From janitor to actor

Chapter 291 Interview Results

Chapter 291 Interview Results
After the broadcast sounded, the candidates immediately moved closer to the big screen in the square.

There had long been a teacher standing nearby to maintain order, so that the candidates would not be crowded, and they could check their results in an orderly manner, and at the same time, two paths were diverted.

One leads to the school gate outside the square, and the other leads to the test preparation classroom in the second building.

Ren Shuai also followed the flow of people and walked in front of the big screen to check the results.

He also thought about what to do if he failed the first round.

Then go directly to Vice President Chu.

However, he adhered to the principle of not relying on relationships if he can rely on strength, so he decided to come to the interview in person, and feel the charm of the art test by the way.

The tall boy also walked in with Ren Shuai. Everyone maintained the same posture, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Some candidates clasped their hands together, and some muttered words. They all raised their heads with apprehension, hoping to see their names in the passing list.

In order to let everyone see clearly, the fonts on the big screen are too large to fit too many names on one screen, and the form of scrolling is adopted.

Everyone's eyes are closely following the scrolling of the big screen. According to the experience of previous years, the vast majority of people will pass the first round of the art test.

There are roughly 4000 people who applied for the exam this year. After the first round, there were less than 1000 people left. After the big screen scrolled twice, sighs came from around.

Ren Shuai was also watching intently. When he looked up, the big screen had finished scrolling once and started to rotate again.

After looking at it for a long time, Ren Shuai still didn't see his name.

He became a little nervous. The more names that appeared, the fewer opportunities remained.

When he was nervous, the tall boy next to him said "Yeah" and waved his fist.

Ren Shuai was taken aback by his strange cry, and turned his head to give him a look, while the tall boy couldn't care less about other people's eyes, and laughed excitedly.

"I passed, I passed!"

While he was talking excitedly, he walked around a lot, trying to seek the approval of other people.

Just happened to meet Ren Shuai's disgusted eyes, only to hear Ren Shuai say indifferently: "This is only the first round, it's too early to be happy."

The tall boy was dumbfounded for a moment, thinking that the teacher had already said that, he really had to restrain himself a bit, and stop spreading hatred everywhere.

He nodded hastily, and happily walked towards the road leading to the second building.

Ren Shuai was delayed by him, and the progress of watching the screen was interrupted. When he looked up, he finished another round and had to watch it again.

This time, no one disturbed him. Ren Shuai stared intently at the big screen. It was about to scroll to the end, but there was still no sign of his name.

You really didn't even pass the first round, did you?
Ren Shuai murmured in his heart, and when he sighed in his heart, he suddenly saw the word Li Laifu at the bottom of the screen.

In the last place of all candidates.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, maybe they are arranged in the order of the interviews. He was the last one to participate in the interview, so he is at the end of the list.

In any case, it is gratifying to be able to successfully enter the second round.

Ren Shuai followed the opened path to the examination preparation room in Building No. [-].

A total of 976 people entered the second side, and more than [-] classrooms in the entire No. [-] building were already full of students preparing for the exam.

When entering the building, the teacher will give students a random number, and everyone will enter the corresponding test preparation room according to the number.

Following the guidance, Ren Shuai came to a lecture theater on the second floor near the stairs. His seat was in the first row by the window.

After Ren Shuai took his seat, he turned his head and saw that the tall boy was sitting behind him by coincidence.

As soon as Ren Shuai turned his head, he heard the tall boy say in surprise: "Teacher, are you in charge of my examination room? What a coincidence, do you remember me? We met in the square just now."

Ren Shuai didn't expect that this buddy was still a chatterbox, talking endlessly.

"Oh, I have no impression."

Ren Shuai didn't intend to chat with him much.

Hearing this, the tall boy immediately leaned forward and said, "Didn't you just persuade me not to be too happy, and you forgot so soon?"

Ren Shuai gave a perfunctory "Oh", worried about what to do when he was asked to sing and dance during the interview.

The tall boy seemed very excited. He finally met the teacher Ren Shuai. He wanted to take this opportunity to make friends and find out what the next interview will be about.

"Teacher, my name is Chai Ming, from Taijing City, where are you from?" He said very familiarly.

"Beautiful movie."

Ren Shuai answered casually, took out his mobile phone and called up the song he had prepared, and put on his earphones to review and ask.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was not enjoying the conversation, Chai Ming didn't stalk him, but turned around to look for the next chat partner.

It happened that there was a beautiful little girl with exquisite figure sitting next to him. Chai Ming's eyes lit up and he said, "Hello, I..."

Before he could open his mouth, the little girl with the pear blossom perm showed a commercial smile and said, "Do you want to take a group photo? Yes, but don't post it to the media, thank you!"

Chai Ming was taken aback, and looked carefully for a long time, but he didn't recognize who the other party was, but from his tone, it should be someone who was already famous.

Ren Shuai raised his eyes and glanced, and the little girl with pear blossom perm immediately said politely: "Hello, teacher, do you want to take a group photo too?"

Ren Shuai wondered who this person was, why would he ask for a group photo whenever he met someone.

He was wearing earphones, pretending not to hear, turned around and sat upright, listening to his music attentively.

There is more than one examination room for the second round of interviews. Since a talent show is required this time, it will take longer, so three examination rooms will be held at the same time.

At the entrance of the test preparation room, a teacher is responsible for calling the number. The students who are called need to prepare in advance and submit the music materials they have prepared.

Ren Shuai ignored other people's whispers, and listened to the song with his head down. He had taken time to practice before. Although he couldn't rap well, at least he didn't lose his tune or break his voice.

As for dancing, Ren Shuai completely gave up. He couldn't do hip-hop dancing, and square dancing was a bit embarrassing, so he decided to perform a set of martial arts instead.

At this moment, the teacher in charge of shouting the number repeatedly called: "No. 976, is No. 976 there?"

There was no response after calling three times. The teacher was puzzled, looked at the seating chart at the door, and turned to look at Ren Shuai's position.

Ren Shuai was listening to the music intently with his head down, without the slightest sense of being called.

The teacher was very upset, walked straight in, stood in front of Ren Shuai with his hips akimbo, and knocked on the table.

Ren Shuai raised his head in a daze, and saw a familiar figure, it was the invigilator who pasted his admission ticket to him earlier.

"why you?"

That teacher was even more surprised than Ren Shuai.

He thought to himself that although this candidate has good looks, he is not young enough to enter the second round of interviews.

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(End of this chapter)

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