Chapter 30
Ren Shuai held the pen, and just as the tip of the pen touched the paper, he was stopped by the program crew.

The paper under the pen was taken away in an instant, and passed to the second stick Cui Zixun.

Cui Zixun looked at the completely blank piece of paper, and couldn't laugh or cry, the uncle was indeed the uncle.

Looking at the photo handed by the director, Cui Zixun raised his forehead.

It's no wonder that the uncle doesn't know him, the person in the photo is Ji Mingxi's younger brother, a slightly famous singer.

Ren Shuai turned his head to look at Cui Zixun, with an expression of trying my best.

Seeing that time was running out, Cui Zixun quickly grabbed a brush, drew a stick figure, and added a microphone underneath.

The microphone had just drawn the outline when it was interrupted by the director.

"time up."

The drawing paper was taken away in an instant.

Ren Shuai stretched out his head to glance at the painting, and the director immediately caught his slightly disgusted eyes, and asked, "Uncle Li, before Ji Mingxi starts guessing, please evaluate this painting first, I think Zixun's painting is how?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "It's about the same level as me."

The director felt that the uncle was not telling the truth, he just showed a look of disgust, did he want to save Cui Zixun some face in front of the camera?

Ren Shuai thought to himself, Cui Zixun is the same as himself, if he paints, he doesn't paint.

The director was a little disappointed that he failed to understand the true meaning of this sentence.

Next, it was Ji Mingxi's turn to make guesses. He stared at the outline of the match figure and the microphone in the corner, speechless for a while.

Seeing that he was silent, the director urged, "The countdown is about to begin."

Ji Mingxi quickly said: "This villain can't tell the gender, but he doesn't draw braids, so he should be a boy, but he also has an ice cream cone, which looks like a girl's favorite..."

He was at a loss.

Cui Zixun was speechless online, he clearly drew the microphone, okay?

"I see." Ji Mingxi said suddenly, "The person in the picture is Cui Zixun. He has filmed a commercial for ice cream cones. I guess that's right!"

The program team announced loudly: "Wrong, the correct answer is your brother, Ji Qingshui."

Ji Mingxi was speechless for a moment, raised his brows and looked at Cui Zixun in doubt.

What does this picture look like his younger brother?

Cui Zixun's eyes widened, pointed at the microphone on the picture, and said excitedly: "You call this ice cream cone? I clearly drew a microphone, hey!"

"Why doesn't the microphone have any texture, just this outline, which looks like an ice cream cone."

Ji Mingxi argued hard.

Cui Zixun pointed at Ren Shuai and said, "Let the uncle judge whether it is a microphone or ice cream."

Seeing the gazes of the two, Ren Shuai said sincerely, "Like a flashlight."

Two people: ...

They resolutely gave up arguing and were defeated by the uncle.

The director looked at the camera, saw that the funny effect was full, and nodded in satisfaction.

I feel that her decision to invite the uncle to shoot is really correct.

She waved her hand and said, "The second round of the game is starting. You have already guessed wrong once. If you make another mistake, you will not be eligible for lunch in the cafeteria."

Cui Zixun and Ji Mingxi had given up struggling, and were ready to suffer and eat their own fried dishes.

And Ren Shuai was instantly high-spirited.

He would never eat the unsalted tomato scrambled eggs and sour vinegared cabbage for the second time, absolutely!

"Let's start." Ren Shuai said energetically.

The director was very surprised. It seems that the uncle is serious, so he should put some water on himself, so as not to dampen the enthusiasm of the uncle in the game.

She chose one of the photos and handed it back side up.

Ren Shuai took the photo and looked at it.

On it is a still photo of an ancient costume holding a green sword in both hands. Looking closely at the face, it is Ji Mingxi.

This photo is a still photo of Ji Mingxi Dahuo's work. In the photo, he is holding the Excalibur Jasper. The wide sword occupies a third of the photo, which is very conspicuous.

It's a win.

Ren Shuai showed a smile of an old god on the corner of his mouth, and raised his pen confidently.

"Brush brush"

Before the director called to stop, Ren Shuai stopped the painting gracefully, indicating that he had finished the painting.

Everyone was surprised.

Somewhat desperately, Cui Zixun took the drawing paper and photos from the uncle.

If the uncle talks nonsense, it is better not to draw, at least you can leave yourself some space to draw.

Cui Zixun thought about it, glanced at the photo, but his gaze towards the drawing paper gradually froze.

"Wow game."

Uncle, this painting is absolutely perfect.

Cui Zixun quickly covered his hand on the drawing paper, so as not to be captured by the camera, he turned his head and said to the director, "I won't add any money, and let Ji Mingxi guess directly. If we guess right this time, how about guessing twice?" Sample?"

Seeing that he was so confident, the director hesitated.

However, relying solely on the uncle to paint alone, it should be impossible to draw anything in such a short period of time.

She pondered for a while before saying: "No problem, if Ji Mingxi can guess right, even if you win, you can eat lunch in the cafeteria."

"A word is settled!"

Cui Zixun nodded excitedly, and handed the painting to Ji Mingxi who was carrying it behind his back.

"Are you sure it's okay, lunch is here."

Ji Mingxi turned around anxiously, and looked at Cui Zixun suspiciously.

"If you can't guess this time, it's a question of IQ, haha." Cui Zixun said bluntly.

After receiving the drawing paper, Ji Mingxi froze for a moment.

He reacted instantly and said, "Ah... the person in the photo is me!"

The director was surprised, and quickly said: "If you write words on the drawing paper, it's a foul."

Cui Zixun waved his hand and said, "How is it possible, you underestimate Uncle Li too much."

"clang clang"

Ji Mingxi dubbed the effect with his mouth while turning the drawing paper to the camera.

The camera brother immediately focuses and zooms in.

A clear circular mirror fills the lens, and a large circle is drawn with simple and smooth lines on the drawing paper, with two oblique lines representing reflection in the middle, the effect is clear at a glance.

When Ji Mingxi saw the mirror just now, he was a little stunned, thinking it was an abstract figure painting, but he understood it in seconds.

If you look in the mirror, that person is yourself.

"have a thought."

"My lord has a good idea."

The film crew couldn't help but praise it.

Only the director felt dejected, she didn't expect to be taken advantage of by the uncle.

However, the effect of the program was good and the material was sufficient, so she generously agreed to serve the meal.

Seeing that the time was approaching the end of get out of class, the number of people coming to the cafeteria to eat gradually increased. In order not to cause confusion, the program team separated a few small tables and specially filmed a few people eating.

Ren Shuai took the tray and chose meals at the window to his heart's content, experiencing the fun of free self-service.

Due to the temporary joining, the program team did not assign him a follow-up photographer, and he was very comfortable choosing dishes by himself.

At this time, Gao Dagui happened to be recruited to maintain order. As soon as he entered the cafeteria, he saw Ren Shuai leisurely choosing meals.

"Li Laifu."

Gao Dagui stopped him loudly, stepped forward quickly, looked down at the full dishes on his dinner plate, and suddenly lost his temper.

 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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