From janitor to actor

Chapter 281 Opportunity

Chapter 281 Opportunity
Cui Shaoyu was about to help Ren Shuai translate, but Ren Shuai smiled and said: "Live dubbing is not impossible."

He thought to himself, the dubbing card consumes recognition, so he can't just spend a dubbing card just because the other party wants to see it.

Since it is about business, there must be exchanges.

Cui Shaoyu was very surprised when he heard Ren Shuai's standard foreign language pronunciation. He thought that besides acting, dubbing, writing, telling horror stories, and makeup, Teacher Li was also proficient in foreign languages?
She is a little numb now, and feels that Ren Shuai should not be surprised by any ability, but she still can't help but marvel.

When Marenka heard Ren Shuai's answer, he immediately smiled and said, "Okay, can you show us the sound of magic?"

Ren Shuai said in his heart, you have a good idea, I haven't made an offer yet, do you want to prostitute for nothing?

He nodded slightly at the corner of his mouth and agreed, "No problem, but I also have a request."

Marenka agreed wholeheartedly: "That's no problem, just say it."

"I said dubbing is only a part-time job. I'm an actor, so I hope to have the opportunity to audition for roles in your crew." Ren Shuai said straight to the point.

Marenka was very surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Ren Shuai would make such a request. In the crew, he was solely responsible for dubbing and sound effects, and he could completely call the shots in this regard.

But when it came to the actor's audition, what he said didn't count, and Stephen had to make the decision himself.

Seeing Marenka hesitate, Cui Shaoyu said in a timely manner: "We don't have to ask for a role, we just hope to have the opportunity to audition."

Hearing this, Marenka smiled and said, "That's no problem. There will be an audition this afternoon. If your dubbing effect meets our needs, we can go to the project team to have a look and try the recording effect by the way."

House, the sound engineer next to him, showed a little doubt. He thought that Mr. Marenka had never been so polite to others. Usually, people in the industry were begging to cooperate with them so that the other party could show their dubbing ability.

Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai would dare to take the opportunity to raise conditions.

Not to mention, Teacher Marenka agreed.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Okay, then at your request, let's add a magic voice."

Ren Shuai was also someone who had watched Harry Potter in his previous life, and he had a good idea of ​​magic sound effects, so he just opened his mouth.

A sound similar to the mixture of electric current and wind appeared out of thin air, lingering in their ears when they were completely unprepared.

But the magic is short-lived, and the miraculous voice quickly disappeared.

Marenka's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he looked at Ren Shuai in surprise.

House next to him was even more shocked, and finally understood why Master Marenka was so polite to Ren Shuai. It turned out that the other party was really capable.

Although Ren Shuai only made a short sound, the two experts recognized the way. The sound of magic is illusory and has no real reference.

The reason why Marenka made this request is because their project this time is a fantasy film, and on the other hand, he also wants to see Ren Shuai's creativity in dubbing.

The indescribable sound just now caused him to have infinite reverie, and he even imagined the scene of magic flying out in his mind.

"It's fantastic, it's incredible." Marenka was full of praise.

House next to him kept nodding in agreement.

"Ms. Li, can you show some?" House couldn't help asking.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, the Harry Potter team spent a lot of money to design the magical sound effects, and the sound he showed just now is quite impressive.

If you want him to display it, you have to pay intellectual property fees.

However, Ren Shuai did not refuse, but said euphemistically: "Let's wait a bit, and we can show it in a professional recording studio."

It's time to eat now, he is still hungry from morning to now.

Marenka stroked his beard, smiled happily and said, "No problem, let's eat first."

Ren Shuai smiled and nodded, thinking that older people are more reliable, know how to read words, and have a hairy mouth, so they can do things well.

Now that he had started to enjoy lunch happily, Cui Shaoyu praised Ren Shuai all the time during the dinner, and publicized his ability except for storytelling, and the two people on the opposite side praised him again and again. Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai is an all-rounder.

This praise was not in vain. After the meal, Marenka admired Ren Shuai even more, and promised that Ren Shuai would definitely recommend him to Director Stephen and strive for an important role.

Several people happily took the same car to the film project base.

At this time, the project team is conducting an interview.

It was Lu Zhentian, the actor who was on the same plane with Ren Shuai. Apart from the commercial announcement, his most important purpose in coming to Yuanzhou this time was to come to Stephen's crew for an interview.

Although Lu Zhentian is the new actor in Yezhou, his influence in other continents is not too high. He urgently needs an opportunity to open up markets in other continents.

This time, I heard that the great Intercontinental director Stephen Hull was recruiting actors from five continents, so he got in touch with the other party through various relationships, and finally got a chance to enter the group for an interview.

For this interview, he made sufficient preparations. When he found out that Stephen Hull wanted to create a magical feast this time, he specially watched all the magical movies from all continents.

However, he knew that in films with such a magical background, there were very few Yezhou faces, and even if there were, they were not many supporting roles.

In this regard, he is also mentally prepared, putting down his figure, even if he plays a supporting role, he will not hesitate, it can be said that he is full of sincerity.

It's just that he didn't expect that he was not the only one who met the group today, but several actors from different continents. Except for one or two familiar faces, most of them were newcomers.

This is also in line with Stephen's habits, each of his movies can attract several new actors.

Lu Zhentian didn't feel any imbalance in his heart. Although he had achieved something, in Stephen's eyes, he should not be much different from those newcomers.

After a long wait, it was finally his turn to enter the interview room.

Although Stephen's status is very high, but he has always been personally involved in making movies, even if he chooses a supporting role, he has to personally check it out.

Lu Zhentian entered the interview room together with the translator. Although he had learned foreign languages ​​suddenly in order to open up foreign markets, his foundation was relatively poor, and he could not communicate with people fluently for a while.

Stephen was a kind old man with round gold-rimmed glasses and short white stubble on his mouth. When he saw Lu Zhentian coming in, he showed a kind smile.

"Please sit down."

Lu Zhentian glanced at the few people working in the room. He had done enough homework before he came, and knew a little about Stephen's team members. He could see at a glance that his royal photographer was on the left, and his gold medal producer was sitting on the right. , and a woman who looks a little strange.

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(End of this chapter)

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