From janitor to actor

Chapter 32 Acting Teaching Grade Performance

Chapter 32 Acting Teaching Grade Performance

When it was Cui Zixun's turn to perform, the students sitting below became excited, especially the female students.

Ji Mingxi was a little apprehensive when he saw it, he ate a lemon and said, "This is my alma mater, you are actually more popular than me, sad."

Cui Zixun smiled, didn't dare to draw hatred, and obediently went to draw the situation card.

He was lucky enough to draw a scene that was friendly to newcomers.

In love, sweet and happy.

When the female students heard this situation, they all raised their hands and wanted to perform with him.

Cui Zixun looked at the active girls and was in a dilemma. He didn't know who to choose, so he turned to Ji Mingxi for help.

Ji Mingxi turned his head away, pretending to be dissatisfied and said: "When you offend someone, think of me. Whoever you choose, others will be unhappy."

Cui Zixun had nothing to do. Seeing that Uncle Li Laifu looked like he had nothing to do with himself, he was like the face of the people who eat melons.

"Uncle Li, you are older and have rich experience, can you help me choose a classmate to come up?" Cui Zixun smiled.

Ren Shuai watched the play, but he didn't expect Cui Zixun to turn his target on himself.

"Hey, I have no experience with girls. I have been a bachelor all my life, so I can't help you."

Ren Shuai pushed two five six, revealing a hint of sadness.

"Uh, this"

Cui Zixun thought that the uncle should have a full house of children and grandchildren at his age.

Unexpectedly, he was still unmarried.

But now is not the time to think about this matter, it is better to think about how to choose people to come up.

The director smirked at this time and said: "How about choosing a male classmate, it can better reflect your acting skills."

Cui Zixun was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, which boy is willing to come up?"

Some of the students below love to join in the fun and show their faces. One boy really raised his hand.

"Okay, it's you."

Cui Zixun is very smart, he thought that his acting skills are limited, and he can't compare to Ji Mingxi in any way, so why not take a funny route.

Find a boy to act in, even if the acting is not good, it will have a comic effect.

The boy ran up very actively and said, "I'll play the girl."

After speaking, he began to put on a coy look, and the students below immediately booed.

Cui Zixun would not refuse anyone who came, but he was more open-minded when facing boys, he opened his hands and said, "Come to brother's arms quickly."

The boy couldn't hold it anymore, stomped his feet and said coquettishly: "No, come here."

Cui Zixun laughed and said, "Okay, my brother is here, and I will take you to dinner."

After speaking, he put his hand on the other person's shoulder, looking happy, and gradually walked away.

"Okay, stop."

The director applauded happily.

The students below couldn't stop laughing. Instead of feeling strange, the girls liked Cui Zixun even more.

The whole atmosphere is active, although the sweet and happy performance is not real, but the relaxed and funny atmosphere is full.

Cui Zixun praised his wit, feeling like he was taking a heavy burden off his shoulders, and now it's up to Uncle Li.

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on Ren Shuai.

However, this kind of anticipation is not a desire to see acting skills, but a look ready to watch the excitement.

The director said positively: "Uncle Li, it's your turn."

Without further ado, Ren Shuai stepped forward to draw a card.

The situation card had just been pulled out, and before Ren Shuai had time to turn it over to check it, the director cut it off halfway.

"Let's first take a look at the situation that the uncle drew."

After the director finished speaking, he pointed the card at the camera, with the words "Overbearing President Bidong Female Intern" written on it.

After seeing the content, she couldn't help but raise her brows, and laughed heartily. The uncle must be full of funny points when performing this plot.

Ji Mingxi asked enthusiastically: "Uncle Li, do you know what an overbearing president Bidong is?"

Ren Shuai looked confident, raised his hand and said, "I understand."

Cui Zixun asked as if watching the excitement: "Students actively raised their hands to cooperate with Uncle Li's performance. Come on, which girl wants to come up to perform."

When the girls saw that they were performing with the concierge, they refused in their hearts.

However, there are also people who are curious and raise their hands in a mood to join in the fun.

Ren Shuai saw the three girls raised their hands, and deliberately showed embarrassment: "Many people raised their hands, I really don't know who to choose."

This appearance is very similar to Cui Zixun just now.

The director couldn't help thinking maliciously, maybe the uncle was implicating Cui Zixun.

Seeing Uncle Li's embarrassment, two girls put down their hands understandingly.

Only one girl left to sign up.

Ren Shuai took a look, stretched out his hand and said, "Just invite this classmate to come up."

The program team took the lead in applauding, expressing their encouragement to the girl.

The director looked like he was watching the excitement, and suggested: "Let me provide a line for Uncle Li."

Without waiting for Ren Shuai to refuse, he quickly said, "Woman, you managed to attract my attention, so how about this sentence!"

Although it is a question sentence, the director's tone is affirmative and does not give the slightest room for rejection.

Ren Shuai felt that he was in the second grade, and he was extremely rejected in his heart.

But the director has mastered his food allowance, and he is under the eaves, so he reluctantly agrees.

Ren Shuai quickly entered the character, and the temperament of the domineering president is still relatively easy to grasp. It is enough to come up with the feeling that I am the most handsome in the world, and at the same time, I am defiant, and only the girl in front of me is enough.

The female students cooperated and stood by the wall, showing their acting skills, showing a little fear of the interns seeing the president.

When Ren Shuai heard the director start, he immediately walked forward quickly.

When he took the first step, his whole temperament changed. Although he was still wearing a set of ordinary clothes, due to the change of temperament, the whole suit seemed to be more advanced.

He took a long stride, walked up to the girl in a few steps, looked at her seriously and intently, showing an awkward and persistent expression.

"Woman, you managed to get my attention."

His voice was deep and magnetic, and seemed extremely sincere.

The female student who played the role was distracted for a moment, and couldn't help feeling a little bit faster.

Being looked at by these eyes, I couldn't help but want to avoid it, and I felt shy.

The female student ignored Ren Shuai's age at this moment, and her mind was full of those sincere eyes and magnetic voice.


The director looked at Uncle Li in surprise.

The audience fell silent, no one spoke.

Ren Shuai immediately pulled away from the character and returned to his original state.

The change of his state made the girl in the opposite scene finally come back to her senses.

The girl blushed slightly, thinking why did she get into the drama so much just now?

Uncle Li's acting skills are terrible.

The silent scene was broken by Ji Mingxi's homeroom teacher, she couldn't help being surprised and said: "Did you hire a professional teacher to play the porter?"

Ji Mingxi was puzzled and said: "No way, I should be right. He is obviously Uncle Li who helped me find my bicycle back then, but his acting skills are too good!"

Cui Zixun didn't dare to speak at all, and now thinking about his idea of ​​letting Uncle Li come last, he was simply too naive.

Uncle Li hides very deeply.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation~


(End of this chapter)

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