From janitor to actor

Chapter 290 Abandoning the Exam?

Chapter 290 Abandoning the Exam?
The examiner was amused by Ren Shuai's question.

He is a man with a slightly set back hairline, but a very well-groomed man.

Candidates always answer the teacher's questions first, but this exam is good because he cares about timing.

In the end, it is not up to the invigilator to decide whether to enter the next round.

The examiner nodded with a smile, and said, "No problem, it doesn't count as your time, anyway, you are the last person, come in and answer the questions."

After Ren Shuai heard this, he walked back into the house in peace.

The rest of the teachers looked at him curiously, and Ren Shuai replied, "Age is 60 years old."

"It's really 60 years old, it's not that the information is wrong."

"It's well maintained."

"At this age, I come to the state to take the exam, and I have an idea."

Several invigilators expressed different emotions.

The examiner looked at Ren Shuai curiously and asked, "Why are you still taking the art test at the age of 60?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, in order to get a bachelor's degree.

But he couldn't answer like this, it would be too realistic, so Ren Shuai said very tactfully: "Because there is no age limit for the art test."

The examiner suddenly laughed. This is a typical answer to a question, just like answering a question.

He asked patiently, "I mean, why did you take the art test with these high school students?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, I don't have a choice, since those who come to take the art test are high school students, not uncles and aunts.

But he couldn't answer that way, it would be impolite.

So he smiled and said, "Because my score has passed the line."

The examiner couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't want to give up the question, so he asked in a different way: "Then why did you apply for Meiying?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself that since he works in Meiying, it is convenient for him to attend classes near the water. Besides, Vice President Chu also promised him that he can attend classes at will without worrying about attendance.

But if he said this in front of the examiners, would he be suspected of going through the back door?

Ren Shuai thought for a while and could only answer: "Because Meiying recruited students."

The examiner was completely defeated, stroked his forehead and sighed with a smile: "Okay, I'm fine."

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile, turned and walked out of the interview room.

As soon as he walked out the door, a heated discussion broke out in the interview room.

"Ms. Zhu, this candidate, no, this uncle is really interesting. Isn't it funny to come to take the art test at such an old age?" A male teacher laughed.

The examiner Zhu Mingtao smiled and said, "I think he is quite suitable to be an actor."

Hearing his words, the male teacher next to him asked puzzledly, "Aren't you joking, he is so old, how can he be an actor?"

As soon as this remark was made, before Zhu could react, a female perm teacher in her fifties immediately retorted: "What's the matter with age? For actors, it's not a problem at all."

Seeing this, the male teacher quickly retreated and said, "Yes, yes, Director Feng is right, I am narrow-minded."

At this moment, another female teacher who had been silent all this time said, "Do you think that the candidate named Li Laifu looks familiar to you just now?"

Several people looked at him and shook their heads. The female teacher didn't get any feedback, so she couldn't confirm the doubts in her heart, so she could only murmur, "It seems to be the security guard at the back door of the school."

Others had their own ideas, Zhu Mingtao said: "I was too busy just now to ask questions and forgot to vote for him. How did the teachers vote?"

There are a total of five teachers in this interview, and each has a vote. After the candidates come in, each of them casts a yes or no vote. If three or more people agree, they can enter the next round smoothly.

If there is a timeout, if the timeout exceeds five seconds, one vote for approval will be deducted as appropriate.

However, Shuai Ren was the last person, and the teachers were not in a hurry to vote for him. After hearing Zhu Mingtao's question, a few people realized that they didn't seem to vote for Shuai Ren either.

While he was speaking, the middle-aged male teacher dragged the mouse and directly ticked the objected position.

And the female teacher with perm ticked the agree position.

In addition, two teachers, a male and a female, also voted against and in favor respectively, reaching a two-to-two tie.

The final decision rests with Zhu Mingtao, the chief examiner.

Judging from his appearance, Ren Shuai really meets the requirements of an actor, but from the perspective of age, he is indeed a bit old, and his artistic life is not as good as that of a high school student.

Since it was a difficult choice, Zhu Mingtao chose to agree without any psychological burden.

Anyway, there are still two rounds of interviews to come. This Li Laifu speaks very interestingly, and Zhu Mingtao really wants to see what other interesting things he can do.

At this time, the candidates were all gathered in the campus square, anxiously waiting for the results of the first round of interviews.

According to the experience of previous years, the results of the first round will be released relatively quickly. Basically, after all the candidates have finished the interview, the results will be available.

Ren Shuai was the last one to enter the square. As soon as he came out, a student approached him and asked, "Hello, teacher, may I ask, is the interview inside finished?"

Ren Shuai was taken aback, teacher?

He touched his face, wondering how this man knew he was a teacher, he hadn't started his job yet.

Ren Shuai knew the reason as soon as he thought about it. Judging from his age, of course he is not a student, so he is naturally a teacher.

"Well, it's over." Shuai Ren nodded.

At this moment, a familiar tall figure swayed from the side, and he also heard Ren Shuai's answer just now.

"Hello, teacher, the interview is over, haven't you seen a candidate wearing a mask and sunglasses?"

Before the interview was over, he waited near the door and didn't leave, wanting to see how the interview result of the buddy in front of him was.

However, he waited and waited, but he didn't see the person with the sunglasses and mask coming out. Now that he heard that the interview was over, he still didn't see anyone.

Could it be that the allergies are too severe, so I quit the exam and went home?
Ren Shuai didn't expect that he was still thinking about himself, so he couldn't help but feel a little moved, and asked curiously: "Well, I saw a person dressed like that, what do you want him for?"

Hearing what he said, the tall boy explained with a smile: "He is dressed like that because of allergies. I met him when I was in line, and I just wanted to wait for him to read the results together."

Ren Shuai nodded, thinking that's the case, should I tell him that the person is himself.

Before he could finish his thoughts, the tall boy continued: "I'm also curious to see what his allergies are like, and he is so tightly wrapped."

Ren Shuai was speechless.

"Oh, the man gave up the exam and left." He said.

He actually gave up the exam... The tall boy was surprised.

At this moment, the broadcast sounded: "Attention all candidates, the results of the first round of interviews have been displayed on the big screen in the central square, please go and check them in an orderly manner.

Candidates entering the next round, please go to Building No. [-] to prepare for the test with your admission ticket. Other candidates please leave in an orderly manner. Thank you for your cooperation! "

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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