From janitor to actor

Chapter 284 Surprised

Chapter 284 Surprised
Stephen turned to look at the female screenwriter, and said in a low voice, "Seni, do you think the role of archmage is suitable for him?"

The female screenwriter was very surprised, she turned her head and replied: "You mean... But, although he is of the right age to play the archmage, he is the face of Yezhou after all."

Stephen smiled and said, "In your script, the archmage has a mysterious origin, isn't he, and Yezhou's face is also very suitable, right?"

The female screenwriter thought about it and felt it made sense, and she really admired Ren Shuai. If he played the archmage, it would be a good choice.

The female screenwriter nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

However, Stephen said again: "This is just my preliminary idea. The level he showed just now is not enough to impress me, so I will hand over the role to him."

At this time, the producer also joined the discussion. He heard the exchange between the two. From the perspective of creation, he had no opinions to give, but from the perspective of the producer, he had his own worries.

"Two, I approve of Mr. Li's performance and appearance, but in terms of language, I am worried whether he can keep up with the progress of other actors in the crew." The producer said.

The female screenwriter also echoed in a low voice: "Yeah, I almost overlooked this point. The Archmage has a lot of lines and a lot of long spells. This is a test for most actors, even those who speak their mother tongue. Difficult, Teacher Li is afraid..."

Stephen nodded, understanding what the two companions wanted to express, and this was where he couldn't make up his mind.

Another point is that in addition to the requirements for action scenes, the archmage is also a delicate character with many inner scenes, which requires actors with strong expressive ability to complete.

After thinking carefully for a while, he took out two pages from the script on the table and looked up at Ren Shuai.

"Mr. Li, I have kept you waiting."

Ren Shuai quietly watched the group of people discussing in low voices. Judging from his eyes, he should have some hope, but I am afraid that the main creators have other worries.

Soon, Stephen put forward new requirements.

"We are very satisfied with your performance just now, and now I have a short scene for you to perform."

As he said, he got up and handed the paper to Ren Shuai, and continued: "There is an archmage character in the play. He has a very high magical power, a respected status, a delicate mind, and foresight. I hope you can act out this role." .”

Ren Shuai looked at the two-page script and felt a little excited.

Isn't this delivered to your door?
He guessed that a few people were worried about his foreign language proficiency and wanted to take this opportunity to take a test, so Ren Shuai readily agreed: "Okay, please give me a few minutes to prepare."

Seeing that Shuai Ren didn't hesitate at all, Stephen thought that he had confidence in his language skills, but Stephen didn't want to give him too much time, and didn't ask Shuai Ren to speak his lines verbatim. It is enough for Ren Shuai to express the central idea.

What he values ​​more is Ren Shuai's emotional expression.

"Okay, can I give you ten minutes?"

The others were surprised to hear that Stephen only gave Ren Shuai ten minutes. It would take at least ten minutes to understand the meaning of the two pages of the script just by reading them.

Then Ren Shuai has no time to memorize lines at all, and can only focus on emotional expression, which can better reflect the actors' ability to understand and present the script.

In this way, Ren Shuai's language understanding and expression ability can be tested more than directly reciting lines.

This requires him to refine and summarize the lines according to his own understanding, and then perform them.

Ren Shuai doesn't care about time, after all, he is a man with cards.

He just needs to read the script in ten minutes.

Fortunately, after Ren Shuai passed the continental exam, he reviewed the foreign language by the way, and his vocabulary also increased.

He read the script at a normal speed. After reading it, Ren Shuai realized that things were not that simple.

The difficulty of this performance is not in the large lines and spells, but in the psychological activities before he casts the spell.

This scene is the foreshadowing before the war between the archmage and the hostile forces. In addition to the conflict of positions, there are also emotional entanglements between him and the hostile forces.

And once a war starts, it will have a great impact on the civilians, and every step of his choice and decision must be cautious.

Ren Shuai needs to express this series of complex psychological activities before he begins to chant spells and cast magic.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and after Stephen's reminder, Ren Shuai returned the script to him.

"Mr. Li, are you ready?"

"Yes, we can begin."

Ren Shuai nodded confidently.

Seeing his state, Stephen showed a trace of expectation. He thought that this scene was not so easy to perform, and he only hoped that Ren Shuai would not take it too lightly.

Several other judges also had their own thoughts, some kept their expectations for Ren Shuai, some expressed concern, and some were not optimistic.

Ren Shuai adjusted his breathing slightly, and gradually sank into the role.

He raised his head slowly, but his eyelids drooped slightly, and there was no complete expression in his eyes, but a faint emotion gradually radiated out.

It seems that there are thousands of burdens at this time, and all kinds of thoughts are surging in the dark, ups and downs.

Ren Shuai's eyes turned slightly, and his eyelids were raised slightly. His eyes were deep and dignified, as if he saw something far away, but he seemed to see nothing.

The expression on his face did not change significantly, but he conveyed many complex emotions within a few breaths.

Ren Shuai took a deep breath slowly, and light gradually came out from his eyes. With this gaze, he seemed to have made a certain decision in his heart, and this decision was accompanied by pain and relief.

Although there were no lines or voices in this performance, it caught the eyes and hearts of the four main creators in an instant. All of them held their breath at the same time, and their moods fluctuated with Ren Shuai's performance.

Just after Ren Shuai made his decision, he spoke.

A lengthy line full of difficult words blurted out, each sentence full of frustration and strength.

As this line was spoken, Stephen instantly showed surprise.

The female screenwriter's eyebrows were raised high, her eyes were wide open, and her lips were slightly parted.

But that was not the only thing that shocked them. After Ren Shuai finished his lines perfectly, he uttered a spell full of profound meaning.

This incantation is the pronunciation written by the screenwriter, and has no specific meaning.

Ren Shuai pronounced every syllable exactly.

The female screenwriter was very surprised, almost exclaimed, and quickly covered her red lips with her hands.

After Ren Shuai finished reciting the incantation, he made a gesture of raising his hand, which was considered to be the end of the performance.

Stephen repeatedly dragged his glasses with his hands, and looked at the lines in the script. Ren Shuai's performance was completely beyond his imagination.

In just ten minutes, Ren Shuai memorized all the lines.

This is not the scariest thing, Ren Shuai not only memorizes the lines verbatim, but also pronounces them very standard, and the frustration and emotion of each sentence are also in place, which can be described as perfect.

What really moved Stephen was the silent performance at the beginning.

Definitely actor-level acting.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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