From janitor to actor

Chapter 286 Continue the interview

Chapter 286 Continue the interview
After Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu got on the plane, they met an acquaintance again by coincidence. It was Lu Zhentian's makeup assistant who flew on the same flight as them.

That's right, Ren Shuai didn't book business class on his return trip.

The little girl with bangs was very excited when she saw Cui Shaoyu, she quickly changed places with her colleague and sat down next to Cui Shaoyu.

At this time, Ren Shuai had already put his hat on his face, ready to rest.

The makeup assistant girl looked at Cui Shaoyu and said in a low voice, "Sister Cui, is that teacher Li next to me?"

She has always regretted that she forgot to ask for an autograph when she came here. She never thought that she would have the chance to meet her on the return trip, and she must not miss it this time.

Cui Shaoyu nodded slightly.

Miss Qi Liuhai immediately took out a small book from her pocket, handed it over and said, "Can I ask Teacher Li to sign for me..."

As soon as she said this, the hat that Shuai Ren covered her face slipped off, revealing a face that was blessed with makeup cards and charm at the same time, instantly producing a sparkling effect.

The little girl immediately changed her words when she reached her lips, "Sign your name for me, and take a group photo later?"

Ren Shuai felt the light shining, opened his eyes in a daze, picked up the hat and covered his face again.

The little girl Qi Liuhai suddenly revealed her starry eyes, looking expectantly at Cui Shaoyu.

Seeing that Ren Shuai had been awakened by the light, Cui Shaoyu nodded and said to Ren Shuai quietly, "Mr. Li, someone wants to take a photo with you."

Ren Shuai tossed and tossed all day, and was too sleepy to open his eyes for a long time. Hearing what Cui Shaoyu said, he responded in a daze.

When Miss Qi Liuhai heard this, she immediately grinned. Cui Shaoyu kindly changed places with her. Girl Qi Liuhai took out her mobile phone and made a gesture of scissors.

Ren Shuai opened his eyes with a confused smile.

When Miss Qi Liuhai saw this, she was even more delighted, thinking that the idol was so close to the people, and even took a photo with her in a drowsy sleep, and didn't care about her image at all, and she didn't pretend.

As expected of an old drama, he is different from those coquettish sluts who pay attention to appearance.

Her affection for Ren Shuai soared.

The little girl worked next to the film king all year round, and she had a good sense of proportion. After getting a group photo of Ren Shuai's sleepy eyes, she didn't make any additional requests, and sat back in her seat very satisfied.

Then I watched it repeatedly with my mobile phone, and the more I watched it, the more I felt that Ren Shuai was attractive, but she had to take a good photo herself.

Cui Shaoyu didn't feel sleepy for a while, so he chatted with the little girl again.

After the little girl got the group photo, she was in a good mood, and the conversation started.

"Actor Lu participated in an interview in addition to the commercial activities this time. It is the work of the great Intercontinental director Stephen Hull. I heard it is very powerful."

When Cui Shaoyu heard this, he immediately paid attention: "Which role did he interview for, and what was the result?"

The little girl was questioned now, and she also got the news from other people.

"I don't know the specifics, but it seems that the interview went well. The actor Lu is in a good mood, and he even ordered high-end takeaways for everyone before he came back at night."

When Cui Shaoyu heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Generally speaking, even if there are Yezhou faces in the production of Yuanzhou University, there will not be too many faces, at most one male and one male.

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhentian also went to the interview, so Ren Shuai is in danger.

In terms of popularity and influence, Ren Shuai certainly can't compete with the actor.

Cui Shaoyu thought to himself, compared with Lu Zhentian, Ren Shuai's biggest advantage may be his good looks.

But Stephen's movies are definitely not purely based on appearance.

Since Lu Zhentian's interview went well, Shuai Ren must be suspended.

She asked Ren Shuai about the results of the interview before, and Ren Shuai also said that he should be able to get a trick, and she was very happy for a long time.

In the end, she was only happy for a few hours before hearing the bad news. She had already figured out how to write the press release, but now it was all for naught.

It's impossible for Ren Shuai to defeat Best Actor Lu and grab the role, right?

This possibility is minimal.

Fortunately, this trip was not in vain, at least the next dubbing contract was negotiated, which was also Stephen's film.

She thought to herself that a good publicity campaign would also have an effect, perhaps even better than acting in a side role.

After all, Ren Shuai's starting point is not as good as others'. It is a luxury to star in Stephen's movie. Being able to participate in the interview is already a huge success, and at least left an impression on several main creators.

Maybe the next time I shoot a new drama, I will think of Ren Shuai.

After Cui Shaoyu thought about it, he felt much better.

After several people landed on the plane, Ren Shuai got up early to wake up before dawn.

It's a pity that there is no place on the plane for him to punch and stretch his muscles.

He has to rush to school non-stop today to take the state exam interview.

Cui Shaoyu didn't tell him about Ren Shuai's possible failure in Stephen's movie, fearing that it would affect Ren Shuai's mood.

After Ren Shuai rushed back to school, he changed into a casual outfit, but he was a little worried when he looked in the mirror.

The interview expressly stipulates that no makeup is allowed.

And the effect of the makeup card has not been lifted...

Ren Shuai looked up at the wall clock. There was still an hour and a half before the makeup card was released, but only one hour left before the interview started.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, then took out a mask from the drawer, took out a peaked cap and put it on his head, and brought a pair of sunglasses when he was about to go out.

Ren Shuai was armed to the teeth and hurried out the door.

At this time, there was already a long queue in front of the main entrance of Meiying, and the candidates for the interview were waiting to enter in an orderly manner.

Next to the test team, there are many media outlets that conduct random interviews.

Many candidates with excellent appearance conditions were called aside by the media for individual interviews, and some were even asked to improvise a talent show.

Most of the candidates who participated in the interview this time did not need to liberate their instincts, and everyone was very open-minded, even if they performed their talents in front of hundreds of people, they did not hesitate at all.

Both boys and girls show their facial features and want to show their best mental outlook.

Standing in the crowd, Ren Shuai was the most conspicuous outlier.

Wearing a peaked cap, sunglasses, and a mask, it's a three-piece suit of celebrities.

A tall boy standing behind him patted Ren Shuai curiously and said, "Dude, why are you so strict?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, how dare he show his face in front of so many people and become the focus of attention every minute, with makeup and charm cards.

If the effect of makeup suddenly disappears during the interview later, wouldn't it mean that he would show his original shape in public, and of course he would have to cover it up tightly.

"Well, I'm allergic."

Ren Shuai explained vaguely.

The tall boy behind him nodded sympathetically, thinking that this guy is really sad, but he has allergies during the interview, so I'm afraid it will be a round trip.

At this time, a media with a unique vision also saw Ren Shuai who was dressed in a different way in the team.

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(End of this chapter)

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