Chapter 279
While Ren Shuai was busy with filming, he was also preparing for the interview.

As soon as work was over today, Cui Shaoyu called.

"Ms. Li, good news, good news, great news."

Cui Shaoyu was very excited when he came up, his tone and voice were full of excitement.

Ren Shuai asked suspiciously, "I won another award?"

"Uh, that's not it."

Cui Shaoyu paused slightly, and then explained: "I have contacted Marenka, and I have already made an appointment with him to meet."

Marenka, who is that?

Ren Shuai was puzzled and asked, "Why did you see him?"

Cui Shaoyu didn't expect that Ren Shuai was not as excited as she imagined, but so calm and calm.

She was a little surprised, thinking that Mr. Li had forgotten the previous incident, so she helped him recall it.

Only then did Ren Shuai suddenly realize that the bearded old man who left him his phone number turned out to be a member of Stephen's team. This was really a coincidence.

Cui Shaoyu smiled and said, "Ms. Li, I have booked a ticket for tonight. Let's go see him tomorrow. I just seized this opportunity to meet the group."

Ren Shuai was stunned, thinking that he would go to the school for an interview the day after tomorrow, and after the meeting by plane today, he would fly back soon. The schedule was very fast.

Besides, he always asks for leave from the crew, and it is difficult to explain the progress. Even if Cui Shaoyu is an investor, it is a bit unreasonable.

Ren Shuai asked: "Can we go a few days later? The production team is about to wrap up in a week, and I have to ask for leave the day after tomorrow. If I add the time to fly to Yuanzhou, I'm afraid I won't be able to shoot on the production team for three days." gone."

Cui Shaoyu heard the words and immediately said: "It's okay, the crew is our own, you don't have to worry about taking leave, this meeting is very important, Master Marenka is very busy, I managed to get a chance to meet, let's start today Come late."

Ren Shuai thought for a while and said, "I delayed the filming of the crew because of my own personal affairs. What should I do if I lose money?"

He worried that money would be deducted from his salary.

But Cui Shaoyu replied domineeringly: "It's all small money, you don't have to care about it, as long as you can successfully participate in this big intercontinental production."

Ren Shuai gave a thumbs up secretly, thinking of the female middle school "Tao" Jie.

Since the sponsor is not worried about the loss of the crew, of course he has no problem.

"Okay, then I'll pack up and see you at the airport."

In the evening, the two boarded the plane on time, and Cui Shaoyu was a little late booking the plane ticket, and only had time to book two economy class tickets.

And when they boarded the plane, they saw a group of people boarding the plane mightily, talking and laughing.

Seeing them, Ren Shuai thought they were a tour group, but after listening to their conversation, he realized that they seemed to be colleagues in the entertainment industry, and these were the staff of a certain artist team.

Cui Shaoyu is a very social type, and soon chatted with a little girl sitting next to her.

Knowing that this little girl is the make-up assistant of actor Lu Zhentian's team, their team set off with all the staff this time to pick up a business event in Yuanzhou.

The actor Lu Zhentian is a new actor, and he won the title of actor not long ago for playing a lonely agent in the movie.

Lu Zhentian is only in his early forties this year, and he is still at the peak of his career for an actor. With his strong figure and handsome appearance, he has always been favored in the film industry.

It's just that when he was young, his appearance was not very good, so he was always tepid. On the contrary, after he got a little older, he gained the charm of a mature man and became more popular.

With the precipitation of time, his acting skills became more proficient than when he was young, and he finally won the Best Actor Award at the recent Jin Pengcheng Film Festival.

Since then, he has continued to make film appointments, and has also received several intercontinental endorsements, including clothing brands and watch brands such as Curriston, who are as famous as Fendenko Nickey.

Cui Shaoyu didn't expect to be on the same flight as the film king. No wonder she booked the ticket with a premium member, but she couldn't book the business class. It turned out that his entourage was full.

Even the economy class tickets were obtained by Cui Shaoyu using the airline's senior membership privileges to jump in line.

Looking at it now, the economy class is almost covered by Lu Zhentian's team.

Ren Shuai listened to the chat of the two ladies and fell asleep unknowingly. When he woke up, the plane was about to arrive at the destination.

He and Cui Shaoyu sorted out their luggage for a while before getting off the plane. The little makeup assistant girl from Lu Zhentian's team said goodbye to Cui Shaoyu enthusiastically.

After she watched the two leave, she suddenly felt that Shuai Ren looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it before. When she was packing her luggage, she suddenly said, "Well, that is, old, old fairy?"

She is obsessed with watching dramas. She has watched "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" twice and is very familiar with the content.

She likes the role of the old fairy in the game very much. Although she only appeared in one episode, her elegant figure left a deep impression on her.

The little girl chopped off her feet angrily, and said, "Sister Cui has already said that she is from the circle, but Teacher Li is sitting next door, how could I not recognize it?"

Her colleague glanced at her and asked, "What kind of anger are you doing?"

The little girl pouted and said, "Did you know that the one sitting next to me along the way was Mr. Li, the one who played the role of the old fairy. If I had known earlier, I would have signed an autograph for a group photo!"

Her colleague laughed and said, "We are members of Teacher Lu's team, you have to pay attention to your identity, you can't climb the wall to follow others."

The little girl smiled and said: "Mr. Li is just an unknown little actor, and Mr. Lu is a movie star, he is not at the same level, okay? I like Mr. Li just for pure admiration, and it is not enough to climb the wall." level."

After Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu walked out of the airport, they went straight to the hotel.

It was lunch with Marenka. Cui Shaoyu wanted to bring two make-up artists to give Ren Shuai a look, but Ren Shuai said that he didn't need it, and he had his own way.

Cui Shaoyu didn't have any confidence in Ren Shuai's ability to make up for himself. He thought that it would be better to expect a sow to climb a tree than to expect an actor to do it for him.

But Ren Shuai said very firmly that there was no problem, and Cui Shaoyu didn't force it, but he was still a little uneasy.

She thought to herself that she must pay more attention to meeting Marenka this time, even if she was dressed up, it would not be too much.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai has a lot of clothing sponsored by brands, so he doesn't have to worry about this problem, he just needs to choose a set that is exquisite and decent.

However, the time after the two arrived at the hotel was also very tight. Cui Shaoyu was worried that Ren Shuai would not be able to complete the makeup and styling work in such a short time.

So she took the initiative to apply: "Ms. Li, I'll go to your room to help you do styling together. I have some experience in this regard, and it should be faster."

When Ren Shuai heard the words, he quickly refused. If she was asked to help with makeup, let alone speed up the progress, it was not certain whether it could be completed.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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