From janitor to actor

Chapter 283 Play

Chapter 283 Play
Marenka saw that the few people were not interested, so he said with a smile: "I am going to sign a contract with this dubbing master. We will all be partners in the future, so we must show some face?"

Stephen didn't expect Marenka to take such a fancy to this person, no matter how he looked at it for the sake of the old man, he had to take care of the other's emotions.

He nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, let's invite this teacher in."

Since the rest of the cast looked at each other, they all understood that the director was just trying to save face for Marenka, and when they saw the actor, everyone just went through the motions.

Soon, Ren Shuai opened the door and entered the interview room.

Several main creators looked up, and their eyes lit up immediately. They didn't expect Ren Shuai's image and temperament to be so outstanding.

Stephen thought to himself, no wonder Marenka recommended it so much, it seems that there are indeed merits.

He smiled and said, "Hi, please introduce yourself briefly."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, take this as a rehearsal for tomorrow's retest.

He opened his mouth to introduce his name, age, height, weight, etc., and introduced his experience, honors and specialties.

When a few people heard that Ren Shuai was the spokesperson of Fendenko Nikki's Yezhou, they all showed surprise expressions, and then they heard that Ren Shuai had starred in Ma Chumpeng's movie, and they became more interested.

As a major intercontinental director, although Ma Chumpeng's influence is mainly in the industry continent, people in other continents have also heard of it.

Stephen and the others, who were in the mood of going through the motions, gradually became a little more serious at this moment, and they also developed a little interest in Ren Shuai's performance.

However, according to Stephen's many years of directing experience, actors with superior appearance are often not as good as those with ordinary appearance in the same period in terms of acting skills.

Because at the same time, people with superior appearance may spend part of their time on image management, while actors with ordinary images will spend more time on studying their acting skills.

Stephen adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, looked at Ren Shuai and said, "We want to invite you to perform an impromptu magic?"

After hearing this, Ren Shuai thought he had a hearing problem, what does performing magic mean.

He's just an actor, not a magician.

Ren Shuai felt that he should not be too passive. Since he finally won this interview opportunity, he should try his best to show his demeanor.

So Ren Shuai said, "Director Stephen, do you have any more specific requirements?"

Stephen saw a strong self-confidence from Ren Shuai. Few actors interviewed would take the initiative to ask him questions, and usually followed his requirements.

But since Ren Shuai asked, he explained: "I believe you should understand that we are a fantasy film, and there will be many scenes of magic confrontation, which requires actors to have a strong sense of faith and imagination. I'd love to see your abilities in this regard."

Ren Shuai understood it this time, and given this proposition that does not strongly stipulate the situation and does not limit the plot, he just wanted to test Ren Shuai's creativity and expressiveness.

This kind of loose proposition is the most difficult, because the actors don't know what effect the director wants, and they don't know whether what they perform will be recognized by the other party.

Stephen did give Ren Shuai a problem.

Now that the work was already done, Marenka suddenly recommended him over. Naturally, he must have strong strength to convince the crowd, and he cannot open the way just by appearance.

Ren Shuai bowed his head and thought for a while. Magic is an illusory thing, which is basically equivalent to performing without a physical object, and it is not a performance of a substance with nothingness, but a performance of nothingness with nothingness.

It is even more difficult.

If he can perform this well, there is no need for special effects in post-production.

Ren Shuai was in a bit of a dilemma. He took a look at the prop cards he owned. Now the dubbing card still has time limit. When performing, he can add sound effects to himself to enhance the effect. In addition, the charm card, martial arts card and physique card can come in handy.

Charm cards can enhance his attractiveness and make his performance more recognized by the judges.

He hasn't tried the superposition of martial arts cards and physical cards, but it should be able to greatly enhance his physical expression.

Since there is no way to perform special effects, he needs to make a fuss about body movements, use actions to express magical effects, and visualize illusory things.

He can't really act like holding a chopstick, pointing at the ceiling and yelling. At this time, some scheming is needed.

Ren Shuai nodded, indicating that he was ready.

Since there is no rule on what kind of magic to perform, then he will show a melee mage's solo performance.

After listening to Stephen's topic, several main creators all showed expressions of watching a play. They also wanted to know what Ren Shuai could perform with such a vague proposition.

Immediately, Ren Shuai lowered his head slightly, and when he raised it again, his momentum changed abruptly.

His eyes were full of fighting intent, his aura was fully open, and he looked straight at the four judges in front of him.

Stephen was the first to bear the brunt of the pressure.

The only female judge present, that is, the screenwriter, had bright eyes at this time, as if she was instantly overwhelmed by Ren Shuai's aura. However, the real surprise had not yet arrived.

Just as Ren Shuai raised his eyes to look forward, he raised his hands at the same time, holding them empty, as if holding a huge sword.

He raised his watch high, kicked his legs on the ground, his body flew into the air, and a sword flower of nothingness spun out of his hand, and he turned and landed.

Under the amazed eyes of several judges, he stood up slightly, made a dodging gesture, performed a one-handed backflip, jumped backwards, and landed with bowed legs, simply and neatly.

At the same time, Ren Shuai let out a series of illusory and blurred voices, as if there were invisible magic floating in the void.

He began to raise his hand to block, and every time he raised his hand, there was an indescribable smoothness, and the sword in his hand seemed to shoot out halos of light.

Every time I wave it, there will always be a piercing sound, accompanied by a strange ending sound.

After finishing this set of movements, Ren Shuai finished the work gracefully, with his hands in front of his body, and quietly looked at the judges.

At this moment, Stephen's eyes fluctuated violently, showing his inner unrest, while the female screenwriter next to him showed unabashed appreciation in her eyes.

The other two also showed expressions of surprise and surprise.

"clap clap"

The four of them applauded in unison.

Stephen took the lead and said, "It's amazing, Mr. Li, you really surprised me. The performance just now made me feel like I was there. It's great."

The female screenwriter next to her couldn't wait to say: "This is magic in reality. Your performance is so wonderful. I have to admit that I haven't seen enough of it."

The two people next to him did not hesitate to praise Ren Shuai.

It was Stephen who recovered from the surprise first. He approved of Ren Shuai's impromptu performance just now. Although there were tricks, Ren Shuai's eyes at the beginning were enough to lock his eyes.

He was a little moved, feeling that Ren Shuai might be suitable for a role in the play.

However, just the movements and eyes are not enough.

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(End of this chapter)

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