Chapter 277
Cui Shaoyu slowed down for a while, before thinking about what was wrong, he hurriedly asked: "You said that the bearded man who left your contact information is the award presenter?"

The person who can be an award presenter at the film festival must be a bigwig who has achieved something in the corresponding field, not an unknown person.

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "That man looks a little weird. He keeps looking at me for some unknown purpose. After you get in touch with him, ask him clearly. Don't just agree to any excessive requests."


Cui Shaoyu felt that the turning point was too fast, and she was a little overwhelmed.

Ren Shuai nodded solemnly, and said, "Also, my schedule is very full recently. If the other party asks me to do dubbing or something, please go to the back row."

"Oh, yes." Cui Shaoyu nodded slightly.

Seeing Ren Shuai getting into the car and leaving, Cui Shaoyu couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and call Mai Ran directly.

She must ask clearly what happened to the beard at the awards ceremony.

It just so happened that Mai Ran also wanted to find out about Ren Shuai's background, and had been waiting for her best friend to contact her after she got off the plane.

Cui Shaoyu's call was answered by Mai Ran in seconds.

"Maizi, I have something to ask you."

"Shao Yu, have you landed yet? I have something to ask you."

The two spoke at the same time, and the content of the expression was highly consistent.

Cui Shaoyu paused and said, "You ask first."

Mai Ran laughed, and quickly said, "I just want to find out, besides being very good at dubbing and acting, does Teacher Li have any other hidden identities?"

Cui Shaoyu thought about it, and in terms of identity, Shuai Ren did have another teacher, Meiying's teacher.

But with this identity, Mai Ran should know that since she asked this, she definitely didn't mean this.

Cui Shaoyu thought hard about how else Shuai Ren could hide his identity. Suddenly, he remembered that Shuai Ren seemed to be Mei Ying's concierge before he retired.

But is this a cover-up?

Seeing that there was no reply from the other end of the phone for a long time, Mai Ran felt that this identity should be kept secret, so she asked in a different way: "Is Mr. Li one of the best in some fields except acting and dubbing?" ?”

Cui Shaoyu thought to himself, if he was in the concierge field, Ren Shuai should be regarded as an elite. After all, there is no one else who has been upgraded from a concierge to a teacher except him.

"Well, yes." Cui Shaoyu replied affirmatively.

Mai Ran nodded immediately, thinking that his guess was right, the person Marenka could invite on his own initiative was absolutely extraordinary.

After confirming the guess in his heart, Mai Ran said: "What do you want to ask me?"

Cui Shaoyu quickly described the bearded man Ren Shuai mentioned, and then asked, "I was going to contact him, but I didn't know how to address him, so I came to ask you."

Mai Ran was shocked, thinking that Ren Shuai is too powerful, even what is Marenka called?
I didn't take anything to heart, it was definitely the feeling that I didn't see the other party in my eyes at all.

"That is Mr. Marenka, who is very famous in the field of sound effects. He is the one you asked me to inquire about before, a member of Stephen Hull's director team." Mai Ran introduced.

Cui Shaoyu was startled, thinking that Ren Shuai had told her that there was no chance to contact her at all, so why did he even get the phone number now.

"Are you sure?" Cui Shaoyu couldn't help asking a question.

Mai Ran affirmed: "Yes, Master Marenka is also one of the judges of this film festival."

However, compared with Teacher Li, it should be far behind, she thought.

Cui Shaoyu suddenly became excited, and spoke very fast: "You also know that Master Marenka left Teacher Li's contact information, right? Why did you tell me now?"

Mai Ran wondered: "Didn't Mr. Li tell you? He said he was very busy, and he had to go back and check the schedule before deciding whether to contact Master Marenka."


Cui Shaoyu didn't know what to say for a while. If she knew that Marenka had left the contact information for Ren Shuai, she wouldn't have come back by plane at all, and ran over to meet him directly.

She couldn't help sighing, Teacher Li really has a big heart, such an important thing, he just said it now.

After Ren Shuai returned to the crew, he started intense filming again. He completely forgot about the bearded man who had an appointment with him.

In order to catch up with the progress during his leave, Ren Shuai has been immersed in the filming of the crew, coding at night, busy in the dark.

Finally, Ren Shuai had no shooting assignments this morning, so he could take a break.

But today Shuai Ren was extremely nervous. He got up early, took out his mobile phone and sat upright.

Today is the day when the state examination results are released, and the scores and fate of each candidate are decided at this moment.

Although Ren Shuai has confidence in himself, he can't be 100% assured before the score is released. After all, he has been away from the college entrance examination for many years, and he has only reviewed for a while, and it is hard to say how his level will recover.

He opened the browser, logged in with his username and password, hovered his finger over the query button, and did not press it for a long time.

Ren Shuai took a few deep breaths, feeling inexplicably nervous.

He prepared his mind well and clicked to search.

Candidate Name: Ren Shuai

Language: 89
Foreign language: 117
Math: 102
Physics: 73
Chemistry: 81
Creatures: 58
Total score: 520
The moment Ren Shuai read the scores, he happily threw his phone on the bed, lay on his back, and let out a cry.

With a total score of 750, he took the test with 520. Although this score is not enough for key universities, it should be more than enough to apply for the Department of Fine Arts and Acting.

He immediately turned on his phone, logged into Meiying's official website, and inquired about the admission scores for various majors in this year's state exam.

Looking at the score line of 330, he completely let go of the big stone in his heart.

You can have a big meal at noon today to relieve the tension in your heart during this time.

On the other hand, Meiying's admissions department is busy, and they need to hurry up and arrange for candidates to organize re-examinations before the files are raised.

A female teacher with curly hair said, "Xiao Zhang, have you got the statistics? How many candidates passed the cut-off line this year, and who is the top performer in the performance department?"

A young clerk quickly clicked the mouse and said: "Well, there are results. There are 4381 students who are eligible to take the re-examination this year, and the top score is 520. It is a candidate named Li Laifu. Wait, maybe there is something wrong with the information statistics.”

The curly-haired female teacher was a little puzzled, and always felt that the name Li Laifu sounded familiar.

She asked: "The top one is Li Laifu?"

The young clerk checked the data again, and said embarrassingly: "Yes, but the age statistics seem to be wrong, it should be 16, and the statistics are 60 years old."

As he spoke, he logged into the school's recruitment system to check candidates' information.

The page opened, and Ren Shuai's information was displayed in front of him. The young clerk carefully looked at the age column, his eyes widened.

"Unexpectedly, really 60 years old?"

(End of this chapter)

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