From janitor to actor

Chapter 296 Round 3

Chapter 296 The third round

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ren Shuai came to the examination room on time.

There were obviously a lot fewer candidates this time, and there were only more than [-] candidates in total.

This time the interview took the form of a group. Although the content of the performance has increased and the time has become longer, a group of eight people interviewing at the same time will shorten the time.

A total of six waiting rooms were arranged today, and Ren Shuai was in the last one. The order of the exams this time was randomly arranged. Ren Shuai was not lucky and was placed in the last wave.

In other words, although he came early, he still had to catch a late episode.

Ren Shuai is not in a hurry, anyway, there is only the last round of interviews left, and this round is his strong point.

If even Ren Shuai's acting skills can't pass, then there must be something tricky, and if this happens, he won't be worried.

At that time, a phone call to Vice President Chu will solve the problem.

He did not meet Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting today, they should have been assigned to other examination rooms.

The warm-hearted invigilator didn't show his face again, and Ren Shuai felt very lucky that he didn't have to continue wasting words with these people.

However, the students in the examination room were not as calm as before. Many of them were already holding speeches or small programs prepared by themselves, and began to mutter. Some stood by the window and looked into the distance, as if they were looking for a feeling.

There are also groups of people who gather together to discuss, discussing what type they would choose if they were randomly assigned roles when entering the examination room for a while.

Just sitting there from morning to afternoon, Ren Shuai was finally ready to enter the examination room.

The students who were drawn to their examination room felt much more stressed than the others, because they were ranked at the back, and the teacher might have already given all the places they wanted to the candidates in front of them.

Unless they prepare more amazingly, they will be able to impress the teachers, and then keep the admission quota for themselves.

Ren Shuai's group of eight people lined up together and entered the interview room.

This time there were a total of eight examiners, the same number as the candidates.

Although the candidates who can enter the third round are not easy, but seeing such a large row of examiners, the psychological pressure is still great, and they seem very stiff in their positions.

The examiner this time was someone Ren Shuai had never seen before. His hair was black but not thick, and it was dyed.

This chief examiner is the director of the acting department. He is nicknamed the Iron Judge. He has very strict management of the acting department and even stricter requirements for the students' acting skills.

He looked at the candidates, without showing any expression on his face, and said in a very straight tone: "Candidates, now I will assign a theme for you, and you can perform freely without considering other people's performance."

This sentence revealed an obvious sense of competition, which made the candidates feel nervous immediately, and all of them looked at the people next to them vigilantly.

Only one candidate was different, and that was Ren Shuai, who was basically indifferent to the words of the chief examiner.

After participating in so many group auditions, I no longer feel nervous.

However, the examiner's next sentence made him a little at a loss.

"Perform, pupils, please."

As soon as this remark came out, all the candidates suddenly came alive. Some pretended to be carrying their schoolbags and jumped up and down, some smiled like a chrysanthemum, and some put their hands in front of their bodies and pretended to attend class.

A boy with a pot head was ingenious, gestured to hold the mobile phone, quickly pressed it, and said brokenly: "Go up, why don't you go up, go for me, don't surrender !"

Next to him was a girl who didn't move at first, but after spending a few seconds observing others, she suddenly cried "Wow", which immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

She pretended to be thinking about the problem while crying, her big eyes were full of grievances, and she said: "It's too difficult, this question is too difficult, I can't do it!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were attracted by this girl, the others immediately acted harder, and kept giving their lines loudly.

Ren Shuai watched for a while, and it was like a crowd of demons dancing wildly. Many people didn't act like elementary school students, but like little fools.

Elementary school children are just innocent, not demented children.

Ren Shuai is so old, if he is asked to act as a primary school student, it will be more like dementia.

But the examiner had to act in addition to the questions, otherwise he would get zero points.

But acting, you can't act too stupidly, it's okay to let him act innocently, but if you really want to act like this, it will appear too lacking in IQ.

He glanced at the group of teachers who were watching the show, and suddenly lay down on the spot, opened his hands and feet in a big shape, and then closed his eyes.

Ren Shuai's actions immediately attracted everyone's attention.

What he was performing was, elementary school students sleeping.

After lying on the ground, Ren Shuai casually turned over again, stretching his arms and legs.

The reason why he turned over instead of lying still on the ground was because he was worried that others would misunderstand that he had fainted to the ground.

After all, his age was written on the list, and it would be bad if the teachers misunderstood that he had a sudden illness or something.

Ren Shuai didn't say a single line, nor did he perform too much action. He just simply lay down on the ground, which produced the effect of four or two.

The chief examiner, the iron-faced judge, slightly raised his eyebrows, then nodded slightly.

Zhu Mingtao, who was sitting next to him, showed a smile. He was still thinking that it would be a bit embarrassing for Ren Shuai's age to ask him to act as a primary school student.

I didn't expect him to come up with such a unique trick to deal with it.

And the middle-aged male teacher who had always been disapproving of Ren Shuai curled his lips. He originally thought that the topic proposed by the department head was wonderful, and it just restrained you, the elderly interviewer.

But he didn't expect that Ren Shuai would be so opportunistic. It was really... a little clever to come up with the act of turning over while sleeping.

"Okay, everyone can stop."

The iron-faced judge called for a stop, his eyes swept across the candidates without any emotion, and his eyes focused on Ren Shuai for a moment.

"Now each of you will talk about what you want to express just now." The iron-faced judge said in a cold tone.

In those performances just now, except for one or two bright spots, there were no surprises at all. According to his strict standards, no one was qualified.

What he really wants to see is not those external and exaggerated performances, but the kind of innocence that belongs to primary school students, or see the spirituality from candidates.

Everyone began to explain what they wanted to express according to the order of admission. There were two candidates, although their acting skills were average and not spiritual, but their eloquence was particularly good, and they rendered their performances to the sky.

If the teacher didn't take the initiative to stop, the two could continue talking for 10 minutes.

Ren Shuai stood last, and after everyone else had finished speaking, it was his turn to speak.

 Ask for a recommendation~


(End of this chapter)

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