Chapter 28
After successfully avoiding the reporters and entering the school, Ren Shuai returned to his dormitory.

He opened the system and looked at the properties panel.

I thought that if I got out of the circle with the trailer of an entertainment show, maybe the recognition would soar.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Makeup Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (300/1000)
Recognition degree: 506
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Ren Shuai looked carefully at the attribute panel, but found that the approval level had only increased by 5 points.

This unscientific.

The program "Once Upon a Time Us" was highly exposed. In just one day, the trailer had already received over [-] million hits.

But the system did not increase the recognition.

Ren Shuai rubbed his chin and analyzed. It seems that the recognition of the system is not directly related to the amount of exposure, or he didn't play any role, so he didn't get the recognition.

It seems that the method of mixing popularity with recognition will not work, and it still depends on playing a role.

Ren Shuai angrily turned off the panel, feeling a pang of hunger in his stomach.

Although it was only 11 o'clock, he ate little this morning, and went out to meet the group, after a long trip, he soon became hungry.

Ren Shuai picked up the lunch box and walked towards the cafeteria.

At this time, the film crew of "Once Upon a Time" was filming in the back kitchen of the school. Cui Zixun and Ji Mingxi were learning how to cook from the chef. They wanted to cook a dish for the teachers and students of the school to taste.

A dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and a dish of vinegared cabbage.

All very simple dishes.

But the two have never learned how to cook, especially the big pot dishes in the cafeteria.

They are young and strong, and it is easy to pick up a big iron pot and a big iron shovel, and they even learn how to turn the spoon like a chef for the sake of looking good in the camera.

The program team asked the two of them not to ask the chef for help after they started cooking, but to complete it independently.

The two of them each have a big iron pot, the amount of salt, sweet and sour is determined by themselves, and the heat is also controlled by themselves.

After a while, the two finished the dishes one after another.

The program team decided not to tell the teachers and students who made the two dishes, and randomly selected a few people to ask about the taste.

It was the first time for the two of them to cook, and they were both very apprehensive. They wanted to try their own dishes, but they were rejected by the program team.

Cui Zixun watched the tomatoes and eggs he was looking for being brought out of the back kitchen, turned his head and asked, "Brother Xi, do you have confidence?"

Ji Mingxi pursed his lips and shook his head, "It shouldn't kill anyone."

"Hahaha, then I might win. My mother often cooks tomatoes and eggs for me, so I still have the confidence." Cui Zixun laughed.

Ji Mingxi sighed: "This is my alma mater, save me some face."

The two had just chatted for a few words, and the director of the program group spread the word: "Someone came to the cafeteria to eat."

The two immediately peeked out from the back kitchen curtain.

Several well-dressed girls entered the cafeteria and looked around at the dishes. Two of them chose scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and one chose cabbage with vinegar.

Several people bought a few other dishes and started chatting and eating.

The director of the program team saw that they were starting to taste, and quietly sent a camera to ask about the taste.

The girls were all from the acting department, and they straightened up their appearance immediately when they saw the camera.

The camera brother held a hand-held gimbal and said with a simple and honest smile: "Student, we want to interview. How do you feel about the dishes in the cafeteria?"

Several girls commented one by one, and they were all relatively polite words.

The big cameraman asked emphatically, "How do you feel about this tomato egg and vinegar cabbage?"

The girl thought for a while, nodded and said in affirmation: "Not bad, it's no different from usual."

Another girl echoed: "This vinegary cabbage is very suitable for our girls who are losing weight. Like it."

The camera brother nodded with a smile, and went back to report with satisfaction.

After hearing the feedback, Cui Zixun and Ji Mingxi finally let go of their concerns.

At this time, Ren Shuai walked into the cafeteria with his lunch box in his hand. Seeing that there were not many people there, he planned to take a stroll around to see the dishes.

Walking from left to right, Ren Shuai found that the dishes had not changed, so he walked towards the vegetable section.

Due to the meager family background of Uncle Li, he usually eats mostly vegetarian dishes.

Arriving at a familiar stall, Ren Shuai handed over the lunch box and said, "One scrambled egg with tomatoes, one vinegared cabbage, and three taels of rice."

The master nodded, took the lunch box skillfully and began to serve the dishes.

In the back kitchen, the eyes of all the film crew who were always watching the outside brightened.

Who is this, isn't this Uncle Li!
What a coincidence, the director hurriedly ordered the cameraman to shoot from the gap, so as not to alarm Uncle Li.

Cui Zixun was also very surprised. Uncle Li ordered two dishes in total, and they happened to cook them all.

It can't be that the program group arranged it in advance.

He looked at the director inquiringly, and the director shook his head and said, "What a coincidence, I'll ask Uncle Li later to see which of you cooks more to his liking."

Cui Zixun didn't believe it: "It's such a coincidence?"

The director couldn't tell, how did she know why Uncle Li came to the cafeteria just at this time, and just happened to order the dishes made by the two of them.

If she hadn't really arranged it secretly, she would have doubted it.

Ren Shuai took Fu's packed lunch box, turned around and walked out of the cafeteria.

He usually goes home to eat.

The cameraman who was filming secretly behind the curtain froze, turned his head and said to the director, "Master is gone."


The director was stunned, and quickly opened the curtain to look out, only to find that Ren Shuai had already walked out of the cafeteria gate, and after turning a corner, he was nowhere to be seen.

"This, what's going on..."

Cui Zixun leaned forward from behind, nodded and smiled, "Now I believe it's a coincidence."

Ji Mingxi looked at the back of Uncle Li walking away, clapped his hands and said: "The Uncle Li you are talking about is him, I still remember that I lost a bicycle when I was in school, and it was the security guard who helped find it .”

"What's more, is it hard to find a lost car?" Cui Zixun asked.

Ji Mingxi nodded and said, "That's a new mountain bike I spent a lot of money on. The uncle was very enthusiastic and asked me about the appearance of the bike. I just happened to have a photo of an outdoor ride, so I gave it to the uncle. I didn't expect Found it the next day."

The director also became interested and asked, "How did you get the car back?"

Ji Mingxi said: "Uncle visited all the bicycle stalls in the surrounding area that day, and even visited a few second-hand bicycle trading markets. His hard work paid off, and he found it at a second-hand bicycle dealer in the suburbs. In the end, he even called the police. , took out a gang of car thefts."


"Master is really responsible."

The director and Cui Zixun sighed at the same time.

No wonder Uncle Li had to stop them when they came to shoot for the first time. It turns out that from a long time ago, they have been such a good concierge who loves their jobs, devotes themselves to their jobs, and is dedicated to their duties.

It's a pity, if Uncle Li joined this shooting, it would definitely be more colorful.

They were feeling emotional when they suddenly heard a "duang" sound from the cafeteria stall.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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