From janitor to actor

Chapter 276 The Guest of Honor

Chapter 276 The Guest of Honor
The bearded man was very surprised. He never thought that Ren Shuai's dubbing skills were so unnatural, and he was actually a part-time job.

Being an actor is actually his main occupation, so his strength as an actor must be even more extraordinary.

The bearded man thinks he has a good understanding of Yezhou's film industry, and he knows a lot of top movie stars, but he has never heard of Ren Shuai. Why?

He still wanted to ask Ren Shuai a few more words, but Mai Ran's thank you speech had already been finished, and they were about to leave the stage.

So the bearded man took a few steps back and intentionally walked beside Ren Shuai, and said as he walked, "Mr. Li, xxxxx is my contact number. I feel that you are a charming gentleman. I hope to make friends with you and look forward to the award presentation." You can contact me after the ceremony."

Ren Shuai was very surprised, thinking that I didn't use the charm card, how can I tell that I am attractive, this bearded man speaks strangely, and looks strangely at people.

Mai Ran, who was at the front, was even more surprised. She did not expect that Mr. Marenka, the award presenter, would take the initiative to communicate with Ren Shuai, and even told him his contact information.

But Ren Shuai didn't respond for a long while, Mai Ran thought that maybe Teacher Li didn't understand, and she needed to translate it for her.

And just as she stepped off the stage and was about to turn around, she suddenly heard Ren Shuai say fluently: "Okay, I'll get in touch with my manager after I've fixed the time."

Mai Ran was very surprised. She didn't expect Mr. Li to be so good at foreign languages. Generally, people of his age can't speak foreign languages ​​very well.

What surprised her even more was the content of Ren Shuai's answer. He actually asked Mr. Marenka to wait for a reply. What an arrogant answer.

But Marenka didn't feel any annoyance at all. Instead, he stretched out his hand happily and said, "Okay, I'm looking forward to your contact."

Ren Shuai shook hands with him casually, then turned around and walked towards Mai Ran, holding up his arm, waiting for her to hold it.

Mai Ran stretched out his hand mechanically, and followed Ren Shuai back to his actions, unable to calm down for a long time.

I wondered who exactly Teacher Li was, could it be that he was a big boss hidden in the show business circle.

Otherwise, how could Master Marenka, a top sound engineer who is highly respected in the film and television wall, be so polite to Ren Shuai and rush to build a relationship with Ren Shuai.

She glanced at Ren Shuai's sharp-edged side face, and felt an unfathomable feeling in her heart. She wanted to turn around and ask Cui Shaoyu what kind of background Mr. Li was.

How could she be able to hire Ren Shuai to dub this little sci-fi film for them? She was just lucky.

Ren Shuai didn't know that Mai Ran had completely lost his mind. He hadn't paid attention to the development of the film industry in other continents at all. Naturally, he didn't know the bearded man, let alone his influence in the show business circle.

When the award presenters were introduced just now, he happened to be dozing off and didn't hear him at all.

This caused Mai Ran to have such a big misunderstanding.

After the award ceremony, Mai Ran wanted to invite Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu to have a meal with the crew, but after the award ceremony, she was a little afraid to extend the invitation.

I was afraid that Ren Shuai would reject her, but Mai Ran thought again, Ren Shuai looked very approachable, he should be easy to talk to, maybe he would be willing to show his face and have dinner with everyone.

"Well, Mr. Li, let's ask Shao Yu out for dinner later, shall we celebrate?" Mai Ran held back for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to send out the invitation.

Ren Shuai pondered for a while, then smiled helplessly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry to come out this time, and I may not be able to celebrate with everyone."

Mai Ran was immediately discouraged, but it was normal to feel rejected at random. Time must be very precious for a character like Ren Shuai who doesn't even care about Marenka, so how could he have time to have dinner with her.

"It's okay, it's okay, I know you're busy, I understand, thank you again for helping our film get this award."

She showed a sweet smile and raised the trophy in her hand.

The reason why Ren Shuai rejected her was not because he didn't want to have a meal, but because Cui Shaoyu had already helped him book a flight back tonight.

He originally asked for leave from the production team, and the progress over there was already delayed because of him, so naturally he couldn't delay any longer.

The group of them returned to the hotel from the awards ceremony. Cui Shaoyu was very concerned and wanted to know the situation, but seeing that Ren Shuai needed to remove his makeup first, he didn't ask questions in a hurry.

After finally waiting for Ren Shuai to clean up quickly, it was almost time for them to catch the plane, so Cui Shaoyu could only inquire about the situation in the car.

Before leaving, Mai Ran organized the crew to send off at the hotel entrance, Cui Shaoyu, who was still in the process, was a little at a loss, wondering what the best friend was going to do.

They are so familiar with each other, so why bother with these vain rituals, besides, the battle seems to be very big.

She was in a hurry to catch the plane, so she didn't have time to ask in detail. She thought she would call Mai Ran to ask Mai Ran what medicine she had taken wrongly, and even held a farewell ceremony.

In the car, Cui Shaoyu finally couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Li, did you see the judge from Stephen Hull's director team during the awards ceremony?"

Ren Shuai had long forgotten about this matter, and besides, the awards ceremony really did not have the opportunity to communicate with others, even if he wanted to get to know them, he would have no chance.

"The time is too short, there is no time." Ren Shuai replied.

Cui Shaoyu was a little disappointed, but she didn't express much confidence in this, so she nodded and said, "It's okay, then I'll think of other ways. It just so happens that Mai Ran has a lot of connections in other continents. I'll ask her later."

Ren Shuai nodded casually, not paying much attention to this matter, because the hope was too slim.

Since it was already very late, after the two got on the plane, they began to sleep, and no one spoke again.

Early the next morning, Ren Shuai was woken up by Cui Shaoyu, and the two got off the plane together. Cui Shaoyu contacted a special car to pick him up.

Ren Shuai returned directly to the crew, while Cui Shaoyu had to rush back to the company to handle business.

Before parting, Ren Shuai suddenly remembered something, called Cui Shaoyu and said, "I forgot to tell you something. During the awards ceremony, a bearded man left me his contact information, saying that he was very helpful to my dubbing ability." Interested, maybe you want to ask me for sound effects."

Cui Shaoyu didn't care when he heard the words, thinking that it should be someone who wants to reach a business cooperation with Ren Shuai, but Ren Shuai's current work focus is not on dubbing, but on acting.

"Just give me your contact information, and I'll be in charge of the connection."

Ren Shuai nodded and said the number.

After writing it down, Cui Shaoyu asked, "Does this bearded man have a name? How should I call him?"

Ren Shuai was stunned, thinking that he didn't ask the bearded man's name at all, and the other party didn't take the initiative to introduce him.

Ren Shuai could only say: "I don't remember the name, but he is the guest who presented the award to us, and Mai Ran should know him."

What, award presenter?

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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