From janitor to actor

Chapter 271 Looking for Status

Chapter 271 Looking for Status

After Cui Shaoyu informed Ren Shuai of the good news of his award, he began to make plans for Ren Shuai.

"According to the requirements of the film festival, an awards ceremony will be held after the awards are won. Since the best sound effect award they won was dubbed by you, it stands to reason that you should receive this award.

I took a look at the itinerary, the awards ceremony is just three days away, and I have already booked a ticket for you. I will help you tell Xie Jiu to ask for a leave of absence from the crew. "

Ren Shuai didn't expect it to be so sudden, and the feeling of winning this award is a bit inexplicable.

Wouldn't it be a great irony if those who used a professional dubbing team knew that their sci-fi film was dubbed with human voices?
After Cui Shaoyu finished talking about these arrangements, he continued: "I heard that one of the judges for this film festival is a member of Stephen Hull's team. Didn't you tell me before that they are going to prepare an intercontinental masterpiece? This is a very good opportunity, when you can have more contact with this team member, maybe you can seize the opportunity to meet the group interview."

Ren Shuai didn't think too much about it at all, he thought he was just going to the film festival to receive an award, how could he get along with a judge he didn't know.

He didn't take this matter to heart at all, he just responded with his mouth.

After talking about this, Cui Shaoyu said again: "What's more, their sci-fi film will be released in Yezhou soon. When it is released, if there is a premiere arrangement, I hope you can come and join us."

After hearing this request, Ren Shuai wanted to laugh. Generally, the premiere of a film must be attended by the main actors. Wouldn't it be strange for someone who has never participated in the filming of a film to attend the premiere?

But Cui Shaoyu immediately explained to him: "I heard from Mai Ran that they just wanted to go to the film festival to try their luck this time, but they didn't expect to win the award, and most of the awards are due to you.

So they want to use this as a gimmick, or a selling point to promote it. Your dubbing ability is already very strong, and this time you won an award at the Intercontinental Film Festival.When the time comes to create some momentum in public opinion, it will definitely attract the attention of many viewers. "

Ren Shuai didn't understand the operation of these businesses and publicity at all, so he didn't interrupt. Since Cui Shaoyu arranged it this way, he just followed it.

"Okay, then I will follow your arrangement." Ren Shuai said.

Cui Shaoyu hangs up the phone happily, thinking that Teacher Li's popularity has spread to other continents this time.

She must be ready to operate accordingly to meet this wave of traffic that is bound to increase.

After Ren Shuai hung up the phone, he devoted himself to filming. Today he is finally going to play opposite Mu Xiaoqing.

In the past few days, their respective shooting plans are very full, and they have no chance to meet each other.

Ren Shuai didn't know if Mu Xiaoqing's filming was going well, but he only heard Xie Jiu mention a few words, saying that Mu Xiaoqing still had some difficulties in overcoming psychological obstacles.

The scene to be filmed today is the scariest scene in the whole film.

The plot is that when Mu Xiaoqing was about to escape from the sick building and regain a new life, Ren Shuai revealed his evil true face.

This character put away his usual disguise, showed an evil and sinister smile, and took Mu Xiaoqing, who was about to leave, back to the sick building.

Afterwards, Mu Xiaoqing ran away frantically, while Ren Shuai started a calm chase.

His purpose was not to kill Mu Xiaoqing, but to drive her crazy.

During the chase in this scene, there will be several scary scenes, Ren Shuai will suddenly appear in the corner in various ways, and Mu Xiaoqing will have the experience of being scared out of her wits several times.

Ren Shuai thinks he is very good at scaring people.

He is always ready.

Seeing Ren Shuai coming, Xie Jiu pointed to Mu Xiaoqing who was sitting next to him on a chair, and said, "Mr. Li, you came just in time, so hurry up and help persuade Xiaoqing, she doesn't seem to be able to adjust her mentality. The sky is out of shape."

Ren Shuai asked suspiciously, "Did something happen?"

Xie Jiu explained: "A few days ago, when we were filming a big night scene, Xiao Qing was timid, and then she accidentally tripped over a prop, which made her think she had really bumped into a ghost, and she was scared out of her wits. Lost, let alone acting, can't even remember the lines.

At that time, the crew went to a lot of people to give her psychological counseling, but no matter how much they persuaded her, she couldn't persuade her. She has been crying for the past two days, and she feels that the string in her heart can hardly be stretched. "

Ren Shuai thought to himself, Mu Xiaoqing's talent is flawed, and he has no way to solve it. Xie Jiu didn't think her talent could make the performance more realistic.

But practice has proved that once it exceeds the tolerance that Mu Xiaoqing can bear, it will not be what Xie Jiu expected.

Although her frightened expression is very real, she can no longer perform normally, no matter how realistic she is, it is useless, after all, it is not a documentary.

Ren Shuai walked up to Mu Xiaoqing, looked at her expression, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Mu Xiaoqing's eyes seemed to be swollen from crying, a little red, she looked up at Ren Shuai and said aggrievedly: "Mr. Li, although my reason tells me that I should be more professional, and there are no ghosts in the world, I should believe in science.

However, my body subconsciously feels very scared. I can't suppress the hairy feeling in my heart. Can you help me? "

In the past few days, she has been so entangled that she is going crazy. Although she wants to perform this drama well in her beliefs, she is really weak physically and psychologically.

Mu Xiaoqing even felt that her own actions were not controlled by her brain, and were completely subconscious and instinctive reactions.

Ren Shuai thought for a while and said, "Then why don't you try to make good friends with ghosts?"

Mu Xiaoqing's eyes were full of question marks, she looked at Ren Shuai in shock, and wanted to ask if he was serious?
Ren Shuai didn't know what to say, so he could only explain tentatively: "Just try to think, those ghosts won't hurt you, they just want to play with you, and you can even imagine them as cute children, so You won't feel scared anymore."

After listening to Mu Xiaoqing, her head got bigger. Isn't the kid scary?

When she played with Xiao Mian two days ago, she was asked by the little actor for help with her homework, but Mu Xiaoqing couldn't do any of the questions, so she was ridiculed by the little friend.

She was devastated at the time.

In her opinion, tutoring children with homework is a horror comparable to listening to horror stories and breaking into haunted houses.

Ren Shuai felt that persuading Mu Xiaoqing like this would not have any effect.

At this moment, a bearded man with five big and three thick came over.

This is the only supporting role that will play with Ren Shuai and Mu Xiaoqing today, playing the role of the floor patrol of the sick building in the play.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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