From janitor to actor

Chapter 280 Meeting

Chapter 280 Meeting
After dismissing Cui Shaoyu, Ren Shuai entered the room and began to catch up on sleep. He was not in a hurry to use the makeup card.

After all, he has just entered the room, if Cui Shaoyu sees him doing the styling in a second, he will definitely be suspicious.

Keep it safe, and use it before going out.

The quality of sleep on the plane is also not good, so Ren Shuai decided to use the make-up time to get a good sleep so that he can have a full mental state.

He set the alarm clock and went straight to sleep.

Cui Shaoyu on the other side couldn't sleep at all. As Ren Shuai's manager, she must not be too exaggerated in terms of styling, so she used this time to go to a beauty shop for styling.

She was still thinking in her heart that she would call Ren Shuai a little earlier in advance to see how his look is, and if he didn't pass the test, she would quickly take him to the beauty shop downstairs for a look.

She couldn't understand why Ren Shuai insisted on doing his own makeup. Could it be that his skills are so good?
You must know that there is a specialization in the art industry, and Ren Shuai's ability in dubbing, acting, writing, and telling horror stories is already strong enough, and it is impossible to make achievements in the field of makeup.

It's just that I don't know where Ren Shuai's self-confidence comes from, but she can't understand Ren Shuai's intentions, so she can only agree first, and then make two-handed preparations.

Seeing that it was almost time, Cui Shaoyu came out of the beauty shop downstairs and went straight to Ren Shuai's room.

Ren Shuai's alarm clock hadn't rung, but was woken up by Cui Shaoyu's knock on the door.

He got up in a daze, and responded with a sound.

Cui Shaoyu stood outside the door, wondering, why does it feel like Teacher Li's voice just woke up?
He doesn't put makeup on himself, just falls asleep, right?

So Cui Shaoyu knocked on the door more eagerly and asked: "Mr. Li, is your shape ready?"

Ren Shuai finally came back to his senses, and replied vaguely: "I'll be right away, wait for me."

Hearing his thick nasal voice, Cui Shaoyu felt more and more that his guess was correct.

She thought to herself that Teacher Li's heart was too big, how could she fall asleep during such an important meeting.

Even if she is an old artist, she still needs to have a good chat with Ren Shuai this time, and she must let him face up to this meeting.

While waiting for Ren Shuai to open the door, Cui Shaoyu organized his words, thinking about how to tactfully express what Ren Shuai paid attention to without hurting his face.

She thought for a while, and finally organized her words, and it just so happened that Ren Shuai had already changed his clothes, finished his makeup, made a card, and opened the door.

Cui Shaoyu opened his mouth to speak, but he only opened his mouth wide without making any sound.

Ren Shuai in front of him has a meticulous hairstyle, exquisite makeup, and a new spring suit. He is simply not too handsome.

The picture in Cui Shaoyu's imagination was so different from the picture in front of her that she couldn't react for a while.

"Li, Li, Mr. Li, are you ready?"

Cui Shaoyu stumbled and stumbled several times before he could complete the sentence.

All the manuscripts in her stomach have been discarded. She really didn't expect that Ren Shuai would actually have such a high attainment in makeup.

Cui Shaoyu thought to herself that she was not knowledgeable enough. A treasured actor like Ren Shuai really has nothing he is not good at.

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile and said, "Are you going to leave?"

Cui Shaoyu nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yes, yes, let's get ready to go."

In fact, she went upstairs for more than half an hour earlier than expected, but since Ren Shuai had already done her makeup, she could set off directly.

The two took a taxi directly to the meeting place. Cui Shaoyu kept asking Ren Shuai about his beauty skills and experience on the way.

Ren Shuai was speechless about this. He didn't ask the makeup artist to accompany him just to save time and trouble. But he didn't expect that although the time was saved, the trouble was not reduced.

Facing the completely unfamiliar field of beauty makeup, Ren Shuai could only answer: "I only know how to style myself, and I don't know anything else."

Cui Shaoyu nodded with a clear look: "I understand, you are keeping a low profile."

Ren Shuai smiled wryly. When he was low-key, he was considered to be the truth, and when he was honest, he was considered to be low-key. Why would it give people such an illusion?

Fortunately, the journey was not long, and the topic of Cui Shaoyu asking for advice on beauty makeup was finally over. Ren Shuai hurriedly got out of the car, for fear that Cui Shaoyu would mention any more color numbers and the like.

After the two entered the hotel, they walked to the reserved position. They arrived earlier than expected, and there was no one in the restaurant.

After the two of them sat down, Cui Shaoyu said: "Mr. Li, leave it to me to negotiate later. You just need to listen to me. If there is anything to discuss, I will confirm with you again."

Cui Shaoyu thought to himself that Ren Shuai probably doesn't understand foreign languages ​​very well, so she can be responsible for communication matters, and if there are things that cannot be decided, she will translate for him.

Ren Shuai nodded to express his understanding, thinking that he really didn't know much about business negotiations, so it was better to leave it to professionals, and he was only responsible for looking beautiful beside him.

After the two reached an agreement, Marenka came in a short while.

There was also a middle-aged man dressed as a gentleman who came with Marenka. Both parties nodded and sat down.

Marenka looked at Ren Shuai with the same interest as when they met for the first time, and asked, "Mr. Li, I am very glad to see you again. I am very interested in your dubbing ability. This time I brought my A friend, he is the sound engineer House.

We are here this time to see your dubbing ability with our own eyes. I wonder if it is convenient for you to show it. "

Ren Shuai really wanted to say that it was inconvenient, what do you mean when you suddenly asked me to perform a talent show when we were sitting together for dinner.

However, Cui Shaoyu has already spoken politely, and said with a smile: "Ms. Li's dubbing ability is unquestionable, otherwise he would not have won an award at the film festival. If you have the intention of cooperating, we are of course happy to audition in a professional recording studio."

Although Cui Shaoyu wanted something from Marenka, his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and he was very confident in communicating.

Marenka nodded with a smile and said, "Of course we are very interested in cooperating. There is also a film in the preparation stage recently. I don't know if you have heard that it is the work of my partner Steven Hull."

After hearing this, Cui Shaoyu's eyes lightened. The purpose of her trip was Steven's film, but not in the form of dubbing, but as an actor.

She nodded with a smile and said, "Who doesn't know that you and Director Steven's team are the top production team in the industry. We've known you for a long time. If we have the opportunity to cooperate, of course it's a great honor."

House, the sound engineer next to Marenka, said, "Mr. Li, we want to see your vocal effect technology right now, can you?"

Cui Shaoyu was in a bit of a dilemma. The other party made this request repeatedly, because he must be eager to see Ren Shuai's ability. If she refuses again, it will look bad.

Cui Shaoyu turned to look at Ren Shuai.

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(End of this chapter)

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