Hearing this, Shen Luxi covered her mouth with a low smile and said, "I heard that you are playing the male lead. Is there any better role? You have upgraded?"

Ren Shuai nodded seriously and said: "Playing an angel, isn't this an upgrade? They have all ascended to heaven."

Shen Luxi laughed so loudly that her branches trembled, but after a while she gradually felt something was wrong, looked at Chi Yi suspiciously and said, "Isn't the male lead very suitable for you? Why do you want to play an angel all of a sudden?"

Without waiting for Ren Shuai to answer, Chi Yi enthusiastically explained: "Ms. Li's acting skills are too good, compared to the leading actor..."

Ji Fengfeng was at a loss in the first place, if Shen Luxi knew about this, his impression would definitely be greatly reduced, so he quickly interrupted Chi Yi's words.

"Well, Mr. Li was only thinking about acting as an angel before, and didn't say that he would change roles. He will continue to perform after the start of the show."

Hearing what Ji Fengfeng said, Shen Luxi smiled and said, "Then I can observe and study from the sidelines?"

Ren Shuai looked up at Ji Fengfeng, and said with a smile, "Since the leading man has spoken, I will definitely obey."

Shen Luxi heard the implication of these words clearly, turned her head to look at Ji Fengfeng, and secretly wrote him down in her notebook.

Chi Yi smiled and clapped his hands, "Then let's continue filming."

Ji Fengfeng quickly nodded and reconsidered: "Good director, I'm ready."

He thought to himself, he must behave well later, so that Shen Luxi can remember himself.

In the next scene, after shopping in the mall, the hero returns to the hotel room to try on clothes and enjoy the life of regaining his youth.

However, in the process of trying on clothes, he unconsciously thought of the heroine, and started talking to his old self in the mirror.

Both Ren Shuai and Ji Fengfeng went to the dressing room to change their outfits. Ji Fengfeng specially asked the makeup artist to make him look more handsome, and it would be best to make people look better.

Ren Shuai looked at the make-up artist's random look for him, and wondered how much delicious food he took from Ji Fengfeng.

That being the case, the only way to do it is to ask the system to take action.

At this time, Ji Fengfeng walked out of the dressing room, feeling very good about himself, and turned his head to look in Shen Luxi's direction.

However, she found that Shen Luxi's eyes were not on him at all, instead she was staring at his back with shining eyes.

Not only Shen Luxi, but other people in the crew also focused on the direction behind him.

Ji Fengfeng turned around following these gazes, and saw a figure who was wearing the same suit as him, but several times more handsome than him, standing at the door of the dressing room.

Ren Shuai met everyone's eyes and smiled very calmly.

A feeling of envy, jealousy and hatred rose in Ji Fengfeng's heart instantly, but he couldn't help but fix his eyes on Ren Shuai, as if there was some inexplicable attraction on him that made people unable to look away.


Ji Fengfeng scolded the make-up artist upside down in his heart.

Receive benefits, but do nothing, simply not a son of man!
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(End of this chapter)

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