From janitor to actor

Chapter 265 Book Fans

Chapter 265 Book Fans
As the most popular work on the starting line platform, "Cycle and Beginning" has a huge number of readers, and even Cui Shaoyu is following this novel.

It's just that this author often fishes for three days and posts on the Internet for two days, and updates from time to time during the recommendation period, which makes her, a reader, very hard to follow.

At first, Cui Shaoyu paid attention to the starting line platform, just looking for a good script IP for the company, but after watching it, he became obsessed with reading novels, and often read novels in his relaxing time to relax his mind.

The book she has been chasing the most recently is "Cycle and Beginning". She can't wait to click on the starting line whenever she has time to see if the author has updated it.

But Cui Shaoyu never imagined that the author of "Week and Beginning" is actually Ren Shuai.

This guy is broken.

In Cui Shaoyu's imagination, the author of "Cycle and Beginning" should be a cold-hearted black man with careful thought, clear logic and young age.

And Ren Shuai gave her the feeling that he is warm and sunny, kind-hearted, likes to think about others, and takes care of the younger generation.

That's the kind of good old man in the legend.

There is no way to connect with this work.

Especially in the work "Cycle and Beginning", there are many brain holes and routines that are very novel, and Cui Shaoyu has never seen it in any previous works.

In her opinion, this is definitely an idea that can be written by a very imaginative author.

She didn't think Ren Shuai had no imagination, but felt that older people would reduce their imagination and focus more on real life.

The root cause is that I had to give up my fantasy after too many years of beatings by society.

Cui Shaoyu thought of a sentence at this time, a man is a teenager until he dies.

It seems that although Mr. Li is not young, his thinking is still very young.

Ren Shuai did not expect Cui Shaoyu to be so surprised when he heard that he had written a novel, and he could hear her screaming through the phone.

Although he believed it [-]% in his heart, Cui Shaoyu couldn't help but confirm again: "Is the book you wrote a cycle of the starting line platform, that is, the cycle that has always ranked first in every list?"

Ren Shuai said: "It is indeed on the starting line platform, and the name is also called Zhou Ershi, but I don't know if there is any number one on the list."

Every time he hurriedly logged into the author's background, posted the updated content and published it, and he didn't have time to look at the rest.

Even if he opens the details once in a while, he still reads the comments of his own works. As for the various lists on the starting line platform, he has never paid attention to them.

After getting the confirmed answer, Cui Shaoyu still couldn't restrain his excitement, held the phone with trembling hands, and asked tremblingly: "Mr. Li, if this work is yours, can you sell the copyright to us?" Company?"

Ren Shuai was very puzzled, thinking that the company is not a performing arts agency, can it also act as an agent for publishing services?
Little did they know that what Cui Shaoyu meant was that he wanted to directly take over the film and television adaptation rights of Ren Shuai's work.

Ren Shuai didn't have any opinions on who to sell to. He only had expectations on the price, so he asked, "Oh, I have the final say, or should I discuss it with the starting line platform?"

As soon as the issue of the contract was mentioned, Cui Shaoyu immediately became serious.

Forcibly suppressing her excitement, she tried her best to control her voice and said, "For the specific situation, I will contact the starting line platform as your representative. If it is convenient for you, please send me a copy of the original signing contract with the platform."

Ren Shuai didn't have any opinion on this, he just nodded in agreement, and after hanging up the phone, he sent the novel's signing contract.

On the other side, Cui Shaoyu's mind has been activated.

She thought to herself that Ren Shuai is worthy of being Senior Treasure Treasure, who has brought her a huge surprise and expanded a lot of business for the company.

Although he signed Ren Shuai at the beginning, Cui Shaoyu was not for making money, but was attracted by Ren Shuai's character.

But Ren Shuai did bring her too many surprises. First, he was the endorsement of the first-line brand Fendenko Niche, and then he had an amazing performance in a movie, and now, he suddenly became a popular novel. author.

It's as exciting as opening a blind box and getting a hidden item.

It's still the feeling of getting hidden money in a row.

After Cui Shaoyu received the contract, he secretly vowed to help Ren Shuai get the best benefits.

After entrusting the sale of copyright to Cui Shaoyu, Ren Shuai found time to continue coding.

Now the content of the cycle is coming to an end, and the clues that lead to the protagonist's constant cycle have also surfaced.

The only thing left is for the protagonist to grasp the source of all this, so that the nightmare-like cycle of life can be successfully ended and peace can be returned.

But Ren Shuai is very bad. He doesn't want to leave readers with an overly certain ending. Ren Shuai prefers an open ending, allowing readers to have unlimited reverie.

He decided to leave a suspense at the end, so that everyone can have endless imagination.

However, in the short term, Ren Shuai has no time to concentrate on writing the finale, and he will enter the new crew to shoot tomorrow morning.

This is the first horror film in his life, and he also starred in this film as the lead actor.

For Ren Shuai, this is a milestone TV series.

Although this film is invested by their company, and the production cost is relatively low, and it is going to be broadcast in the form of an online drama, but no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat.

Although Ren Shuai has no ambitions in the entertainment industry, he still couldn't help being a little excited when he played the leading role for the first time.

This caused Ren Shuai to stay awake all night, allowing him to relive the feeling of the eve of the elementary school spring outing.

Early the next morning, Cui Shaoyu sent a car to pick him up at the school gate on time.

This time Cui Shaoyu did not accompany him in the car, and she was going to help Ren Shuai with the contract today.

Although she is the investor, there are dedicated producers and production directors in charge of the crew, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

It's just a pain for Ren Shuai, because in order to join the group seamlessly, he not only has to hurry up to read the script, but also has to quickly adjust his state of insomnia and lack of sleep.

But fortunately, after entering the group, it will not be turned on immediately, but a script reading will be conducted. Although it is a small horror film online drama, the process that must be followed must not be missed.

Ren Shuai hadn't participated in the script reading meeting before, because his role couldn't reach this level at all, and only the main actors could participate.

The purpose of the script reading is to help the actors walk into the roles they play and solve their doubts about the script.

At the same time, it can also allow actors to more accurately grasp their own roles, as well as the relationship and tonality with other characters.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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