Chapter 27
Zhou Xuan and the handsome boy left without expecting a few words from Teacher Li.

Sure enough, he is an old artist with great personality.

The little handsome guy has a good sense of understanding, he was suddenly enlightened by a few words of advice, and he showed an anti-customer attitude like letting himself go.

Facing the actor who played the role, he said with an expression that you are sorry for me: "Break up, the two of us are not suitable."

In an instant, the actors who played the role couldn't fix it.

Why do I feel like I'm a scumbag.

"Good, not bad."

Zhou Xuan couldn't help applauding gently, nodded and said: "Remember this feeling, go sign the contract."

The little handsome guy smiled happily and kept nodding his head in thanks.

After Ren Shuai left the Meijing Art Building, he immediately called Gao Dagui to ask for leave.

"Hey, captain, I would like to ask for an annual leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Dagui replied in seconds: "Yes, it's approved. How long will you rest?"

Ren Shuai was slightly taken aback.

It stands to reason that Gao Dagui has always hated people who ask for leave, and it is extremely difficult to get leave from him.

Ren Shuai thought about it and said, "Take a week off."

"A week?"

Gao Dagui didn't agree immediately, he pondered for a moment and asked, "Is one week enough?"

Now Shuai Ren is even more surprised, Gao Dagui thinks that his vacation is not long enough, so he voluntarily postpones it.

"That's enough, I'll be off from next Thursday." He said while holding up the phone. .

"Next Thursday?" Gao Dagui's tone suddenly rose: "No, no, no, you should take a break from now on, and don't go back to school."

Don't go back to school?

Ren Shuai was a little confused, what kind of medicine was sold in Gao Dagui's gourd.

"Why don't you let me go back?"

"You don't know, right? The gate of the school is almost surrounded by the media, waiting to interview you!"

Hearing this, Ren Shuai had some vague guesses.

Gao Dagui's voice said loudly through the phone: "The preview of Cui Zixun's show has been broadcast, and the scene of you stopping Cui Zixun has been clearly cut. Now a bunch of people are waiting to interview you."

Ren Shuai thought that if the program group dared to edit maliciously, he would put the original surveillance video on the Internet.

He hung up the phone and searched for the program preview of "Once Upon a Time" on his mobile phone.

The trailer is 2 minutes in total, and Ren Shuai's appearance accounted for at least 30 seconds.

The style of the preview is generally funny, and the scene of Ren Shuai blocking Cui Zixun was also edited into a funny mode.

In the camera, Uncle Li Laifu has a serious face and is conscientious. Compared with Cui Zixun's dumbfounding expression, he looks very happy.

The pace of the trailer is fast, cutting their actions into a frame-by-frame fast-forward feeling.

After watching the entire trailer, Ren Shuai not only didn't feel that he was hacked, but also managed to get out of the circle.

The feeling created is like a dedicated uncle, no matter whether you are a big star or not, you are only thinking about your own job.

After reading it, Ren Shuai was very surprised.

Although he was conscientious, he did delay the filming progress of the film crew. It stands to reason that the production team of the Star Platform would have done well if he hadn't been blackmailed, but judging by the editing effect, he gave him a hand instead.

In fact, after watching the play that day, the school leaders discovered the missed call on their mobile phone. After learning about the whole story, they explained it to the program team and expressed their apologies.

After all, he was the one who agreed to the platform to enter the academy to shoot, but he didn't hear the call because the phone was muted.

The leaders of the college also hope to maintain a good relationship with the platform so that the students who graduate from the school can develop more smoothly in the future.

Ren Shuai put away his phone, thinking that there was no negative news, and he had nothing to dare to go back to school.

He took the bus and walked slowly all the way back to school.

But there was a large group of people at Wu Wu Yangyang at the gate, and the entire security team of the school was mobilized, blocking the gate in an orderly manner.

If you look carefully, not only the school security team, but also the police from the nearby police districts are dispatched to maintain order.

Ren Shuai wondered, can a small trailer have such a big impact?
Are these hundreds of people here to block yourself?
Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the excited scream of the girl.

"Ah, get off the car, I saw it!"

"Brother, brother, look here."

"Brother, I love you!"

"Brother Zixun!"

"Brother Mingming, look at me, look at me!"

Across the crowd, only the support signs and many bodyguards could be seen.

Hearing the excited cries of the girls, Ren Shuai finally knew the reason.

These people didn't come to block him at all, it was Cui Zixun who came to the school to shoot again.

The last time their filming plan was kept secret and did not cause fans to besiege, this time it may be because of the publicity, many fans and the media came after hearing the news.

In addition, not only Cui Zixun came here this time, but also Ji Mingxi who graduated from Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts.

He had just starred in a popular idol drama, which was at its peak.

The last time Cui Zixun came to Meiying to shoot, the Xingxing Platform Group arranged for a swap of venues. Cui Zixun filmed at Ji Mingxi's alma mater, while Ji Mingxi went to Cui Zixun's alma mater to shoot.

The variety show "Once Upon a Time" co-produced by the two has not yet aired, and it has already attracted a lot of attention.

This time I suddenly returned to Meiying to shoot, just to make up for the regret that I didn't make it last time.

When Cui Zixun entered the academy, he specifically inquired about Uncle Li Laifu, but it was a pity that he was not on duty today.

The program team regretted it for a while. If Uncle Li was here, maybe they could make more program effects.

Seeing the program group enter the academy, the fans squatting at the gate were stopped outside, their enthusiasm finally diminished a little, but they still didn't disperse, and they were ready to meet again when the idol left.

While the crowd dispersed, Ren Shuai quietly approached, planning to enter through the small door.

But the small gate was also guarded by security guards, and seeing someone trying to enter, they hurriedly stopped them.

"Please wait outside."

Ren Shuai raised his head and said, "It's me."

"Uh, Li, Brother Li, why are you back now?" the little security guard said in surprise.

Ren Shuai saw that he still didn't move out of the way, and was about to attract others' attention, so he stepped in quickly.

A fan standing next to him said anxiously, "Why did you let him in?"

The dissatisfaction of the fans caught the reporter's attention, and the female reporter who was trying to interview Ren Shuai immediately recognized that it was Uncle Li, and hurriedly shouted: "Uncle Li, don't go, come and have a chat with us, you are not on duty today , can always be interviewed."

The female reporter quickly picked up the microphone, thinking that I had finally squatted down.

Uncle Li used to evade the excuse that he couldn't accept interviews at work, but today he is not on duty, so he can always accept interviews.

Ren Shuai turned a deaf ear to it, and walked straight towards the staff dormitory with neither fast nor slow steps.

The female reporter was stunned, didn't even bother to prevaricate this time?


The little security guard next to him quickly comforted him: "Uncle Li is old and hard of hearing, we have to understand."

The female reporter thought so, but found that Ren Shuai turned his head and glared at the little security guard.

Who is deaf?
Female reporter: ...

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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