Chapter 293
[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the song "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" in the exam, and reward a treble card]

[Ding, get a treble card, after use, you can improve your treble singing ability, and the time limit is 1 hour]

Ren Shuai was overjoyed when he heard this voice.

As he expected, the system is still excellent as expected, as long as he opens his mouth to sing "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau", the task will be considered complete.

Even if you only sang one sentence, it is considered a success.

Ren Shuai sang "Yala Suo", and began to silently click on the treble card in his heart.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the treble card, the treble singing ability has improved]

When the judges heard the words "Yala Suo", they couldn't help but feel puzzled. These words are weird, what do they mean?
It feels like Ren Shuai sang it casually.

The middle-aged male teacher frowned slightly, wanting to interrupt Ren Shuai and tell him not to sing any more.

Ren Shuai's voice is very ordinary, even if he sings again, it doesn't make much sense.

The other examiners also felt this way. They didn't know what song Ren Shuai sang, the tone was unknown, and the lyrics were strange.

At this time, Ren Shuai began to sing the high-pitched part of the lyrics.

"That's Qinghai-Tibet Highland, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah!"

Ren Shuai felt as if two tweeters were plugged into his voice, and the high-pitched howl was very refreshing.

As the high-pitched voice fell, the examiner, who had felt a little dissatisfied just now, suddenly changed his attitude and looked at Ren Shuai with a radiant gaze.

Zhu Mingtao exclaimed in admiration: "It's amazing, it's hidden!"

The curly-haired female teacher next to her applauded: "This high-pitched voice is very professional and pleasant to hear."

The male teacher who had been disapproving of Ren Shuai's entry into the next round closed his mouth, but he was quite puzzled.

Obviously Ren Shuai was very ordinary when he sang the first two lines, how did he suddenly become so powerful when he sang that high note?
It's not scientific.

The other teachers looked at Ren Shuai and nodded in approval.

The middle-aged male teacher coughed and said, "It's okay to sing high notes, but your song is a bit weird, I've never heard it before."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Well, it's a national voice."

After the teachers were stunned, Zhu Mingtao said, "So that's the case. No wonder we haven't heard it before. It's a very nice song."

The middle-aged male teacher saw that the more Ren Shuai talked, the more he was liked by the teachers, he quickly said: "Then let's move on to the next item."

Zhu Mingtao turned his head and glanced at the male teacher. Feeling that the other party was a bit overwhelming, he smiled and said to Ren Shuai: "The song is good, and the treble is also nice. Then can you show us a dance show?"

Ren Shuai nodded, took out his mobile phone and prepared to play the prepared background music.

At this time, the middle-aged male teacher spoke again.

"It took a lot of time just now, let's keep everything simple, and we don't need to play music. We just want to learn about your body coordination and expressive ability, so let's just dance."

He thought to himself, judging by Ren Shuai's age, it's likely to be some kind of brainwashing square dance, so it's better not to play music.

When Ren Shuai heard this, he stopped holding the phone and turned to look at the other party.

Then he looked at the chief examiner and asked politely: "Teacher, since it is a test of physical coordination and expressive ability, can I do a set of punches?"

Zhu Mingtao smiled and nodded, "Of course."

The middle-aged male teacher suddenly laughed, and said, "Master, you don't want to perform a set of fitness boxing for the elderly, do you?"

Ren Shuai chuckled, looked at the middle-aged male teacher and said, "That's right, I do this set of boxing every morning, and the fitness effect is very good."

"Then there's no need..."

The middle-aged male teacher had just finished speaking, when Ren Shuai let out a "drink" and pulled away.

In order to prepare for this exam, he specially found several action movies to observe and study, picked out the good-looking moves in them, and combined them together.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the martial arts card, and the ability to perform martial arts has improved]

Following the melodious notification sound, Ren Shuai started with a backflip on the spot, startling the jaws of all the teachers in an instant.

Although many of the candidates from many continents have special skills, they are high school students, and it is normal to be flexible, but Ren Shuai is already 60 years old.

The most important thing is that Ren Shuai performed a volley and backflip on the spot without any assistance or run-up.

Just when the surprise of the teachers had not calmed down, Ren Shuai stepped forward and spun around, took two steps forward and then spun around at [-] degrees on the outside, and his whole body spun like a top.

The airflow he brought up directly blew the middle-aged male teacher's few strands of hair.

After landing, Ren Shuai made a forward jumping punch, and then lay his body directly on his back in the posture of an iron bridge.

Then he slapped his palms on the ground, turned over, stretched his legs and waist, curled his body into a ball, and rose into the air. The whole person stretched out in the air, posing a posture of a big roc spreading its wings.

After finishing this set of difficult movements, he stepped back very gracefully, and slowly gathered his hands in front of his chest.

A row of interviewing teachers seemed to be tapped by someone. Since the jaw was startled, it has never closed again.

After Ren Shuai took a few breaths, he raised his hand to wipe the thin sweat that appeared on his forehead, and glanced at the examiner.

Zhu Mingtao was the first to speak: "Wonderful, really wonderful!"

The middle-aged male teacher who was halfway through talking just now blinked his eyes, thinking this is the fitness boxing method you do every morning?

His eyelids were drooping, and he didn't meet Ren Shuai's eyes, feeling embarrassed in his heart.

After Zhu Mingtao, the main examiner, made comments, the rest of the teachers also spoke up, praising Ren Shuai's performance just now.

"Li Laifu, you have brought us many surprises, we can go outside and rest for a while."

After the chief examiner spoke, Ren Shuai nodded politely and walked out of the examination room.

As soon as he went out, he saw the invigilator standing outside the door. Obviously, the other party had been paying attention to Ren Shuai's performance outside the door.

After the new candidates entered the examination room, the invigilator quickly handed Ren Shuai a bottle of water and said, "You must have sung very well. I heard people applauding inside, and your interview took 8 minutes, much longer than the average candidate." gone."

After Ren Shuai thanked him, he took a sip of the mineral water and joked, "This is the exam. If it is put elsewhere, the examiners will have to spend money to buy tickets if they want to watch this kind of performance."

Ren Shuai had a rare moment of humor, but the invigilator nodded seriously: "That's right, I went to call the examinee just now, and I didn't see the first half, but when you performed martial arts later, I saw clearly through the crack of the door , What a bull!"

Ren Shuai was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that there would be someone peeking through the door.

The invigilator approached Ren Shuai and asked, "Your martial arts are so powerful, you must have internal strength, right?"

Ren Shuai was full of question marks, always feeling that the brain circuit of this invigilator was different from others.

Could it be that he wanted to ask him if he had ever practiced the art of retaining the face...

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(End of this chapter)

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