From janitor to actor

Chapter 274 Convergence

Chapter 274 Convergence
Mu Xiaoqing's breathing gradually became short of breath, she took out the key and tremblingly poked it in the middle of the keyhole, but she couldn't get it in no matter what.

Ren Shuai quietly walked out from the corner, deliberately making a little noise.

Mu Xiaoqing's action of unlocking the lock froze, her whole body tensed up, she unconsciously held her breath, and turned her head slowly.

Ren Shuai showed a smile, and he didn't look gloomy, but the impact he brought to Mu Xiaoqing was not small.

Ren Shuai's bonus card has not yet expired, and has its own horror bonus effect. Although he has deliberately restrained his acting skills, he will not let himself act too scary.

But the effect of the item card is too strong, even if it is an ordinary smile, in Mu Xiaoqing's eyes, it is extremely eerie.

"You, why are you here?"

Mu Xiaoqing's voice was very trembling, showing the trembling of her mood at this time.

Ren Shuai deliberately said in a gentle tone: "I am afraid that you will get lost, so I came here to find you."

What he said made Mu Xiaoqing even more frightened. Although his voice was neither cold nor hoarse, it was this kind of voice as if nothing had happened that made people feel even more uncertain.

Mu Xiaoqing looked at Ren Shuai, her voice was about to cry, she muttered, "Yes, I'm sorry, I just came, come to the door to have a look."

Ren Shuai nodded slightly and said: "Okay, have you finished reading now, come back with me, you know, walking in the corridor is very dangerous."

His voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing the unknown existence in the darkness.

Mu Xiaoqing bit her lip, but stubbornly disobeyed, and quietly put the key into the keyhole.

With just a slight twist, she can open the shackles and leave this terrifying building.

At this moment, Ren Shuai suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the chain with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.


The sound of the iron chains colliding startled Mu Xiaoqing, and the key that was finally inserted into the lock fell out again.

Ren Shuai said slowly, "Don't open this lock, otherwise, terrible things will happen."

Mu Xiaoqing was so frightened that she closed her eyes and stepped back a few steps, her voice trembling even more.

"I'm just, just curious."

She never thought that she would be so scared, even when she tripped suddenly two days ago, she didn't feel this way, her heart seemed to be jumping out of her throat.

This line shouldn't be interrupted like this, but with all her strength, she can only say such words.

Xie Jiu looked at the monitor, and didn't stop because of it. He felt that the atmosphere was just right, and the effect was even better than expected.

Especially Ren Shuai, who did not show any ferocious and terrifying expressions throughout the whole process, but always gave people a strong psychological pressure, as if the tranquility before the mountain rain was about to come, depressing and weird.

Ren Shuai was afraid of scaring Mu Xiaoqing into something bad, so he restrained his acting skills more and more, trying not to be so vicious.

He said softly, "Curiosity can kill people. There are many monsters outside this door. Once we open it, we will be in danger."

Mu Xiaoqing listened to Ren Shuai's spring-like voice, but felt chills from every pore in her body. This kind of voice that was incompatible with the surrounding environment made her feel even more weird and terrifying.

Mu Xiaoqing raised her hands to cover her ears, opened her eyes and shook her head, "No, no, the building is full of monsters, outside..."

Before she finished speaking, Ren Shuai said, "Don't be stupid, you must have been bewitched by the voices outside, come, come back with me."

After speaking, Ren Shuai stretched out his hand and handed it to Mu Xiaoqing.


Mu Xiaoqing looked at the hand in front of her, like a frightened rabbit, jumping back a long way.

After that, she kept shaking her head, turned around and ran away, never daring to look at Ren Shuai's gentle smiling face again.

It seems that under that smiling face, there is another face hidden, and that face is grinning, revealing a grim smile that chooses someone to eat.

Seeing Mu Xiaoqing running away, Ren Shuai suppressed his smile, his whole face turned serious, and his eyes showed indifference and cruelty.

If Mu Xiaoqing turned her head at this time, she would definitely faint from fright.

Fortunately, after Mu Xiaoqing finished painting, Xie Jiu yelled "Ka" in time.

The reason Xie Jiu yelled so timely this time was precisely because Ren Shuai's last expression was so terrifying that he felt uncomfortable looking at it, so he quickly stopped.

Ren Shuai's acting skills are so good that even he, the director, can't stand it, let alone Mu Xiaoqing who is opposite.

Xie Jiu was really afraid that Mu Xiaoqing had finally adjusted her mentality, and would collapse again after being so frightened.

Ren Shuai also went to slowly breathe a sigh of relief. He was also afraid that his acting would be too realistic and scare Mu Xiaoqing into a heart attack.

Xie Jiu looked at Ren Shuai and said, "Mr. Li, this one works very well. Would you like to watch the replay?"

He thought to himself that several of them were terrified by Ren Shuai's performance. If the camera position was not fixed, the cameraman might have trembling hands. This horror cannot be enjoyed alone, and Ren Shuai must feel it himself.

Ren Shuai walked out of the filming area with a smile, and said simply, "No need."

Xie Jiu stayed where he was.Mu Xiaoqing plucked up her courage and said, "Why don't I have a look?"

She was very curious about the effect of the flustered performance just now.

Xie Jiu hesitated to speak, and hesitated for a long time before saying: "Let's say goodbye, the effect is quite scary."

Ren Shuai smiled, he had already seen through Xie Jiu's Xiao Jiujiu, and Zhao Biao had already verified the effect of the bonus card.

Just now he tried his best to restrain his acting skills, and tried to show a sense of gentleness in speech and actions, so that Mu Xiaoqing didn't cry in shock.

Xie Jiu didn't expect to go through these two at once. He was worried about the progress at first, but now he is completely relieved.

"Xiaoqing, are you in good condition, can you continue to take another picture?"

"It's okay." Mu Xiaoqing smiled.

Although she was terrified just now, when she thought of Ren Shuai on the other side, she unconsciously developed some courage in her heart, feeling both fearful and brave in her heart.

Xie Jiu smiled and nodded, ready to start the next part of shooting.

The latter part is where Ren Shuai forcibly takes Mu Xiaoqing back to the little black room and attacks him mentally.

Just when Xie Jiu was about to start filming, Ren Shuai said, "Director, I haven't adjusted well, can we take a break and start filming again?"

Xie Jiu was slightly stunned. In his impression, Ren Shuai was the guarantee of the crew's acting skills. His performances were always precise and stable, and he never went wrong.

But he suddenly said that he didn't challenge his form, which surprised Xie Jiu.

"What's wrong with you, is there something uncomfortable?"

Xie Jiu hurriedly asked about his health, he always tended to forget Ren Shuai's age when he was filming, and regarded him as an energetic young actor.

The main reason is that Ren Shuai doesn't look like someone who is 60 years old in his conversation and appearance. It is easy for people to ignore his real age.

Ren Shuai waved his hand, mainly because the effect of the bonus card has not expired. If he really takes the next shot, no matter how restrained he is, he can scare Mu Xiaoqing out of his wits.

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(End of this chapter)

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