From janitor to actor

Chapter 298 Ingenuity

Chapter 298 Ingenuity
Since no one teamed up with Ren Shuai, of course he chose to perform by himself.

But a simple performance did not pose any challenge to him, and he didn't think the judges wanted to watch them perform.

We are all high school students, how can there be any acting skills at all.

What's more, if an office scene can have any bright spots, the most important thing is creativity.

In the office setting, at most it is the relationship between superiors and subordinates and colleagues. The handling of these relationships has long been played with a lot of tricks. If they are only given five minutes, what good ideas can they have.

Ren Shuai stood there thinking for a while, and suddenly remembered an anecdote he had heard in his previous life.

There are not only leaders and colleagues in the office, but also many other things.

Desks, chairs, benches, computers, printers, and a series of other things, but these things are dead objects. Even if Ren Shuai plays, he will stay in place and cannot express himself.

So, Ren Shuai performed a fish.

His cheeks were bulging, his hands were in a swinging gesture, and he was walking back and forth in a small circle.

When the examiner looked at him, Ren Shuai was circling around like this.

The dean of the department, who is known as the iron judge, showed doubts on his face. He no longer had the stern expression before, his eyebrows were raised high, and his head was tilted.

"Okay, you can stop."

After the chief examiner called to stop, he ignored the other candidates and asked Ren Shuai directly, "I understand what the other people are performing. What are you performing? Is it a fish?"

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile and said, "Your vision is very accurate."

"whispering sound."

The middle-aged teacher who was not optimistic about Ren Shuai pursed his lips, showed a disdainful expression, and said, "You are seriously digressing. The teacher has already explained that it is in the office scene, not the aquarium."

The invigilator has repeatedly emphasized to the candidates before that they must listen carefully to the questions and never digress, otherwise there will be no grades.

When the others heard this, they also felt that Ren Shuai had gone off topic.

The other candidates cast sympathetic looks at Ren Shuai, thinking that everyone heard it clearly, and only Ren Shuai was out of the situation.

Ren Shuai listened to the middle-aged male teacher and said with a smile: "Who said there are no fish in the office?"

"You, you are making unreasonable words." The middle-aged male teacher felt very dissatisfied.

And Zhu Mingtao said: "It is undeniable that there will be fish tanks and green plants in the office, but why do you want to act as a fish?"

After he took the words, it was tantamount to admitting that Ren Shuai didn't digress, as long as he could explain the situation clearly, it still wouldn't affect the test scores.

The middle-aged male teacher didn't say anything else. Anyway, he didn't think Ren Shuai could explain clearly. It was impossible to justify acting as a fish in the office.

Hearing Zhu Mingtao's question, the examiner also showed interest, wondering how Ren Shuai could explain it.

Ren Shuai smiled and said: "Because other candidates have performed various roles in the office, including leaders, colleagues, and interns, everyone's roles are already very comprehensive.

When the teacher made the question, he said that we are a whole performance. My understanding of this is that everyone should cooperate with each other and not steal the show. Since everyone else has found a suitable role, I should do a good job as a foil.

However, the roles of human beings have already been played. I can only choose a background role. Among office supplies, green plants and bonsai, and fish in the aquarium, I choose fish because it has a certain performance space and is not like other people. Still lifes are as rigid. "

The examiner nodded silently, he was very satisfied with Ren Shuai's explanation.

This performance is very spiritual.

He only said that in an office environment, but he didn't say that he must play a character.

Fish is also a good character.

Among the many candidates who participated in the interview, Ren Shuai's performance was unprecedented, and he remembered it instantly.

This kind of performance in a different way is very creative and not a conventional routine at all.

He is satisfied.

After hearing Ren Shuai's explanation, the other candidates immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that they were careless, and they were actually upstaged by this older candidate performing solo.

The middle-aged male teacher sighed slightly when he heard what Ren Shuai said, and saw the very approving expression of the perennially stern-faced head of the department.

Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai could explain it like this, and he had nothing to say. Indeed, among the many candidates, this performance of Ren Shuai is the most memorable.

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, the other candidates also explained their performances one by one, but they were all quite satisfactory, and the examiner nodded after listening.

"Okay, thank you for your performance, you can leave now."

Several candidates were puzzled, feeling that it was over like this. They had prepared their own performances, but they didn't give them a chance to show them.

According to previous experience, during the third round of interviews, candidates will be given time to show off their acting skills, but this time there is no time.

They don't know what went wrong, whether they have performed perfectly, or because the teacher didn't give them a chance because they were so bad.

Several people could only go out in order. When Ren Shuai was about to step away, the chief examiner suddenly called him to stop.

"Candidate Li Laifu, please stay for a while, I have an additional question for you."

Ren Shuai was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that he would be left by the roll call, he stopped and turned to look at the chief examiner.

"Li Laifu, you should know that you are different from other candidates." The examiner said.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, what's the difference.

The chief examiner continued: "You are much older than other candidates, and your experience and experience should be richer, so we have higher requirements for you."

Ren Shuai didn't say anything, wondering what he was going to say next.

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't say anything, just stood there and looked at him, the examiner suddenly got up and said, "I'll play a rivalry with you."

Ren Shuai was really surprised by this. He didn't expect that the examiner would end up playing against him. There was no precedent for this.

The other teachers were also very surprised. They didn't expect the head of the department to make such a request suddenly.

But from Ren Shuai's previous performances, it can only be seen that he is very creative, not that he has any strong acting skills.

So what exactly stimulated the head of the department?

Ren Shuai looked at the examiner who stood up, without any expression change on his face, and stood there quietly waiting for him to give the question.

The examiner stood opposite Ren Shuai with a blank expression, observing his reaction, but unexpectedly only saw calmness in Ren Shuai's expression.

He prided himself on his serious face, and many people would involuntarily feel a little nervous when they saw him approaching with a blank face, but Ren Shuai was unmoved, and even showed a faint smile.

The head of the department originally just had a whim, wanting to try Ren Shuai's talent in acting. Only by performing face to face can he truly feel the emotional changes of the opponent actor.

However, from the moment he stood opposite Ren Shuai, he inexplicably felt a sense of anticipation for a fight.

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(End of this chapter)

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