From janitor to actor

Chapter 272 Bonus Cards

Chapter 272 Bonus Cards

This tall and thick man had straight hair, a fleshy face, and a thick black beard on his face. This was not a makeup artist's styling for him, but just how he looked.

Ren Shuai took a look at him and felt that this man would be a bit at a loss if he didn't act as a butcher.

Otherwise, it would be very suitable to play an executioner.

The strong man's voice was also stern. He glanced at Mu Xiaoqing with a hint of disdain in his eyes, thinking that a little girl is just a little girl, and she can only be used as a vase for any horror movie.

When it comes to acting, you have to be a hero like him.

But who made him a supporting role? In front of the protagonist, the strong man can only say: "Just now I went to apply with the director, let's shoot my scene first, I feel that Miss Xiaoqing, you have not recovered , just right, let me make a sample for you.

What's so scary about acting in a horror story? As long as you are brave enough, others will be afraid of you. "

Mu Xiaoqing thought that she was underestimated by others, but she still couldn't muster up the courage to shoot.

Ren Shuai glanced at this stout man and suddenly had a good idea.

After the strong man had left, he stood beside Mu Xiaoqing and said, "Have you ever thought about it? In fact, everyone is timid, but they just cover it up better. There is nothing shameful about your current state. Accept it frankly." Enough."

Mu Xiaoqing's eyes were full of disbelief, and she said, "I'm indeed more timid than ordinary people. It's really difficult for me to make a horror movie. You don't need to comfort me."

Ren Shuai waved his hands and said, "You don't need to belittle yourself. Don't look at the man just now who looks like a big and thick man. He may not be very courageous. It's just a bluff."

Mu Xiaoqing didn't believe it even more, and said with doubts in her eyes: "That elder brother, he seems to know that he can go up the mountain to fight tigers, how could he be timid?"

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Isn't it that the filming has not started yet? When the filming starts, maybe his performance may not be as good as yours."

Without waiting for Mu Xiaoqing to reply, Ren Shuai continued: "I'll go over and prepare to shoot, you can just watch it here, you don't need to have any psychological burden."

Xie Jiu was very helpless. He could only advance Ren Shuai and other supporting roles to give Mu Xiaoqing time to adjust.

The five-year-old and three-year-old actor was already in his place. He looked at Ren Shuai and said in a rough voice, "Hello, my name is Zhao Biao. Please take care of me when I perform."

In this scene, the building inspector played by Zhao Biao was ineffective, causing Mu Xiaoqing to sneak to the gate. After Ren Shuai found out that he had made a mistake, he gave him a verbal lesson and spiritual punishment in the corridor.

Zhao Biao thought to himself that he was thick and strong, and then he looked at Ren Shuai's small body, which was just ordinary. He probably couldn't suppress his aura, so he asked Ren Shuai to take care of him in advance.

After talking about the scene, Zhao Biao squinted at Mu Xiaoqing who was sitting next to him, thinking that he would let Brother Biao show you how to play a horror movie.

Ren Shuai showed a malicious, no, meaningful smile at Zhao Biao, thinking that you are the only brother, and I want you to show Mu Xiaoqing and help her regain her lost confidence.

Xie Jiu ordered the lighting team to dim the light in the studio, then arranged the positions of the two people, and announced the start of the film.

Mu Xiaoqing looked at Ren Shuai and Zhao Biao in the scene through the dim light, and felt that Zhao Biao should be better in terms of body shape.

Although the two of them stood up and down, Ren Shuai stood on the steps, while Zhao Biao stood under the steps.

However, Zhao Biao's brutal and ferocious expression always gave people the impression that he was the one who had the upper hand.

"You idiot, why can't you even look down on a little girl?"

Ren Shuai's voice was stern and soft, with hints of madness and anger.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Biao felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he still said with a very strong expression: "She sneaked down while I was dozing off and not paying attention."

Although Zhao Biao is Ren Shuai's subordinate in the play, there is still a hint of dissatisfaction in his heart, and he is not the kind of person who completely surrenders.

Ren Shuai looked at him condescendingly, with a stern smile on his lips, and took half a step forward.

"Are you trying to find an excuse for your dereliction of duty?"

His voice was lowered, but it was like 3D surround sound, echoing in the empty corridor, giving people a sense of oppression layer upon layer.

Inexplicably, Zhao Biao felt a cool breeze on the back of his neck, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

Looking up again at Ren Shuai's half-hidden face in the shadows, he suddenly felt a slight tremor in his heart.

At this time, Ren Shuai had quietly opened the bonus card.He just wanted to try the effect of the card, and Zhao Biao looked like a courageous person, so it was perfect for testing the card.

"I, I didn't, I didn't make excuses, what I said is the truth, every day I patrol the building, I always have to rest."

Before he knew it, Zhao Biao's tone of voice was not as rigid as before.

After Ren Shuai heard this sentence, he let out a sinister smile, turned his head slightly to the side, and completely blocked the light from behind the corridor window, so that he was immersed in the darkness, and only his voice could be heard.

"If you're so lazy, it's useless to keep you. You know, anyone can do the job of a building inspector."

He was speaking very slowly at this time, but every time he uttered a word, it would bring a huge sense of oppression to others.

Zhao Biao felt that something in his heart was gradually disintegrating, and his body and steps gradually became heavy.

He raised his eyes and stared hard at Ren Shuai's direction, but he could only see a mass of darkness and couldn't see anything clearly.

The speaking voice seemed to float out of the void.

Zhao Biao's heart was suddenly shaken violently, the previous unscrupulous state disappeared, and his eyes couldn't help but began to look around randomly, feeling that the temperature around him had dropped several degrees.

"No, no, listen to my explanation, ah no, if you give me another chance, I will do well and never sleep again."

Unconsciously, Zhao Biao's voice trembled a little. He felt that his calves were a little weak, and he couldn't even support his heavy body.

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Ren Shuai's response. In the darkness of the corridor, a pair of eyes stared at him quietly.

Zhao Biao felt cold sweat slipping down his forehead, staring at the impenetrable darkness, enduring the terrible silence.

He gradually heard his heartbeat getting louder and louder.

At this moment, he had long forgotten that he was performing, and seemed to feel some threat to his life.

He felt that there were ferocious beasts hidden in the invisible darkness, which made him feel panic and uneasiness
In the disturbing silence, Zhao Biao swallowed his saliva, and turned his body slightly backwards, ready to escape at any time.

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(End of this chapter)

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