Chapter 264
Today's weather is exceptionally clear, the sun is shining brightly, and there is no wind outside. Although the temperature is not high, it gives people a warm feeling.

Faced with such good weather, people will have a good mood unconsciously.

But the editor Jing Ying is in a somewhat melancholy mood today.

She found that she couldn't contact the author again.

Ren Shuai's work "Cycle and Beginning" is now very popular. Some publishers have taken a fancy to his work and want to contact the author about publishing a physical book.

Although in recent years, online media and platforms have been very developed, and everyone is more accustomed to reading electronic versions of text.

However, there are still many fans who prefer to buy physical books for some purposes such as collection.

On the other hand, after the physical book is published, it will be translated into languages ​​of various continents and distributed within the five continents, which can also play a positive role in promoting the culture of Yezhou.

Most importantly, it can open up the author's popularity and influence in other continents.

Recently, there are still many investors who are in contact with each other, wanting to purchase the film and television adaptation rights of "Cycle and Beginning".

These copyrights are currently in the hands of Ren Shuai, and have not been transferred to the platform, so the platform can only be responsible for contacting, and has no power to make decisions. Editor Jing Ying must contact Ren Shuai himself.

Coincidentally, the eldest sister in charge of contract management in their editorial department was away on her annual leave recently, and she couldn't find anyone to help her find out Ren Shuai's real identity and contact information.

So Jing Ying had no choice but to use the chat software to keep knocking on Ren Shuai, hoping that he could see him one day.

It's a pity that Ren Shuai has been on the set recently, and the chapters he posted in the past two days are still the manuscripts that he published before, so he didn't see the message Jing Ying sent him.

But fortunately, Ren Shuai has very few scenes today, and he only needs to shoot three shots to finish the filming smoothly.

Ren Shuai thought that after finishing the project, he could use the afternoon to write some more words.

According to his plan, the book "Cycle and Beginning" is basically coming to an end, and he wants to have a perfect ending.

I don't know if it's because yesterday's shooting was too rich in experience and lessons. Today, the leading actor Ji Fengfeng didn't pick and choose, and let Ren Shuai crush him in acting.

In fact, this is not because Ji Fengfeng has changed, but because he went back after work yesterday and carefully investigated Ren Shuai's information, and found that he was not as simple as he appeared on the surface.

He also asked his agent to inquire in the industry to see if Ren Shuai had any other background.

It turned out that this inquiry was not important, and Ji Fengfeng found out that Ren Shuai had just participated in Ma Chunpeng's new film not long ago.

This is the rhythm of the fire.

Ma Chunpeng's new films have always been the focus of everyone's attention, and people have been popular one after another.

Ji Fengfeng thought to himself that Ma Chunpeng's work would definitely be completed before their drama, especially in terms of review, big directors have certain advantages, and the time is faster.

In this way, in terms of release time, Ma Chumpeng's drama will be ahead of theirs.

In the future, Ren Shuai will definitely use Ma Chunpeng's drama to greatly increase his reputation. By the time their movie is released, Ren Shuai may already be very popular.

Even if it doesn't really become popular, being able to participate in Ma Chumpeng's movie is at least a little popular.

At that time, he can still take advantage of Ren Shuai's enthusiasm, no matter how he thinks about it, he will not lose.

So today Ji Fengfeng didn't complain at all, and he didn't even ask Ren Shuai to pat the back half of his face, but offered to pat several half of his face to reveal Ren Shuai's full face.

Chi Yidu was a little surprised. He didn't know what Ji Fengfeng had experienced last night, but he was able to take the initiative to give up the camera today.

As a director, of course I hope Ren Shuai can show his face more.

Who doesn't want their works to be performed by good actors and contribute high-quality acting skills?
It's just a pity that Ren Shuai had too few shots this morning, and after only a few shots, he called it a day.

Today is Ren Shuai's last day on the set.

After Chi Yi finished filming his scenes, he wanted to send him off in person, but the shooting task was a little tight, so he didn't find time.

Ren Shuai didn't care about this. Before he left, Chi Yi deliberately chased after him and said, "Mr. Li, if we want to promote our film after it's finished, don't refuse."

Chi Yi had a hunch that Ren Shuai would be popular sooner or later.

After their film is finished, maybe Ren Shuai will already be on the front line, and he may not be able to spare time to promote them.

Ren Shuai didn't have self-knowledge in this regard. He felt that Chi Yi was a good person and could become a good buddy with him, so he nodded happily in agreement.

Chi Yi looked at the back of Ren Shuai leaving, always feeling as if he had forgotten something important.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.

Oops, I forgot to arrange a women's clothing scene for Mr. Li!
Ren Shuai didn't know at all that he escaped a catastrophe just like that.

After he returned to his dormitory, he turned on the computer and prepared to type, but his screen was bombarded by notifications all over his eyes.

No need to ask, all these news came from editor Jing Ying.

Ren Shuai looked at the similar chat content and knew that Jing Ying wanted to chat with him about the copyright of physical book sales.

When Ren Shuai saw the words selling copyright, his first reaction was that there should be a lot of money to be made, and the pension can be enriched again.

The second reaction is that he doesn't know much about the contract, and he doesn't know if he will be cheated.

I heard that many authors have suffered losses in copyright transactions in the past.

But he changed his mind, now that he has a manager, he can ask Cui Shaoyu for help in solving any problems.

So Ren Shuai contacted Cui Shaoyu with peace of mind.

"Ms. Li, why did you contact me again so soon? Is it over? Do you need me to send a car to pick you up?"

"No, I have returned to the school dormitory now, and I have another matter to discuss with you." Ren Shuai said.

"what's up?"

Cui Shaoyu was very curious, because Ren Shuai rarely took the initiative to discuss things with her.

Ren Shuai thought about his words, and said, "It's like this. I wrote a novel. A publisher liked it and wanted to buy the copyright, but I don't know much about the contract. Can you please help me with it? check?"

"writing a novel?"

Cui Shaoyu's tone was full of surprise and doubt.

She thought to herself, Mr. Li is so busy with announcements, she still has time to write novels, and besides that, she still has time to read horror stories.

Truly a master of time management.

She thought about it for a while, and found that her focus was skewed, and quickly withdrew her thoughts, thinking that the novel written by Mr. Li was actually taken by the publisher, and the quality must be good.

She guessed that most of the novels written by Ren Shuai are related to his own experience, and must be the vicissitudes of life.

Realistic novels in this regard, if they are made into TV dramas, they are also dramas.

The next moment, Ren Shuai introduced: "It's a fantasy novel, called Cycles and Beginnings."

What, a fantasy novel?

This directly surpassed Cui Shaoyu's perception of Ren Shuai.

However, in the next second, she realized something and broke the sound directly.

"Writing it again and again, you wrote it?!"

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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