From janitor to actor

Chapter 31 Is there Uncle Li at the bottom?

Chapter 31 Is there Uncle Li at the bottom?

Ren Shuai turned his head and saw his immediate boss glaring at him, so he gave him a questioning look.

Seeing that Li Laifu was enjoying himself here, Gao Dagui was even angrier because of his hard work because of his influence.

"Tell me about you, we work overtime, but you eat here like nothing else, is it appropriate?"

Ren Shuai felt that Gao Dagui was inexplicably angry, and said calmly, "I'm resting today."

Gao Dagui choked, and said angrily, "You caused so many people to besiege you at the gate of the school, which made us follow along."

What does the chaos at the school gate have to do with me, Ren Shuai was speechless.

He turned his head, looked at the real culprit and said, "You should ask them."

Gao Dagui was speechless, if he dared to question the program crew, he would not vent his anger on Li Laifu.

Turning his head around, Gao Dagui found that a camera was shooting himself from a distance.


Although the program team didn't send Ren Shuai a follow-up cameraman, there was a fixed machine that kept watching him from a distance.

Gao Dagui's black face flushed, and he immediately turned his back to the camera, and said in a low voice, "Don't take a rest, hurry back to the team, we are short of manpower."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Zixun walked over from behind and said with a warm smile: "Uncle Li, come quickly, I'm waiting for your meal."

Ji Mingxi also came over and said, "This meal is thanks to your god, otherwise we will have to suffer on our own."

Gao Dagui didn't understand when Li Laifu got into the star team.


Ren Shuai looked at the plate that was not yet full, and reluctantly agreed.

Then he looked at Gao Dagui and said, "I'm going to record the show first."

After speaking, he followed Shi Shiran back to the dining table.

Gao Dagui watched helplessly, feeling very sad.

Then he remembered his responsibilities, and followed them to the other side, but...they were eating, he was watching, they were sitting, and he was standing.

Even more sad, even a little grievance.

Lan Shou, misses aunt.

Gao Dagui, who was standing outside to maintain order, looked in and couldn't help swallowing.

At this time, usually his subordinates would prepare meals for him and bring them to him, so why would Li Laifu sit inside and eat.

His stomach was already grumbling for him.

Ren Shuai and Cui Zixun were obviously hungry, and they didn't care about the camera to shoot. They had a meal and quickly ended the battle.

The program team saw that the number of people in the cafeteria was increasing, so they decided to switch to the classroom to shoot.

The director specifically contacted Ji Mingxi's class teacher and organized more than a dozen students to wait at the teacher.

Ren Shuai followed the team to make soy sauce in order to make a meal.

He didn't make a sound along the way, and silently followed behind the team. He was a little full just now, and now he started to feel sleepy.

The brigade entered the teaching building and came to the performance classroom on the third floor.

The machine has already been set up in the classroom, and the director has already called to inform the camera inside that it is ready to start filming.

Looking at the familiar corridors and classrooms, Ji Mingxi couldn't help saying, "It hasn't changed at all."

Ren Shuai curled his lips, thinking that you have only graduated for three years, so what can change.

The director kept paying attention to Ren Shuai from time to time, and happened to catch this expression, and couldn't help walking over and asking, "Uncle Li, do you want to say something?"

Seeing her expression of wanting to make trouble, Ren Shuai nodded in cooperation and said, "Yes, I'm a little sleepy."


Not only did the director fail to get the words out, he was also turned against the general.

Cui Zixun laughed and said, "It's really time to take a nap at this time, the program team is too bullying."

The director can only laugh dryly.

After several people entered the classroom, Ji Mingxi began to greet the teacher, and introduced Cui Zixun and Uncle Li Laifu by the way.

The younger students in the class applauded and welcomed them, and expressed the hope that Senior Ji would guide everyone in acting.

The program team immediately took out the cards that had been prepared.

The director said: "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, let Ji Mingxi randomly select a situation and cooperate with the classmates to complete the performance."

Ji Mingxi wondered: "Is it just me, or call Shang Zixun together, it just so happens that he will also develop into film and television in the future."

Cui Zixun was born in singing and dancing, and he didn't have any burdens. He nodded happily and said, "Okay, no problem."

Seeing that both of them were participating, the director couldn't help turning his attention to Uncle Li.

With professional actors like Ji Mingxi participating and semi-professional actors like Cui Zixun participating, if a layman who can't act is added, the difference can be reflected.

"Uncle Li, why don't you join the performance?" the director urged.

Of course, Ren Shuai didn't care, since he has junior acting skills, he is most confident in his acting skills.



The director began to imagine the effect of the shooting, and couldn't help feeling elated.

There must be a strong contrast.

Ji Mingxi and Cui Zixun expressed their encouragement when they learned that Uncle Li also participated in the performance.

The focus of this shoot was on Ji Mingxi, and he took out a situation card first.

"What is it, pass it on to the audience in front of the camera." The director reminded.

Ji Mingxi turned the card over and pointed it at the camera.

There are a few big characters written on it - being broken up, feeling sad.

"It's actually such a situation, it's hard to act, I lack this kind of life experience, haha." Ji Mingxi said with a bit of Versailles.

"Then, let's choose an actor from among the juniors to play with you." The director said with a smile.

"Student... let's choose one of the juniors."

Ji Mingxi turned his head and randomly selected a person from the schoolgirls who raised their hands.

The director interjected at this time: "Your juniors and juniors all have a small leaf in their hands, which is also the logo of our show. After the performance, they will vote. You have to perform seriously. The result of the vote will directly affect the quality of the dinner. "

"Of course, I can't lose face in front of the teacher."

Ji Mingxi showed a serious look, restraining his relaxed and casual state when doing the show.

The school girls who were selected to act with him also restrained their excitement and began to enter the role.

"The first situation, the performance begins."

Following the director's order, the two began to perform.

"Break up, we are not suitable." The school girl turned around decisively, as if she no longer wanted to miss her.

Ji Mingxi looked at the back of her walking away, and didn't speak for a long time, but his expression kept changing, and his eyes showed unconcealable sadness and loneliness.


The director yelled to stop, and couldn't help nodding his head in praise: "It's great, it makes me sad to see it."

There was applause in the classroom.

The class teacher also applauded: "Not bad, I have improved a lot since I just graduated."

Ji Mingxi thanked him modestly.

Cui Zixun said a little anxiously: "I should have known that I should perform first. There is so much pressure behind you."

"What are you afraid of? You don't study acting professionally." Ji Mingxi patted him on the shoulder and said.

Cui Zixun was right when he thought about it, at most he was just playing around, and besides, there was Uncle Li at the bottom.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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