From janitor to actor

Chapter 267 Be Positive

Chapter 267 Be Positive
After Ren Shuai finished his all-purpose opening remarks, he continued: "In my opinion, the No. 88 sick building that the heroine entered did not really exist, and all these horrible things did not really happen. of.

The development of the whole story is in the consciousness space of the heroine. My role is also imagined by the heroine in her mind. The image represented by this character should be the difficulties the heroine encounters in reality.

This difficulty is too great for the heroine, causing her to fall into a serious spiritual struggle, so that she needs to overcome her inner demons in this way, so as to achieve physical and mental salvation. "

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he looked up at Su Yu, thinking that if he wrote this novel by himself, it must be designed like this.

But this time the screenwriter was Su Yu, so he was not sure what the other party was thinking.

After Su Yu finished listening, he looked at Ren Shuai in a daze.

Mu Xiaoqing next to her couldn't help but nodded slightly. She could understand what Ren Shuai said.

The idea of ​​this play is self-salvation, and the heroine finally escaped from the sick building, which means that he has completed self-rescue and defeated the demons, which can be regarded as another form of rebirth.

Xie Jiu showed a dazed expression, looked at Su Yu, and an incomprehensible smile flashed in his eyes.

Xie Jiu nodded slightly and said: "Mr. Li's words are very incisive, and have sublimated the concept of our film."

Su Yu laughed and said, "Ms. Li and I thought about going together, that's what I thought."

At this time, Mu Xiaoqing looked at Su Yu curiously, and asked, "Since you think so, why didn't you show it in the script? If I were an audience, I might not realize this after watching it." Floor."

Now Su Yu was a little embarrassed. In fact, when she designed the script, she didn't envision it according to Ren Shuai.

In fact, Su Yu doesn't have much experience as a screenwriter, and he has never written a horror story. In his understanding, horror movies only need to be scary.

So according to her design, Mu Xiaoqing's character is a simple victim, like a tourist who strayed into an escape room or a haunted house.

The role of Ren Shuai is the NPC in the haunted house, responsible for preventing tourists from leaving, and trying to let tourists fully enjoy the atmosphere of terror during the process.

In her vision, this horror film is simply to let the audience into the role of Mu Xiaoqing and experience the feeling of escaping from a horror room.

But she didn't expect that after Ren Shuai said this, the story would have a positive meaning.

But now being asked by Mu Xiaoqing, Su Yu couldn't admit it in front of the whole crew, but she couldn't find anything to explain, and she was about to usher in a social death.

At this moment, Ren Shuai said thoughtfully, "I think Su Yu probably wanted to leave more room for the audience to imagine and talk about, so he didn't describe these situations in the script."

After Mu Xiaoqing finished listening, she looked at her best friend in doubt. Based on her understanding of this friend, Su Yu didn't seem like the kind of person who was thoughtful and could think on many levels.

But in front of everyone, Mu Xiaoqing would not dismantle her friend's platform, so she nodded accordingly.

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ren Shuai gratefully, and kept echoing: "That's right, that's right, it's exactly what Teacher Li said."

As the director, Xie Jiu had already discussed the script with Su Yu, but Su Yu didn't mention such a deep meaning at the time, so Xie Jiu cast a puzzled look.

But Shuai Ren had already helped Su Yu speak, so he naturally wouldn't talk too much, but just showed a knowing smile.

Of course, Su Yu would also like to thank Xie Jiu. If Xie Jiu hadn't stopped her just now and asked Ren Shuai to express his opinion first, she would have shown her timidity on the spot.

After the inner meaning of the script was determined, everyone began to discuss other details in the play.

On the other hand, the producer still hopes that Su Yu can clarify what Ren Shuai just said, even if it is not directly stated, but also provide some guidance, otherwise he is afraid that the audience will not be able to understand.

After discussing the plot, start to finalize the specific shooting plan.

Mu Xiaoqing asked worriedly: "Director, will the environment be very dark when we shoot?"

Xie Jiu nodded without hesitation and said: "That's for sure, we are a horror film. For the creation of the atmosphere, the light is the key point. It must be dark enough to be scary. If it is too bright, it is difficult to produce a scary feeling." .”

After hearing this, Mu Xiaoqing's scalp went numb, and she said to the director, "Then, can the light be adjusted later, I'm really afraid of the dark."

Seeing Mu Xiaoqing's timid look, Xie Jiu nodded in satisfaction and said, "Of course not, I just want you to feel real, so that the results will be good-looking."

Mu Xiaoqing suddenly showed an expression of being on a thief's boat, her whole body collapsed, and her eyes kept gouging out her bogus best friend.

Ren Shuai saw that she was very scared, so he said enthusiastically: "It's okay, I..."

Before Ren Shuai finished speaking, Mu Xiaoqing immediately looked at him, showing an expression of embracing life-saving straws, and said with a smile: "Yes, and Teacher Li is here, so I won't be so scared."

The second half of Ren Shuai's sentence stuck in his throat.

He actually wanted to say that he could tell Mu Xiaoqing a few more horror stories to exercise her courage, so that she would not be afraid anymore.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't know at all that she escaped a catastrophe unknowingly.

After discussing the lighting problem, we started to discuss the sound effect. The soundtrack of a horror movie is the real focus, but this is a problem that needs to be dealt with in the later stage, so there is no need to worry too much at this time.

Ren Shuai glanced at the main characters in the script, and asked the director curiously, "Aren't our other main actors here today?"

Xie Jiu nodded and said, "They don't have many roles. Our filming plan for the whole drama is only one month, and the actual shooting of these supporting roles is only a day or two."

Ren Shuai heard that it only took one month to film, so he figured it out, and school just happened to finish filming this drama.

And half a month later, the results of the continental exam will come out.

He heard that those who applied for the acting department had to take a re-examination in addition to passing the preliminary examination results.

Although the school leader promised him that there is no need for a re-examination, all he needs to do is say hello.

But Ren Shuai felt that it would be better to ask about the situation first. It happened that Mu Xiaoqing was also there, so he could ask her about the content of the re-examination of the acting department.

The script reading session has now reached the stage of the director's shot discussion. Ren Shuai doesn't understand this at all, and neither does Mu Xiaoqing, so the two of them took a moment to leave the conference room to chat.

The main reason is that Ren Shuai wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about the re-examination of the acting department.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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