From janitor to actor

Chapter 295 List Announcement

Chapter 295 List Announcement
Time flies, Ren Shuai and Chai Ming chatted about the interview just now.

After about a few hours, the sky had already darkened.

The second round of interviews was drawing to a close, and the invigilator began to enter the waiting room, telling everyone to keep quiet and prepare to announce the list of candidates for the third round.

Each waiting room has a dedicated monitoring teacher. After the results of the second round of interviews come out, the teachers will hold the list of candidates who passed the corresponding waiting room according to the arrangement of the test room.

Ren Shuai, the invigilator in their examination room, also held a list in his hand.

At this time, needles could be heard in the classroom, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the envelope in his hand, which contained the list of candidates who entered the third round of this examination room.

"The candidates whose names are read below will have their final interview at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning in the hall on the first floor of the school."

After saying this, the invigilator reached into the envelope and took out the paper with the list on it.

There are about 40 people in the waiting room, and about one-third of these people can enter the third round.

At this time, the examinees became nervous and waited all afternoon, all of them wanted to know the result.

The invigilator took out the list and began to report the test number and name.

According to the probability calculation, about thirteen or four people in their examination room can enter the third round of interviews.

The teacher had already read out seven or eight names, and there were sporadic congratulatory voices in the examination room, but in Ren Shuai's corner, it was very quiet.

According to what Li Huatang and Chai Ming said, they both played well. Although Chai Ming is tall and big, he has good ballet skills and his singing is quite satisfactory.

Pear Blossom Hot Girl is an Internet celebrity, well-known on the live broadcast platform, and usually broadcasts some blind box opening videos. Her image is very good, and she has also learned singing and dancing. She wanted to be a trainee before, but her family didn't agree.

Both of them feel that they are more than [-]% sure of entering the third round, but most of the list has been read, and they still haven't heard their names.

Ren Shuai was also a little puzzled, why he didn't have his own name, and the judges clearly praised his performance. Unless all the candidates who advanced were better than him, he should be able to enter the next round smoothly.

While the few people were thinking and feeling anxious, the teacher's voice of reciting the name never stopped. He also knew that everyone was eager to know the result, so he didn't intentionally make people mentality, and spoke very fast.

But Ren Shuai and the others are getting more and more hopeless.

He read five more names in a row, adding up to the previous ones, there were already thirteen people.

Fortunately, the teacher didn't mean to stop, and continued to read No. 14 names.

"Exam number 336, Zhuang Wenting."

As soon as the name came out, the pear blossom hot girl said "Yeah", stood up from the chair, and showed a happy smile.

Chai Ming congratulated, but felt a little disappointed.

"Test number 886, Chai Ming."


He had just finished congratulating others when he heard his own name, and after reacting for a moment, he jumped up from the chair with an "Aww".

"Hahaha, I'm in the next round!"

He smiled like a two-hundred-pound fool, turned his head and celebrated with Zhuang Wenting with silly smiles.

In their examination room, there were actually fifteen people who advanced.

After the invigilator finished reading the names, he pasted the name list on the gate, and then said: "The candidates whose names have been read above will report on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow. If you didn't hear clearly just now, you can go to the gate to see the results."

Ren Shuai also wanted to hear if there were No. 16 names, but the invigilator announced it directly.

He was a little dazed, he didn't expect that he would be brushed off.

This was completely beyond his expectations.

Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting happily ran to the door to confirm the results again, while Ren Shuai sat on a chair, feeling a little speechless.

I don't understand why I didn't make it to the next round.

When he lowered his head and was depressed, the invigilator came over with a smile, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, you have worked so hard to wait until now. I thought you had gone back to rest."

Ren Shuai raised his head and asked in confusion, "If I don't wait until now, how will I know the result?"

The invigilator was even more puzzled than him and said, "Since you made an appointment indoors, what are you waiting for?"

Is it too dedicated to do a full set of plays?


Ren Shuai was speechless, what did he decide?

The invigilator smiled and said, "I just skipped your name and didn't say it. I thought you were working anyway, so there was no need to wait for the results with these candidates."

"Did you skip my name?"

Ren Shuai looked up at the invigilator, thinking that I really tied Q.

He got up quickly and walked to the door to confirm the list.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the list, I saw the word Li Laifu, and the invigilator jumped over him cleverly.


Ren Shuai finally breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped out of the waiting room with a relaxed mood.

I was almost pissed off by the invigilator.

He walked out of Building No. [-] and saw Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting at the exit. The two seemed to be exchanging communication numbers. Seeing Ren Shuai coming out, Chai Ming took the initiative to say hello, "Teacher, why didn't you hear the examiner say your name just now?" ?”

Zhuang Wenting next to him said: "The teacher must have decided by default. Could it be that the name and the candidate are really written together?"

Ren Shuai sighed: "The invigilator missed the pronunciation, my name is on the list, and I am also an examinee."

Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting looked at each other, seeing Ren Shuai's serious explanation, they couldn't help being puzzled.

Even if you are an undercover examinee, you don't have to pretend to be so similar to find out the situation. Besides, they only heard the invigilator call Ren Shuai Teacher Li, and they didn't say that he was the teacher of Meiying.

Maybe Ren Shuai is a teacher from other places, and he really came to take the art test.

"Uh, so you have entered the third round?" Chai Ming asked.

Ren Shuai nodded in affirmation.

Zhuang Wenting asked curiously, "You are so old, why do you still have to take the art test?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, why do people always ask him this question, isn't it obvious, why high school students take the college entrance examination, why he takes the art examination.

Before Ren Shuai could answer, Chai Ming interjected, "Let's talk while walking. After a while, all the people in the brigade will be out, and we won't even be able to get a taxi."

Zhuang Wenting nodded immediately and said, "Yes, yes, thanks to your reminder, I will call a car immediately."

As they spoke, the two walked towards the gate.

Seeing them walking outside the school, Ren Shuai didn't follow, but turned around and walked in.

Chai Ming turned his head and said, "You went wrong, the gate is over here."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Yes, I live here."

"Live, live in the school?" Chai Ming asked doubtfully.

"Yes, my apartment is inside." Ren Shuai nodded.

Apartment, inside the school...

Isn't this Meiying's teacher!
Zhuang Wenting, who lowered her head to call the car, was taken aback for a moment, and quickly stood up to attention: "Well, old teacher, I, the car I called has arrived, let's go first, goodbye."

After she finished speaking, she ran out quickly without looking back.

Seeing this, Chai Ming quickly shouted: "Wait for me, let's carpool. Goodbye, Teacher Li!"

 Ask for a recommendation~


(End of this chapter)

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