From janitor to actor

Chapter 288 Drag

Chapter 288 Drag

Seeing that Ren Shuai entered Meiying, the female reporter had no choice but to follow up. She could only turn her head to look at the cameraman, and asked, "Did you see who that was just now?"

The cameraman shook his head, thinking that only a little bit of the ear was exposed on the whole face, who would be able to tell who he was.

"By the way, I have the agent's phone number, just contact me and I'll know."

The female reporter said happily, and then began to stare at the big cameraman.

Ren Shuai reported the number too fast just now, so she didn't remember it, but fortunately they can watch the replay.

Then, the female reporter and the video camera brother looked at each other and watched a silent video.

Although the camera was turned on just now, the microphone in the female reporter's hand was not turned on.

In other words, the entire video is just a silent mime, only the image without sound.

And because Ren Shuai was wearing a mask, she didn't even have the chance to see the mouth shape.

The female reporter wanted to cry, but she didn't catch a pie falling from the sky, and even threw the pie on the ground and broke it into pieces.

After Ren Shuai entered the gate of Meiying, the tall boy behind him couldn't help asking: "You, are you a star?"

He heard the conversation between Ren Shuai and the female reporter just now.


Ren Shuai replied sincerely, he is just a young actor.

The tall boy asked in surprise, "Then why do you have a manager?"

Ren Shuai said lightly, "I lied to her."

"Um, what about the phone number?"


The tall boy was completely stunned and asked, "Why don't you want to be interviewed?"

Because she didn't pay...

Ren Shuai couldn't answer like this. In order to save trouble, he could only say: "Because of allergies."


This is the reason again, but allergies can explain not showing your face, but it can't explain why you don't accept interviews.

However, Ren Shuai continued, "So I'm in a bad mood."

Ah well, good reason.

The tall boy couldn't help but nodded.

I'm in a bad mood because of my allergies, I don't want to be interviewed because I'm in a bad mood, I'm very good and strong.

He almost thought that Ren Shuai was really a celebrity.

This kind of person with personality and sensibility is really suitable to be an actor.

Too bad I'm allergic.

The tall boy couldn't help but feel sorry for him, and he was a little glad that he could lose one competitor.

The team walked forward like this, and Ren Shuai looked down at the time from time to time, calculating how long it would take an hour and a half to pass.

However, the sky did not go his way, and after an hour, Ren Shuai was about to approach the interview room.

He thought to himself, why did the interview with a large group of people in front go so fast? Can't they be so efficient?

The order of the first round of interviews is carried out directly in accordance with the order in which candidates line up, first come, first face, and then to the back.

Ren Shuai deliberately came late, thinking that he could postpone it for a while.

But he didn't expect that the first round could be so fast. It was like sifting flour. Candidates walked around the interview room, reported their names, and then left.

When they were queuing up, some teachers had already started to introduce the rules and precautions. Each person was limited to 3 seconds, and points were deducted for overtime. If they exceeded 10 seconds, they would be eliminated directly.

Ren Shuai calculated that according to previous years' experience, there were about 4000 people who came to take the art test. If each person took three seconds, it would take more than three hours.

But now at least 3000 people have entered, but it only took more than an hour, an average of more than one second per person.

It seems that every examinee is afraid that he will overtime, strictly counting the time, coupled with the element of nervousness, the speaking speed must be faster, which leads to further shortening of the time.

Such a short time is enough for the teacher to glance at the candidate's figure and appearance, and nothing else can be seen.

But the interview teacher has long practiced sharp eyes, which students are suitable to be actors and which are not, basically can be seen at a glance.

In order to save everyone's time, they unanimously decided at the meeting to adopt the fast-forward mode this year as an experiment.

In this way, candidates who are not suitable to be actors can be quickly and directly screened out, and good seedlings can be carefully selected through the second and third rounds.

If this method is feasible, the school even thinks that it will be carried out in this way in the future, which can save a lot of time for teachers and candidates, and is also of great benefit to maintaining discipline in the examination room.

But this is not what Ren Shuai imagined.

When communicating with Mu Xiaoqing before, he never said it was this way. He guessed that the process might be adjusted this year.

It wasn't kind to him at all.

Seeing that there are still hundreds of people who are about to finish, Ren Shuai is a little anxious. If this trend continues, when it is his turn to interview, the makeup card must not have expired.

You can't pass the interview without makeup.

Seeing that it was Ren Shuai's turn to enter the interview room, he turned his head and glanced at the tall boy, and said, "I feel sick to my stomach, you go to the interview first."

The tall boy was a little surprised, thinking that he had waited in line for more than an hour, and it only took a second to get in, wouldn't it be over if he persisted?
Ren Shuai got up and left the team directly, walking towards the bathroom.

The invigilator quickly stopped him and said, "It's your turn to go in, take off your hat and mask."

"I'm going to the bathroom." Ren Shuai pointed to the front and said.

The teacher also had the same thought as the tall boy, and said, "It will be over soon."

Ren Shuai had no choice but to say: "I can't bear it for half a second."

The teacher suddenly showed sympathy, stepped aside, and thought to himself, what should I do in the future if my kidneys are just like this at such a young age.

Ren Shuai used his urine to avoid Dafa and spent time hiding in the bathroom.

While looking at the time, he observed the number of people queuing in the corridor.

Seeing that the interval between candidates is getting wider and wider, the team is getting thinner and thinner, and there are not many people left.

But Ren Shuai found that there were still five minutes before the makeup card expired, and at least 200 people could be interviewed at the normal speed.

The tail of the team has appeared, and it seems that there are no more than 100 people at most.

Ren Shuai had to find a way to delay the time.

He looked at the candidates who swiped their admission tickets to enter the interview room, and suddenly had an idea and walked out of the bathroom.

The invigilator who stopped Ren Shuai before thought he fell into the toilet, but now that he came out, he felt relieved.

"Come here quickly."

He beckoned, intending to let Ren Shuai go directly to the front of the line.

After all, Ren Shuai was already in line just now, so it would be unreasonable to queue up again just because he went to the bathroom.

Ren Shuai had no objection to this, he nodded happily and walked over.

He took out the admission ticket and waved it on the scanner.

However, his information was not displayed on the screen, but it showed that the code scanning failed.

Ren Shuai quickly said, "Teacher, let the students behind go in first. My QR code seems to be folded. I'll try to straighten it out."

Seeing this, the invigilator nodded in agreement in order to save time.

Ren Shuai counted silently in his heart. The swiping code just now should have been delayed for about ten seconds.

But he needed at least another two and a half minutes of delay.

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(End of this chapter)

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