Chapter 278

The young clerk raised his eyes to look at the candidate's photo, and at a glance he was not 16 years old, but if he was 60, then this photo must have been taken more than ten years ago.

The curly-haired female teacher suddenly clapped her hands and said, "I remembered, isn't Li Laifu the concierge of our school? I lost the key once, and he helped find it."

The young clerk murmured: "This, it must be the same name, and the age seems to be written wrong, how can someone 60 years old apply for the acting major."

The curly-haired female teacher was very surprised, thinking that she could still get a high score of 60 in the state exam at the age of 520, which is really amazing.

She couldn't help being a little curious, thinking that there might be big news this time. Every year, whoever falls from the top of the list of Meiying attracts attention, and usually a few well-educated child stars top the list.

I didn't expect the uncle to join in the fun this year.

This year's media will definitely be very happy, and this time there is another topic to report on.

Sure enough, the female teacher did not exceed her expectations. In the next day's entertainment news, the headline read "He is the top performer in the state exam!"

Ren Shuai also saw this message, and he clicked in curiously to see what the editor wrote.

"It is reported that the first place in the cultural class of the Meiyingzhou Examination is neither the well-known Liu xx, nor the long-awaited Yang xx, but a completely unexpected stranger."

Ren Shuai was speechless when he saw this.

What is a stranger?
I don't have a name or a surname, at least you should also write the three characters Li Laifu.

Ren Shuai resisted the urge to close the page directly and continued to read.

"Although the statement of the number one on the list is not obvious, this person's identity is very unusual. He is 60 years old this year, but he still upholds the spirit of living to the old and learning old. With unremitting efforts, he finally successfully landed in the state exam. .”


Ren Shuai directly wanted to flip the table, whether this editor can speak or not, if he can't speak, talk less.

What does it mean to have an unusual status, and then say that he did not pass the exam until he was 60?

Ren Shuai even suspected that if there were allusions to Fan Jinzhongju in this world, this editor would have to compare himself to him.

He glanced at the message under the news, but it was okay not to read it, but he almost died of anger when he saw it.

Netizens urged the editor one after another to release the information of this senior hero who insisted on taking the state exam, so that everyone can pay their respects.

Ren Shuai stared at the word Zhan Yang, sparks appeared in his eyes.

However, his name was not disclosed because the school kept it secret for him in order to protect the privacy of the faculty and staff.

That's fine, the provincial media blocked the door to harass him.

After Ren Shuai closed the webpage, he caught a glimpse of another piece of news related to him, which was the game advertisement filmed some time ago.

This game is about to go online, and I bought a few drafts for myself, including information about Ren Shuai's endorsement.

The advertisement has not yet been officially launched, but the promotional photos have been prepared and placed in the draft.

Ren Shuai casually clicked in to take a look, and there was a well-regulated promotion of the highlights and advantages of the game, but when he saw the message below, he immediately felt better.

"This photo is so handsome, which celebrity took it?"

"Same question, this photo is too detective-like, does the game company have any intention to make a series of promotional dramas?"

"Looking familiar, I feel like I've seen it somewhere recently."

"Isn't this the spokesperson of Fenden Ko Niqi? I've seen his posters in the mall."

"My God, Mr. Li, this is Mr. Li. Hey, Mr. Li who is magnetic and charming, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

After reading the comments from netizens, Ren Shuai thought that he was not well-known enough. Even if he was known by others, it would be through endorsements or dubbing, but he had no achievements in acting.

And with the end of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", the popularity has grown a bit slowly recently, but fortunately, "Silent Business War" is about to start broadcasting, and it should be able to increase some recognition by then.

But these are not things to worry about in the short term, because he will soon take part in the re-examination of Meiying.

However, the production crew is very busy with the shooting tasks during this period. If he asks for leave again, he has to hurry up and push forward the progress, but if he catches up with the progress, he will have no time to prepare for the retest.

According to the information obtained from Mu Xiaoqing, the interview was divided into three rounds, and each round had different content.

The first test is mainly to introduce yourself, including name, age, height, weight, where you come from, etc.

When introducing yourself, it is fine as long as your voice is loud, your words are clear, and your accent is not too strong.

In particular, you must avoid stumbling when speaking, otherwise you will leave a bad first impression on the interviewer, and you may not even get into the second round.

This is nothing to Ren Shuai.

Generally, if the first impression is not particularly bad, you can enter the second round, which is to test the ability to read lines and recite the materials you have prepared, which can be lyrical articles such as novels, poems, and other articles.

As long as you pay attention to the pronunciation standard of Mandarin, you can follow the artistic conception and blend in with your emotions when reading aloud. Usually, the time for each candidate to read aloud is about three minutes.

Ren Shuai only had time to find a random prose poem on the Internet, but fortunately, he has some experience in reciting. After all, he has the blessing of intermediate acting skills. Even if they are not in the same field, they are all the same.

After the first two rounds, there will be the final round of interviews, including three parts: vocal performance and physical performance.

Ren Shuai is the most at ease in acting, even the judges may not be better than him in acting.

However, acting sometimes depends on the opponent. There are many people who perform well on their own, but their anti-interference ability is not good.

The performance of the interview happened to be a group performance. Several candidates who did not know each other were randomly divided into a group. The judges randomly gave a proposition or a prescribed situation. After everyone discussed together, they began to choose roles for performance.

Each group will have different requirements. After all, they are all students who have not learned much about acting, so the examiner only requires that the performance can come from the heart, be real and natural and not exaggerated. Of course, it must also be integrated into the role.

Ren Shuai is not worried about being affected, even if there are more than a dozen people in a group, he will not delay his performance.

But Ren Shuai was worried about the vocal and physical exams.

In fact, the requirements for the voice test are not high, and candidates only need to sing a song they are good at.

Vocal music is mainly to test the candidates' voice and intonation. Don't be afraid of singing wrong words, as long as the voice is good, it is a pity that Ren Shuai is uncertain about this standard.

His voice is not bad, and he doesn't feel too out of tune when he sings in private, but there is still a long way to go to sing well.

He didn't even know where to make his voice, and he played it all by instinct.

There is also a physical test, which requires candidates to dance a dance, and they need to prepare their own accompaniment.

If Ren Shuai is asked to do a set of punches, he can still use martial arts cards, but dancing is really a bit embarrassing for him.

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(End of this chapter)

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