From janitor to actor

Chapter 263 Intercontinental Team

Chapter 263 Intercontinental Team
Unsurprisingly, in the scene between Ji Fengfeng and Ren Shuai, Ren Shuai stole all the limelight.

Ren Shuai now wears an Equipment Crafting Card and a Charm Card, and when the two cards are issued together, the effect is doubled.

In addition, Ren Shuai himself has excellent acting skills, and his performance is smooth and smooth. Compared with him, Ji Fengfeng is even more ashamed, looking like a beginner.

If it wasn't for Shen Luxi's presence, Ji Fengfeng would have quit the job long ago.

Later, the previous method was followed, taking the back half of Ren Shuai's face and Ji Fengfeng's full face. This shot barely passed.

Sitting in front of the monitor, Chi Yi watched the picture, resisting the urge to laugh.

Seeing Ji Fengfeng's deflated appearance, yet daring to speak out, his heart felt dark for a while, and he always felt that this was a disguised victory.

On the other hand, it was the first time for Chi Yi to see Ren Shuai dressed up in such a well-dressed manner. He thought to himself that it was no wonder that he was able to be on the hot search with Shen Luxi before, and he could also endorse Fenden Kou Niqi, and his hardware strength really passed the test.

Shen Luxi, who was sitting on the side, was always watching Ren Shuai quietly, her eyes never moved away, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth that she didn't even notice.

The camera is shooting the back half of Ren Shuai's profile, but Shen Luxi is sitting directly opposite Ren Shuai. She always feels that watching Ren Shuai's performance is a matter of physical and mental pleasure, which is both pleasing to the eye and a good mood.

Immediately, Shen Luxi remembered that her agent recently recommended an intercontinental cooperation project to her.

This project is a project initiated by Yuanzhou and cooperated with Yezhou. I heard that the investment amount is very considerable, and actors are invited from five continents.

The production team is very well-known in the five continents, especially the director, who once won the best director award of the five continents film and television.

Every film he directed is a classic.

When I heard that the team intends to start a new project, all the top actors in the five continents are very excited and always pay attention to their movements.

It just so happened that Shen Luxi has been gaining momentum recently, and she has also endorsed Fendenko Nickey, and her contacts with other continents have increased, so her agent learned the news in time.

However, it is one thing to have the news, and it is another thing to have the opportunity to contact the team over there.

Her agent is currently working actively and wants to seek an interview opportunity.

This kind of opportunity is very rare, even if you don't actually join the group in the end, you can also have the opportunity to communicate with top actors and producers from other continents during the process of meeting the group.

It may be helpful for future career development.

Shen Luxi thought to herself that she didn't hold out too much hope, even if the team really succeeded in the end, it would only be a few seconds of footage in the movie.

At that time, at most, they can try their hand at the popularity of gossip entertainment on the Yezhou media.

However, she felt that if an actor like Ren Shuai with excellent appearance and excellent acting skills could have this opportunity to meet with the group, he might have a great development.

After finishing today's filming, Shen Luxi found Ren Shuai and told him the news.

When Ren Shuai heard this, he didn't take this matter to heart.

He thought, with his current coffee position, he can't even play a leading role in Industry Continent, let alone be so ambitious that he can play a role in a big intercontinental cooperation project.

This is equivalent to wanting to run before learning to walk.

But Shen Luxi told Ren Shuai passionately that if he could really meet the group, even if he didn't succeed, he would have the opportunity to get to know some bigwigs in the same industry, and maybe there would be some opportunities for cooperation.

After hearing this, Ren Shuai smiled and nodded his thanks, but he felt that with his connections, he might not even be able to win the chance to meet the group.

But seeing Shen Luxi's enthusiastic recommendation, he decided to tell Cui Shaoyu about it, just in case.

After work was over, Ren Shuai wanted to invite Shen Luxi to have dinner together, after all, she came here to visit the class, so he had to express it.

It's just that Shen Luxi's film appointments are very full, and the rest time is very short. Today's time is only enough for her to watch Ren Shuai film a few scenes, and now she has to rush back to her own set.

Ren Shuai saw this, so he didn't force it.

"I'll treat you to dinner later when I'm free." He smiled.

"Okay, then it's a deal."

After Shen Luxi finished listening, she immediately nodded in agreement, thinking that if she wanted to go back, she would ask her manager to check the schedule and make time to have dinner with Ren Shuai.

After sending Shen Luxi away, Ren Shuai returned to his room.

He was going to tell Cui Shaoyu the news that Shen Luxi had told him, but before he could call Cui Shaoyu, she called first.

"Mr. Li, is the filming going well?" Cui Shaoyu asked.

Ren Shuai thought about it, and it should be considered smooth, so he nodded and said, "It's okay."

Cui Shaoyu looked at the timetable, and said on the phone: "Mr. Li, your horror movie is about to start. I'm afraid you will have to advance to the group in these two days."

Ren Shuai wondered, "Don't we have to wait until next week?"

Cui Shaoyu said: "This is a film invested by our company. After all the personnel are in place, it can be started immediately. If the filming is completed one day earlier, it can be put on the market one day earlier."

Ren Shuai doesn't know much about capital operation, but he knows that the sooner the filming starts and the filming is finished, the sooner the investment cost can be recovered.

So Ren Shuai nodded in resignation. He will seamlessly enter the shooting of that horror movie after work is over tomorrow.

Later, Ren Shuai remembered Shen Luxi's reminder, and told Cui Shaoyu about it.

After Cui Shaoyu finished listening, she felt as if she had been slapped with chicken blood. She could hear the excitement in her tone through the phone.

"Really? That's the team of Intercontinental director Stephen Hull!"

Ren Shuai nodded. This was the name he heard from Shen Luxi just now.

It's just that he doesn't have much impression of directors from other continents, so the name feels strange to him.

Cui Shaoyu's tone was full of ambition and said: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will definitely exhaust all my contacts to pay attention to and inquire about this matter, and I will definitely give you a chance to meet the group for an interview."

Seeing her like this, Ren Shuai quickly interrupted: "Don't care too much, don't worry too much, just let nature take its course."

He has a very clear understanding of himself. In terms of acting skills, he can definitely be ranked at the upper level in the industry. However, actors of his age group basically have the same acting skills. He is an actor-level character, and his popularity far surpasses him.

In this comparison, if he is running for a role within the five continents, he does not have much advantage over others.

So after a wave of hexagonal analysis, Ren Shuai was very cold and objectively thought that he didn't have much hope.

So he also hoped that Cui Shaoyu would not expect too much.

In order to avoid too much psychological gap after expectations fail.

At that time, he will have to tell horror stories to comfort Cui Shaoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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