Chapter 266

The reading will not only include actors, but also all aspects of the cast and crew, including finance, screenwriters, producers and so on.

People in the crew can use the reading meeting to check the plot details and the problems in the conflict logic of the drama, and make corrections and improvements.

The director can implement the storyboards, scenes, and personnel, and the cast and crew can unify their creative thinking, determine the creative direction, and finally work out a specific shooting plan.

When reading the script this time, the producer gathered actors, directors, producers, and screenwriters, and also invited staff such as photography, art, lighting, clothing, editing and special effects.

When Ren Shuai appeared on the set as agreed, there were still about 15 minutes before the start of the reading session.

But everyone's enthusiasm is very high, so basically everyone has arrived early.

The heroine is played by Mu Xiaoqing, and the screenwriter is also an old acquaintance Su Yu.

Mu Xiaoqing and Su Yu may have made an appointment, and they appeared together at the reading session.

When they saw Ren Shuai approaching, they immediately greeted him warmly.

Afterwards, Su Yu pulled Mu Xiaoqing and Ren Shuai to the director's side very acquaintedly, and introduced: "This is Xie Jiu, the director of our drama, I introduced it to you before.

He is a cutting-edge director who has made great achievements in the field of horror films. His filming angles and ideas are very novel, and he has a particularly strong sense of rhythm, which can catch the audience's heart and attention. "

For some reason, Mu Xiaoqing felt a little scared after hearing this introduction.

It's fine if you catch the eyeballs, but how can you catch people's hearts.

Although she made the decision to accept the film after careful discussion with the agency, she actually didn't have a bottom line in her heart.

Moreover, she was naturally timid and afraid of the dark, for fear that something might go wrong during the filming of this horror film.

But an actor must have the spirit of being brave to challenge, so that he can constantly break through himself and broaden the way of acting, so Mu Xiaoqing decided to fight hard and agreed to the invitation of this film.

Xie Jiu was a very skinny young man, even a bit cheeky. If it weren't for his black and thick hair, it would even make people feel that he was more than ten years older than his actual age.

In terms of appearance, Ren Shuai feels that Xie Jiu is a bit like Fat Toutuo in Jin Yong's novels, and belongs to the appearance of the skeleton school.

He thought to himself, God appreciates the food, this kind of looks is naturally suitable for horror movies.

Ren Shuai greeted Xie Jiu with a smile, and then introduced himself.

Cui Shaoyu invested in this drama, and she also found the director Xie Jiu. Xie Jiu naturally knows the identity of Ren Shuai, so everyone is half of us.

Xie Jiu likes freedom and has no contract company, so in some cases, his contract will be handed over to Cui Shaoyu to help represent him.

When Mu Xiaoqing saw Ren Shuai speak, she also introduced herself to Xie Jiu.

Xie Jiu smiled and said: "Su Yu has been showing off to me for a long time, saying that her best friend is the school girl, and she is very beautiful. Sure enough, being famous is not as good as meeting her."

Although Xie Jiuren looked a bit scary, but his words were still nice, Mu Xiaoqing smiled and nodded in thanks.

Seeing that almost everyone came, the producer began to greet everyone to sit down, ready to start script reading.

In a large conference room, the main creators sat together, and the actors read the dialogue of the script by role. Everyone brainstormed, discussed and discussed, and clarified the character design and the relationship between the characters over and over again.

The scripts that everyone got now are all Su Yu’s recently revised versions, but she didn’t make many revisions, so I first introduced the key revisions to everyone, so that all the cast and crew can understand.

Their online drama does not plan to make a feature-length feature, because horror films are a minority, and on the other hand, they are limited by the amount of investment, so their drama is expected to shoot only 12 episodes.

After Su Yu introduced the changes to the script, the actors began to read the lines according to their characters.

In fact, this horror film does not have many lines, it is more about exaggerating the atmosphere and creating a terrifying atmosphere.

The confrontation between Ren Shuai and Mu Xiaoqing didn't last long.

Mu Xiaoqing deserves to be from a major. She is very familiar with script reading and knows the specific process. After checking the lines, she began to ask her own doubts.

"Xiaoyu, I've read the whole script, and I've been thinking about it for the past two days. I want to know why she was arrested even though the heroine escaped from this sick building in the end. What the show wants to express in the end what is it then?

Although I understand the urgency of the characters wanting to escape, I still can't understand the intention of our show. "

It is certainly impossible for a TV series to be scary just for the sake of horror. There must be a dark thread pulling at its core and behind it.

However, before Su Yu could speak, the director Xie Jiu looked at Ren Shuai and asked, "Mr. Li, what do you think about this issue?"

Although Xie Jiu is young, he has rich shooting experience, especially when working with old actors, he is very good at learning, and every time he encounters a problem, he will first consult the experienced seniors.

This can help him avoid many detours.

But Ren Shuai is not a genuine old-timer.

He froze for a moment, as if a student who was distracted in class was suddenly called by the teacher.

This is the first time that Ren Shuai participated in the script reading meeting. Although he searched the content on the Internet before, he didn't know much about the specific situation.

But Xie Jiu's sudden move instantly put him on the spot.

Ren Shuai quickly mobilized his years of Chinese reading and comprehension skills, and began to quickly think about the thinking behind this horror film.

The name of the TV series is "Sick Building No. 88", and the heroine suddenly entered it by mistake one day. There are different patients in each room.

Every patient is preventing the heroine from leaving, only Ren Shuai, who lives next door to her, works together with her to help her leave.

But in fact, Ren Shuai is the mastermind behind everything.

In the true sense, it is Ren Shuai who prevents the heroine from leaving. He is the manipulator behind all the patients in this ward.

Ren Shuai thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

It feels like this horror movie has no beginning and no end, and it's scary for the sake of horror, but he can't really say that.

Even if there is no central idea, he has to immediately fabricate one now.

Since reading comprehension can't play a role at this moment, Ren Shuai used his other ability-elementary writing.

He put himself in the perspective of an author to think, if he were to write this work, what exactly would he want to express.

The next moment, Ren Shuai suddenly figured it out.

He raised his head and said slowly: "This is just my personal understanding, and it may not be accurate, but since it is a script reading meeting, everyone can discuss it based on my understanding."

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(End of this chapter)

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