From janitor to actor

Chapter 297 Team Up

Chapter 297 Team Up
The examiner sized Ren Shuai carefully, then looked down at his profile, showing a hint of surprise.

However, he has a stern face all the year round, and his expression has become unrecognizable. When Ren Shuai performed lying on the ground just now, he was not very satisfied, he just felt that he was playing tricks.

Playing smart during the interview is tantamount to cheating yourself.

But at Ren Shuai's age, it's not easy to get into the third test, and the results in the previous round were not bad, so he wanted to hear what Ren Shuai could explain.

"Tell me, what did you perform just now?" He asked in a very flat tone.

Ren Shuai said truthfully, "Primary school students are sleeping."

After saying this, a young female teacher among the examiners couldn't help laughing.

The head of the department gave her a cold look, then turned to look at Ren Shuai and said, "Why are you performing this?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, should I say that I am afraid of acting like dementia, so I can only close my eyes to avoid eye dramas.

Saying this kind of words, let alone zero points, negative points are possible.

Ren Shuai considered it carefully and said, "I'm motivated to be a comedian, and I just wanted to show a little comedy effect."

"What comic effect can elementary school students sleep on?"

This time, it wasn't the head of the department who asked the question, but the middle-aged male teacher who had always disliked Ren Shuai.

He felt that Ren Shuai was just making excuses for opportunism.

Ren Shuai turned his head to look at the female teacher sitting on the side seat, and said, "Didn't the judge teacher just laugh?"

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged male teacher had nothing to say. He couldn't question his colleagues.

The head of the department took a look at Ren Shuai, noncommittal, thinking that this candidate was older than himself, and it was really embarrassing for him to act as a primary school student.

However, judging from the current performance, there is nothing amazing about it. Before the exam, Zhu Mingtao specifically mentioned to him that there was a 60-year-old candidate who participated in the interview, and he was very good at singing and martial arts.

He was still a little curious, wanting to know if this candidate had any ability in acting.

But through the performance just now, he only saw that Ren Shuai was a little clever, and he didn't see anything special about his acting ability.

Slightly disappointed, he put his head down and began to advance the process.

"Next, I need you to form a temporary team and perform the same sitcom together. As for the roles, you can assign them yourself, and we don't limit them."

After he said this, the interviewees looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what the examiner meant.

Let them act in sitcoms in groups without specifying roles, then everyone will definitely compete to play the leading role, let alone discussing, there is a possibility of quarreling.

After all, they are a competitive relationship, not a cooperative relationship.

Just when the examinees had their own concerns, the examiner said: "The situation I gave is like this. In an office, everyone is working. I don't limit what happens. You can play freely."

After saying this, the test assistant next to him added: "You have five minutes to discuss, and then you have to start acting immediately."

After hearing this sentence, the candidates immediately gathered together to start a discussion.

However, due to the large number of people, everyone was talking in confusion. The boy who played the elementary school students playing games just now suggested: "We may not all be in touch. Time is tight. I suggest two or three people to discuss the plot separately."

When the others heard this, they immediately felt that it made sense, and then quickly formed a temporary group with those who were pleasing to the eye. Two groups of them got together, and the remaining group consisted of three people.

As a result, Ren Shuai was left standing by alone, watching everyone's lively discussions.

The examiners observed the candidates and found that the person who played the game was very organized.

And the girl who performed the crying scene was very good at choosing a partner, and she found the worst performer in the whole group, which proved her good observation skills.

As for Ren Shuai, his performance is very passive, and no one wants to form a team with him. For performance, it is easier to perform with an opponent than a one-man show.

Ren Shuai is alone, without rival actors, it will be more difficult to perform any content.

The middle-aged teacher took a look at Ren Shuai and smiled inwardly, there must be no drama now.

Zhu Mingtao, on the other hand, was a little worried about him, feeling that Ren Shuai's situation was not good, and playing a one-man show alone in a team performance would definitely not have any good results.

The chief examiner, on the other hand, remained expressionless. He didn't care about Ren Shuai's performance at all. The reason why he asked this question was that he didn't really care about the candidate's acting skills.

When you enter school, you come to learn acting. Before you have studied acting professionally, who can act?
What he really cares about is the talent and creativity of the candidates, which is the so-called spirituality.

With his many years of experience in observing people, he can tell which candidate is a good material and which one is a pimple.

Five minutes was up soon, and everyone's discussion was stopped by the examiner.

Candidates heard the sound of the beginning and immediately began to perform.

Two people got together, one played the role of the boss and the other played the role of the subordinate. The boss put on a posture of holding documents, threw them on the subordinate's desk and said, "Deal with these documents immediately, or you won't get off work."

He played the role of a boss who bullies his subordinates, while the person playing with him played the role of a young intern who was bullied and dared not speak out.

The other boy who played games sat cross-legged on the ground, pretending to be looking at the computer, talking to another partner, and then suddenly became emotional.

"This stock is about to hit the limit, and we must throw it away, otherwise the clients we represent will lose all their money!"

"Are you teaching me how to do things now? I've seen it too, but this stock is only going down temporarily, and it won't go down!"

One of the two plays the role of a righteous young man who is responsible for the client, and the other plays the role of a black-hearted manager who disregards the life and death of the client for the sake of performance.

The girl who performed the crying scene was partnered with two other boys. She acted as a little transparency who had just entered the workplace and was scolded by her boss for doing something wrong, and the other was a teacher who defended him against injustice.

When she was scolded by her boss, she began to cry, her performance was very layered, and she had a strong grasp of crying scenes, which is her strong point.

However, his two rival actors did not have any bright spots, and the highlights of the three of them were all on the girl.

The teacher looked at a few people and felt that these students were very smart and understood that performances should have dramatic conflicts. In these three groups of performances, either the boss oppresses the subordinates, or the disputes between colleagues, or the seniors against the juniors. lesson.

Both are very conflicted and dramatic plots.

However, these performances have also been performed by the previous groups of candidates, with only slight differences.

There are no bright spots, and these raw acting skills are also without skill at all.

The chief examiner shook his head in disappointment. There were no good candidates in this group that could catch his eyes.

Then, he saw Ren Shuai who was silently performing beside him.

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(End of this chapter)

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