From janitor to actor

Chapter 282 Recommended

Chapter 282 Recommended
After Lu Zhentian finished his self-introduction, he started his interview performance.

On the other side, Ren Shuai also arrived at the project team base.

Although Ren Shuai had agreed to let Ren Shuai participate in the actor's group interview, Marenka naturally led Ren Shuai to the recording studio first, after all, that was the main purpose of Marenka's invitation for him.

This time, Ren Shuai was familiar with dubbing in the recording studio. With his previous experience in dubbing science fiction films, he played more smoothly.

However, Ren Shuai kept an eye out and didn't show all the inventory in his stomach. He just tried his hand at it. After showing a few magic dubbing, he began to add regular sound effects.

Marenka was quite satisfied. He thought it would be good if Ren Shuai could produce some electronically synthesized sound effects, but he didn't expect that Ren Shuai gave him a huge surprise.

Originally, Marenka was a little hesitant about the sound effects he should adopt for the magic dubbing, but he did not expect that Ren Shuai would inspire him this time.

With Ren Shuai's few demonstrations, he immediately opened up his mind and had ideas and research directions for other dubbing effects.

Ren Shuai was invited to do the vocal dubbing this time because he felt that human voices are more imaginative than electronically synthesized voices, and they are closer to nature, which is in line with the characteristics that magic itself should have.

Originally, Marenka was still thinking about how to communicate with Ren Shuai and let him make the sound he wanted, but Ren Shuai's voice completely exceeded his expectations.

House, who recorded Ren Shuai, was also very surprised. He felt that Ren Shuai's ability to make such a sound with his mouth was a kind of magic in itself.

The mysterious land of Yezhou really contains many treasures, including voice actors for the treasures.

Marenka listened to Ren Shuai's sound effects repeatedly, and the more he listened, the more he was satisfied. He quickly turned to Cui Shaoyu and said, "Can we sign a contract with Mr. Li now?"

Cui Shaoyu was taken aback, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly, but the purpose of Ren Shuai's coming here was not to sign a dubbing contract, but to win an actor contract.

"I need to discuss this with Mr. Li. His announcements are relatively full, and we may not be able to schedule them in time."

This is Cui Shaoyu's usual way of negotiating contracts. Ren Shuai's schedule can be considered full, but there is no problem in arranging time for sound dubbing.

However, Cui Shaoyu could see Marenka's thirsty eyes, and knew that the other party's intention to sign a contract was very strong. In this case, she would do her duty as an agent and help Ren Shuai raise the price as much as possible.

Sure enough, Marenka became a little anxious when he heard it.

"Please spare some time, please. We appreciate Mr. Li's dubbing ability very much. No, we admire him very much. We really hope to reach a cooperation with him. The price is negotiable."

He has always used his own team for sound effect production before, and even if he cooperates with outside companies, it is still connected through specialized business personnel.

In the case of directly signing a contract with Ren Shuai, Marenka didn't have much experience, so facing Cui Shaoyu's routine, he stepped on it and was determined to death.

Hearing what he said, Cui Shaoyu immediately seized the opportunity and began to use his professional business negotiation skills to negotiate the price with Marenka.

After Ren Shuai added a few more regular sound effects, he walked out of the recording room.

At this time, the sound engineer House no longer had the proud attitude he had when we first met. He looked at Ren Shuai with a trace of admiration, and gave thumbs up with both hands.

"Mr. Li, how did you do it? The sound effects you produced are no worse than computer-synthesized sounds. It's amazing." House said.

Ren Shuai inexplicably received a fanboy.

He smiled and waved his hands and said, "This is a talent, nothing to show off."

Ren Shuai said this to prevent House from asking him for advice on dubbing skills, and to attribute everything to talent, so there is no need to waste more words.

Besides, system item cards are not much different from talents.

Cui Shaoyu was very efficient in his work, and met Marenka, an old man with little negotiation experience, who easily helped Ren Shuai negotiate a lucrative contract.

Ren Shuai did not forget the main purpose of his visit this time. He had been in the dubbing room for more than two hours, and it was almost evening. If he didn't go to the interview again, he was afraid that he would close the booth and go home.

Most importantly, he let Cui Shaoyu book a flight for tonight, because tomorrow he will go to Meiying to take the re-examination.

We must seize the time to get the group meeting done, and we must not delay the flight.

"When are we going to meet the director?" Ren Shuai reminded.

When Marenka heard the words, he suddenly remembered this matter. He saw Lie Xinxi just now, and he had long forgotten that Ren Shuai asked him to meet the team.

Now that the contract has been negotiated with Cui Shaoyu, he readily agreed to Ren Shuai and personally led him to the interview room where Stephen and others were.

As he walked, Marenka thought, Ren Shuai has such a strong dubbing ability, why not become a dedicated dubbing actor, but spend his energy on being an actor, isn't this a waste of talent.

However, Ren Shuai does have some advantages in terms of appearance and temperament, but Marenka doesn't think he can be stronger than him in dubbing.

Marenka thought to himself, since Ren Shuai is interested in becoming an actor, he will introduce him to an interview opportunity. After failing, he will naturally concentrate on dubbing with himself.

At this time, Lu Zhentian had finished the interview. The director respected him enough and gave him several chances to perform. Obviously, he was very satisfied with his performance.

It just so happens that in this magical movie, there is a mysterious prophet from Yezhou who can glimpse fate through magic.

Stephen thinks that Lu Zhentian is very suitable for this role, and the producer also recognizes Lu Zhentian's influence in Yezhou. After the film is released in the Yezhou market in the future, it can help boost the box office.

After he finished the interview, the main creators met with several newcomers and discussed with each other.

Seeing that it was getting late, and all the actors who had met before had already been met, the main creators got up and prepared to go back to rest.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the interview room, and Marenka pushed the door open and entered.

Several people in the room who had already got up turned their heads to look over. Stephen, who was wearing gold-rimmed round glasses, asked curiously, "Dude, why did you come here?"

Marenka's beard curled up with the corners of his mouth, and he showed a big smile and said, "I met a dubbing master, and I plan to sign a contract with him to be the special effects dubbing artist for our movie."

Stephen was even more puzzled, and asked, "Isn't it all up to you to decide, what did you tell me?"

Marenka said with a smile: "But this dubbing master is an actor. He is very interested in playing the role in our film and wants to participate in the interview."

Only then did the main creators suddenly realize that it was no wonder Marenka came here specially to help recommend actors.

However, they had been sitting all afternoon, their bodies were all stiff, and they were not interested in interviewing another actor.

Plus, he's a voice actor.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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