From janitor to actor

Chapter 289 Round 1

Chapter 289 First Round

Seeing the candidates entering quickly one by one, Ren Shuai got up quickly, stepped into the front of the line, and said to the invigilator, "My QR code is ready, can I try again?"

The invigilator nodded and signaled Ren Shuai to hurry up. It was about to end, and he also wanted to get off work early.

Ren Shuai held the QR code and shook it repeatedly in front of the machine, but nothing was displayed on the screen.

He thought about it, took the test admission ticket and turned it left and right, fiddled with it back and forth, and gestured in front of the code scanning gun.

Another dozen seconds passed, but still no result. The invigilator couldn't stand it any longer, and stepped forward and said, "Let other people in first. Show me your admission ticket."

After speaking, he reached for the admission ticket in Ren Shuai's hand.

Ren Shuai looked as if he hadn't reacted, and he didn't let go of his examination admission ticket. Then, with a "chi la", his examination admission ticket was torn into two pieces.

The location of the break happened to be in the middle of the QR code, and it was properly cut in half.

The invigilator was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect such a consequence.

Ren Shuai held back his smile and hurriedly asked, "Teacher, what should I do? My admission ticket is broken, so I won't be disqualified?"

The invigilator quickly comforted: "Don't panic, don't panic first, I have glue strips here, let me stick them on for you first."

He also felt very embarrassed, thinking that he accidentally damaged the student's admission ticket.

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Okay, then you can help me."

He glanced at the time, and then at the number of people in line. He felt that when the teacher was ready, he should be able to wait for two and a half minutes.

Candidates walked in one after another. When passing by the entrance of the examination room, because the invigilator was sticking the admission ticket to Ren Shuai, the entrance was not as smooth as before, which delayed some time.

This is exactly what Ren Shuai likes to hear.

Finally, when there were three or five candidates left, the invigilator glued up Ren Shuai's admission ticket.


He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was quite a hassle to finally get the candidate's admission ticket ready.

Ren Shuai took it with a smile, and kept thanking him: "Thank you teacher, thanks to you, otherwise I was really afraid that I would be disqualified from the exam."

After speaking, he was very excited and took the teacher to thank him for a long time. It was not until the last candidate entered the examination room that he tentatively scanned the QR code up.

Guess it's almost time.

I have to say that the teacher's craftsmanship is very good, and the test admission ticket that has been glued is the same as when it is intact.

The reason why Ren Shuai couldn't scan the QR code before was because he tampered with it. After handing it over to the teacher, he took off the things blocking the QR code.

After sticking it, you can scan the code normally.

Seeing that Ren Shuai finally succeeded in scanning the QR code, the invigilator felt that this trouble was finally coming in. Even with his rough scanning experience, he might not be able to enter the gate of Meiying.

"Okay, go in quickly, take off the mask and glasses on your face, and don't wear your hat."

Ren Shuai nodded, took out his phone and checked the time, there were still five seconds left.

"Okay, I'll take it off when I go in."

He picked up the admission ticket and was about to walk in.

"Hey, wait, you take off all these extra things now."

The teacher stopped him, looked at him sharply, and continued: "You don't show your face, how do I know if it's an imposter?"

Ren Shuai didn't expect this to happen again, he nodded slowly, his movements were as slow as lightning, and he raised his hand to take off the mask.

When he took off the mask, the time limit for the makeup card was still two seconds, but fortunately, no makeup effect could be seen on his chin.

Seeing his slow movements, the teacher gradually showed doubts in his eyes, thinking that he is really cheating in the exam, right?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Ren Shuai was suspicious. It took so long to invigilate the exam, and none of the candidates dressed like Ren Shuai. The first round of the interview was to look at the face, but he covered them all. It was really counterintuitive.

Just when he was about to call security, Ren Shuai took off his hat.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when the invigilator watched him take off his hat, he clearly felt that his hairstyle was exquisite.

But when the hat was completely taken off, he found that Ren Shuai's smooth hair was shaking in front of his forehead, without any shape at all.

Is it blinding?

The invigilator blinked, always feeling dazzled.

Ren Shuai looked at the other party's reaction and knew that the effect of the makeup card should be delayed.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and took off his sunglasses calmly.

The moment the invigilator saw him, he immediately glared and said, "I caught you, you really are taking the exam!"

Ren Shuai was stunned for a moment, thinking how could I be a substitute for the exam?
"No, I'm Li Laifu." He pointed to the result displayed by swiping the code.

The invigilator said to himself, don't you think it's a bit far-fetched to pretend to be a high school student at your age?

He subconsciously turned his head to look at the photo displayed on the screen, and then froze.

It seems that maybe, he really looks exactly like the person in front of him, but this face looks a little too anxious.

Just as he was thinking, he saw Ren Shuai's age from the corner of his eye, and his eyes suddenly widened.

6, 60...?
The invigilator looked at it several times, then looked up at Ren Shuai, and blurted out: "How did you take care of it?"

Ren Shuai felt that the teacher's thinking was a bit too jumpy. One second he suspected that he was taking the exam, and the next second he asked him the secret of maintenance.

At this moment, the door of the interview room was pushed open, and a young man poked his head out and asked, "Mr. Zhang, are there any student interviews?"

"Oh, yes, yes, Li Laifu, go in quickly."

The invigilator quickly reached out his hand, indicating that Ren Shuai could go in.

Ren Shuai nodded and smiled, and walked into the interview room.

Looking at the back of him entering, the invigilator nodded thoughtfully, no wonder he had to cover it so tightly, it turned out that he had a good face and was afraid of being surrounded by people.

When Ren Shuai stepped into the interview room, he saw interview teachers sitting in a row, three men and two women, aged around 50 to [-] years old.

Seeing someone entering, several people quickly raised their heads and looked intently.

The assistant in the examination room had already started timing, and Ren Shuai did not waste any time, and immediately reported the examination number and name.

Several interviewing teachers were a little surprised, their expressions were exactly the same as those of the invigilator at the door.

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he showed a polite smile, bowed to the teachers, turned around and walked towards the exit.

Just as he reached out to grab the doorknob, he heard a thick voice.

"Please wait a moment, I want to verify the candidates' information, are you the candidate Li Laifu?"

Ren Shuai turned his head, said "yes", then quickly opened the door and walked out.

"Please wait a second, I need to confirm your age." The same voice asked.

Ren Shuai paused, turned his head but did not answer, but looked at the exam assistant who was in charge of timing, and asked, "This should not count as the time for my exam, right?"

The test assistant was also taken aback. He had never encountered such a situation before, so he turned to look at the examiner.

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(End of this chapter)

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