From janitor to actor

Chapter 285 End of Interview

Chapter 285 End of Interview
Stephen looked at Ren Shuai, looking straight at Ren Shuai through the gold-rimmed glasses, unable to conceal his admiration.

"Mr. Li, you really opened my eyes!"

Stephen originally wanted to pose a difficult problem for Ren Shuai to see how far he could complete it, but he never thought that Ren Shuai would have the possibility of completing it satisfactorily.

But the fact is so, he can't help but believe it.

The suggestion to let Ren Shuai play the role of the archmage was just that he was happy to see Lie Xin, and he was mixed with some impulsiveness.

But after Ren Shuai's performance, he has completely made up his mind that the role of Archmage must be played by Ren Shuai.

As the creator of the character, the female screenwriter nodded her head repeatedly after watching Ren Shuai's performance. At first, she just admired Ren Shuai's skills and appearance, and didn't really feel that he was qualified to be an archmage.

But now she has begun to fantasize about the effect of the real shooting. The mysterious archmage with the face of Yiyezhou is very interesting when she thinks about it.

The producer only considers the issue of income. Seeing that Ren Shuai is capable of both literary and martial arts, he will definitely be an eye-catching character. Although he doesn't know about the popularity, he can speak for Fendenko Nickey. Definitely has a lot of influence.

Such an actor playing the role of the archmage can not only add to the mysterious atmosphere of the whole film, but also contribute to improving the quality of the film, and by the way, boost the box office of Yezhou, which can serve multiple purposes.

The camera has no problem with this. He only considers from the perspective of whether the actor has a sense of the camera and whether he is photogenic. Ren Shuai's image and acting skills have nothing to say.

The four main creators exchanged colors with each other and immediately agreed.

However, for the sake of safety, they will not give a very definite answer before signing the contract.

Stephen has rich experience in this matter. He looked at Ren Shuai and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, we are very much looking forward to reaching a cooperation with you, but the crew is still in preparation, and the time and actors have not yet been determined. Once we confirm, we will Contact you as soon as possible."

Ren Shuai knew that he usually wouldn't give opinions on the spot when he met the group, but he should be satisfied with the eyes of a few people, at least he will be assigned a role of a role.

"Okay, thank you very much to the teachers for their precious time."

Ren Shuai nodded politely and said goodbye.

As soon as he walked out of the interview room, the female screenwriter in the back room couldn't help but let out continuous admiration.

She looked at Stephen and exaggeratedly praised: "It's the first time I've seen such a wonderful interview, it's so good, I should tell him directly, let him play the archmage!"

Stephen nodded with a smile: "It's really amazing. Let's look at the subsequent interviewees. If there is no more suitable one, then the archmage will appoint Mr. Li to act."

The female screenwriter shook her head and said, "How could there be someone more suitable than him? I've been a screenwriter for so many years, and I've seen countless actors whose acting skills are comparable to his, but their movements are definitely not as good as his. Those with great moves are not as good as his acting skills , besides, his appearance is still so good.”

Hearing what she said, the producer joked with a smile: "Cheni must have fallen in love with him, but it's a pity that you are too old, and I'm afraid you are not worthy of him."

The female screenwriter glared at him dissatisfied, and said with a smile, "What nonsense, I'm only 45 years old, you old man is bald."

At this time, the silent cameraman next to him said: "I remember, when Mr. Li introduced his age, he said that this year... he is 60 years old."




There were three consecutive voices full of shock and doubt.

The three of them, including Stephen, turned to look at the cameraman with disbelief in their eyes.

The cameraman shrugged, spread his hands and said, "When you listen to actors reporting their names and ages, you always ignore them. This habit should be changed."

Stephen glanced at the producer who was the same age as him, and lamented that the maintenance ability of Yezhou people is also a miraculous thing.

The female screenwriter Senny raised her eyebrows slightly, with a smile and inexplicable expectation in her eyes.

After Ren Shuai walked out of the interview room, he found that Marenka was still waiting for him.

In fact, Marenka didn't expect Ren Shuai to go in for so long.

He originally thought that Ren Shuai was just performing for fun, and even if the director asked Ren Shuai to interview for his sake, he would at most go through the motions and not delay too long.

But he didn't expect that it would take half an hour to wait.

Judging from this trend, could it be that Ren Shuai is not only good at dubbing, but also good at acting?
He greeted Ren Shuai and asked, "How is it? Is there any result?"

Ren Shuai shook his head and said, "Let's go back and wait for the news. He said that he will contact me as soon as the actor and time are confirmed."

When Marenka heard this, she was a little confused about the situation.

If there is no one selected, they usually just say that they will go back and wait for news, and then there is no news, or the news that the film will be released is heard again.

I will never say that I will get in touch after a certain time.

Could it be that Ren Shuai really succeeded in the interview?

Marenka took a look at Ren Shuai's appearance, and felt that he did have an advantage, and he might be a secondary role.

"Congratulations, it seems that the interview went well."

Marenka congratulated, thinking that many actors in Yezhou would feel very satisfied as long as they had a second or two in Stephen's film.

If Ren Shuai succeeds in the interview, he should have at least one line, which is also a good result.

Ren Shuai also had the same idea as him, and felt that even if the interview was successful this time, it should be a character with one or two lines.

But he also feels good. After all, the film is released simultaneously on five continents and has a large audience. Even if there are few scenes, he can still drink some soup and gain a small wave of recognition.

The two walked out all the way, and Cui Shaoyu was already waiting outside.

Marenka also wanted to take Ren Shuai to have dinner, but Ren Shuai needed to catch a plane back, so he didn't stay longer and set off for Yezhou.

After sending Ren Shuai away, Stephen found Marenka. He was very curious about how his old buddy Ren Shuai was the actor.

Since he intends to let Ren Shuai play the role of the archmage, he wants to know more about the actors, which will also help him to make effective arrangements for the actors when he directs.

When Marenka heard that Stephen asked Ren Shuai about it, he introduced his experience in detail.

It's just that he's a little curious, is it necessary for Stephen to have his detailed information for a secondary role?
Stephen was taken aback after hearing this. He didn't expect Ren Shuai to win the best sound effect award at the film festival with his voice dubbing. No wonder Marenka would tout him as a dubbing master.

A person with strong dubbing ability also has amazing acting skills and action skills at the same time. Sure enough, there is no upper limit for geniuses.

Such a person would probably not be unknown in Yezhou. It seems that the decision to arrange him to play the archmage was not wrong.

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(End of this chapter)

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