From janitor to actor

Chapter 273 Status Chapter Return

Chapter 273 State Return

Standing in the darkness, Ren Shuai saw that Zhao Biao wanted to escape, so he immediately said, "For the sake of her failure to escape, I will forgive you once."

Zhao Biao's sudden heartbeat finally slowed down a bit, and he looked at Ren Shuai in the dark with trepidation and said, "Thank you, thank you, I will do my best to guard the corridor in the future."

Xie Jiu in front of the monitor was very surprised, even through the screen, he could feel the chills.

This is really unbelievable. He has directed many horror films, but he has never felt any fear.

But this time is different, although Ren Shuai can't be seen clearly in the camera, but he can somehow feel a creepy chill from it.

He didn't know how Ren Shuai performed this effect, he could only say that his acting skills were superb.

Mu Xiaoqing, who was watching from the side, opened her mouth wide and her heart was beating wildly. She had never been so scared before.

However, she saw that other people's performance was not much better. At one point, she couldn't even hear the sound of breathing.

Zhao Biao, who played with Ren Shuai, was even more unbearable. Before the filming started, he was still arrogant and arrogant, but after getting two lines right, he began to show a scared face and trembled even when he spoke.

Everyone could see that he didn't act out, but was really scared, and even his calves were shaking constantly.

Mu Xiaoqing remembered what Ren Shuai had said to him before, it turned out that everyone was really afraid of ghosts, it was just a good cover-up.

A man as thick as Zhao Biao was trembling, and she was a weak woman, so it was normal for her to be a little scared.

Mu Xiaoqing's heartbeat gradually eased, thinking that it wasn't that she was in poor condition, but that she had no one else to hide it.

Thinking of this, she struggled with her melancholy state and slowly adjusted back.

Mu Xiaoqing's heart settlement was solved, but Zhao Biao's heart was shadowed.

He has always boasted of being bold, but he never expected that his ability to resist fear would be so poor.

The scene between Ren Shuai and his opponent was still going on, Ren Shuai took a step out of the shadows, half of his face was illuminated by the dim light, and the other half of his face was still hidden by the darkness.

"Although your death penalty can be forgiven, your living crime cannot be forgiven."

Ren Shuai's lips moved, and Zhao Biao slowly said something that made Zhao Biao's heart shudder.

Although he knew that this was not true, Zhao Biao still couldn't help but wanted to ask for mercy, and even felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, always feeling that something terrible would happen to him.

But looking at Ren Shuai's plain face, he didn't dare to do anything beyond the rules, and said honestly: "I, I accept the punishment."

After saying this, Zhao Biao lowered his head resignedly.

After a long time, Xie Jiu's voice to stop came slowly.

He was so absorbed in watching just now that he didn't even dare to disturb the aura created by Ren Shuai, so he didn't stop immediately.

This "click" made Zhao Biao relieved, and he stepped back several steps in a row. Only then did he realize that the clothes behind him were soaked in cold sweat.

When Ren Shuai heard the director yelling to stop, he walked down the steps, looked at Zhao Biao and said with a smile, "Brother, you did a great job."

Zhao Biao was still suffering from sequelae, so scared that he didn't dare to answer the question, he got used to it for a while before he squeezed out a stiff smile.

"You, you have won the prize, I am..."

At this point, he paused. He wanted to say that he was simply frightened, but felt that it was too embarrassing to say so, so he quickly changed his words: "I'm just performing normally."

He was very puzzled, what happened during the performance just now, why did he feel so frightened towards Ren Shuai, who seemed gentle and without any sense of threat?

This unscientific.

Zhao Biao has acted in several horror films, but he has never had such an experience as today.

Usually when he went to haunted houses with his friends, he was always the one who behaved the calmest.

Today is so abnormal.

There must be something wrong, could it be...

Zhao Biao turned his head and stared at Ren Shuai, the direction behind him, with a thoughtful and terrified look in his eyes, thinking to himself, this place is not really clean, is it?
Seeing Zhao Biao's expression, Ren Shuai was a little worried about scaring Zhao Biao out of his mind, so he stepped forward to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Biao hurriedly took a few steps back, not forgetting to greet Ren Shuai: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry!"

After speaking, he walked away quickly without looking back.

Ren Shuai was stunned, thinking that he might really scare Zhao Biao, but he didn't expect the effect of the bonus card to be so terrifying.

Just as he was bowing his head and thinking, Mu Xiaoqing came over on his own initiative.

"Mr. Li, thank you!"

Ren Shuai was a little surprised, maybe Mu Xiaoqing was frightened and stupid, why did she come to thank him suddenly without beginning or end.

Mu Xiaoqing continued: "You are right. It is human nature to be timid, even people like Zhao Biao are no exception. I shouldn't put too much psychological burden on myself. After thinking about it like this, I feel much better .”

Ren Shuai smiled when he heard the words, thinking that his countermeasures had worked.

"That's good. It seems that the follow-up shooting can proceed smoothly."

Many people lose themselves in comparison, but there are also many people who find balance in comparison.

Before Mu Xiaoqing, it wasn't just because she was afraid that she couldn't feel it. She was more of a kind of self-pressure and inner conflict.

She dislikes herself for being timid and unable to stand up to the heroine's position, but because of this, she wants to prove or surpass herself more and more, but because of this, she becomes more stressed and leads to an imbalanced state.

Now that she has calmed down, she feels a burst of relief, and her feelings and admiration for Ren Shuai continue to rise.

After hearing the news, Xie Jiu was very happy, and then showed admiration, thinking that if Mr. Li came out, there would be more than a dozen of them.

The problem that so many people in their crew comforted Mu Xiaoqing failed to solve yesterday, Ren Shuai just walked over and said a few words and it was settled.

Xie Jiu quickly took out the small speaker and shouted: "Every department is ready, we will start the machine soon."

Mu Xiaoqing took a few deep breaths and walked to her seat.

She stood inside the gate of the ward, holding the lock on the iron chain in her hand.

At the beginning of this scene, Mu Xiaoqing went through untold hardships and finally snatched the door key from the most vicious patient in the entire ward.

Then she tried every means to gradually touch the first floor from the upstairs, and quietly approached the door, ready to unlock and escape from here.

At this time, Ren Shuai was standing in the corner of the corridor, ready to rush out from here at all times, to surprise Mu Xiaoqing.

The lighting team gradually dimmed the light in the corridor. As the light dimmed, Mu Xiaoqing's breathing became short of breath. Her hands tightly held the big lock on the door, and her eyes kept staring in the direction of the camera.

Because only there is a bright light source there.

Although her mentality has been adjusted, Mu Xiaoqing still can't change her timidity, but fortunately, it doesn't affect the shooting.

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(End of this chapter)

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