From janitor to actor

Chapter 294 I'm a Candidate

Chapter 294 I'm a Candidate
Ren Shuai got rid of the entanglement of the invigilator on the grounds that candidates were not allowed to stay outside the examination room, and walked back to his classroom in the examination preparation room.

Since the second round of exams takes a long time, candidates will return to the exam preparation room to rest.

Because the content of the exam is basically the same, there is no such thing as over-examination, and the gathering of candidates who have already finished the exam and those who have no reference will not have much impact.

After Ren Shuai returned to his seat, he found that Chai Ming and Lihuatang girl who were behind him were not there, and they had obviously been called away to prepare for the exam.

He had nothing to do, so he took out his mobile phone and checked the news related to him.

Unexpectedly, he casually found out that "Silent Business War" had already started to be announced.

In the promotional poster, Su Xin and Wei Yan appeared. One of them played the lead role, the other played the role of the lead role.

The number of reserved viewers of this drama has exceeded [-], and it is obviously regarded as a workplace drama that has attracted much attention.

After all, the screenwriter is Zhou Suan, and his influence in the industry is not low.

Ren Shuai scrolled through the comments, but saw several messages related to himself.

"I found Mr. Li Laifu in the cast list, isn't this the old fairy?"

"I went to read the synopsis of the story, and found out that Mr. Li Laifu actually plays a couple with the second female lead, isn't the age span too big?"

"No way, isn't the screenwriter Zhou Cun, shouldn't there be too bloody plot?"

"I like Old and Young Love the most. I look forward to the broadcast, let's start it soon!"

Ren Shuai read the comments for a while, and found that some people wanted to see the love between old and young with the mentality of watching the excitement, while others wanted to know how the big boss of the enterprise captured the hearts of urban female white-collar workers with a curiosity.

Of course, there are still some people who worry that his performance in this drama will ruin the character of the old god. After all, everyone always hopes to keep good things for a while.

In case he finishes acting in this drama and ruins the texture of the old fairy, it will be a little bit worth the candle.

There are also netizens who have particularly good deeds, and they specially go to Ren Shuai's official account to leave a message, asking Ren Shuai to be careful when taking the role, so as not to ruin the image of the old fairy.

Ren Shuai was a little dumbfounded, he was just an actor, and it was his job to create characters.

Besides, he's just doing it to earn a pension.

In addition to a little mention of him in the announcement of the show, there are a few news reports about the film festival, but after participating in the film festival and winning awards, the actors of the film received the most attention.

Ren Shuai, a sound effect producer, will not cause any waves at all.

But I don't know if it was Cui Shaoyu's intentional operation, or the producer wanted to increase attention, or there were several reports that specifically mentioned Ren Shuai's human voice recording for a sci-fi blockbuster.

This has aroused a lot of attention in the dubbing industry, but netizens did not pay much attention to Ren Shuai.

Just as he was looking down and swiping his phone, a familiar voice sounded from behind.

"Teacher, no, uncle, you are also an examinee, why do you keep pretending to be a teacher?"

It was Chai Ming who had returned from the second round of interviews to ask questions.

Ren Shuai turned his head, and was about to explain the situation to him, but saw the invigilator come in again to call someone, but before calling someone, he went straight to Ren Shuai.

"Miss Li, you, you are Teacher Li, I just recognized you!"

Ren Shuai was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect the invigilator to recognize him after meeting him for more than an hour.

In fact, it was his mistake to blame the invigilator, who didn't recognize him at all.

The invigilator just took the time to search for Li Laifu's name on the Internet, wondering if he is some kind of martial arts master, and whether he has the legendary beauty-retaining technique.

Unexpectedly, after this search, it was discovered that Ren Shuai was the teacher of their school's dubbing department.

Then why did he participate in the art test interview?
The invigilator was puzzled for a long time, and it took him a long time to figure it out. Most likely, it was an undercover investigation arranged by the school. He wanted to know if there were any irregularities in the examination organization process.

After he figured this out, he immediately ran to Ren Shuai enthusiastically to get close.

Ren Shuai made a haha, smiled and exchanged some polite words with the other party.Fortunately, the invigilator still had the task of taking people to the exam, so he didn't stay any longer. After a few words, he turned and left with a smile.

Chai Ming, who sat behind Ren Shuai, listened to the whole process, and immediately understood Ren Shuai's identity, and did not dare to make any mistakes.

"Teacher, I was reckless just now. You can't be a candidate with your temperament, ahaha."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, if you say he is a teacher, he is indeed, but at this time he is participating in the interview as a candidate.

Ren Shuai explained: "Although I am a teacher, I am now a candidate."

Chai Ming immediately put on a knowing expression, nodded in approval and said: "That's right, that's right, you are now an examinee, not a teacher."

He thought to himself, the school arranges undercover investigations and doesn't pick a younger teacher, Ren Shuai doesn't look like a high school student at all.

But he had to hold Ren Shuai in his arms and say, who makes him a teacher.

While the two were talking, the Lihuatang girl also returned to the classroom.

Seeing the lively conversation between Chai Ming and Ren Shuai, she interjected immediately, "Uncle, I didn't expect you to be an examinee, and you pretended to be a teacher to lie to us, it's not authentic."

When Chai Ming heard this, he quickly gave her a hand, and said in a low voice, "What are you talking about, this is the teacher!"

The Lihuatang girl was full of doubts. After Ren Shuai left just now, the two of them communicated and found that Ren Shuai was an older examinee, which caused them to misunderstand him as a teacher.

She wanted to reveal his true colors when she came back, but Chai Ming refuted him as soon as she opened her mouth.

This [-]-year-old boy, he was the one who proposed to expose Ren Shuai just now.

Why did you suddenly change your mind now?
The Lihuatang girl was at a loss, and Chai Ming explained it in a low voice, and then she showed a dazed expression.

But she glanced at Ren Shuai, and lowered her voice to Chai Ming in confusion, "But it's too conspicuous to be an undercover candidate at this age, isn't it?"

Chai Ming gave a "tsk", showing a very understanding expression, and said in a low voice: "You don't understand this, although it is an undercover investigation, but after all, they are all colleagues of mine. Everyone is prepared, it’s just a process.”

The pear blossom hot girl let out a long "oh", nodding as if she knew some big secret.

Ren Shuai felt that the misunderstanding between the two was deep, and explained very seriously: "I am indeed a candidate now."

Chai Ming and Li Huatang nodded in sync and said, "We know."

Ren Shuai was speechless, and he didn't bother to explain, they could think whatever they liked.

Just when he turned his head, Chai Ming suddenly slapped his head, pointed at Ren Shuai and said, "Teacher, I suddenly found that you look familiar."

Ren Shuai turned his head and smiled, ready to be asked for a group photo.

"You are the one with allergies!"

 I wish a happy June [-]st, please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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