Chapter 300

"You don't need to take the test."

The examiner spoke directly and looked at Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, I have finished the exam, you tell me this.

The examiner took two steps back, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Ren Shuai.

He himself admires this level of acting skills. The level of acting skills and the progression of complex emotions are very good.

Ren Shuai looked at the examiner's glance at him, and he was sure that this must be safe, and his name would definitely be on the admission notice of Meiying.

After shaking hands with him, the examiner said: "You can go, Meiying will not admit you."

The smile that Ren Shuai was about to show froze.

What do you mean, if your acting skills are not as good as mine, you will openly retaliate?
Seeing Ren Shuai's unfriendly expression, the examiner quickly explained: "With your acting skills, you don't need to go to Meiying at all, you can graduate directly."


After Ren Shuai heard this, he couldn't help but smile. That's a good thing, just send me a graduation certificate.

However, the chief examiner felt that what he said was wrong, and quickly changed his words: "No, it's not graduation, you can directly become a teacher."

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the judges and teachers were shocked.

The head of the department, who has always been known as a tough judge, actually told a candidate that he could be a teacher of Meiying.

It was unprecedented.

Ren Shuai immediately became unhappy. He said that he could graduate just now, but he didn't admit it in a blink of an eye.

He said angrily, "I'm Meiying's teacher, so I can't be a student?"

All he wanted was a diploma.

As soon as this remark came out, the other judges and teachers were even more surprised than before. The content of Ren Shuai's words was too rich, which instantly made people's imagination run wild.

He said he was Meiying's teacher, could it be...

The head of the department looked at Ren Shuai in surprise, and planned to ask, but was interrupted by Ren Shuai: "Could it be that good acting skills won't allow you to be admitted?"

The head of the department quickly waved his hand and said, "Of course not, but in terms of acting, I don't think there is anything I can teach you."

"I didn't come to learn acting."

Ren Shuai accidentally told the truth, and hurriedly said: "I am mainly lacking in basic culture, and I want to further my studies."

"Basic culture..."

The head of the department muttered something, and felt that it made sense, not only to study acting in college, but also cultural courses.

"Okay, then thank you for choosing Meiying to study."

The head of the department made the final decision and directly announced the result of Ren Shuai's interview.

"In that case, thank you teacher."

Ren Shuai nodded, said goodbye to everyone, then turned and left.

Their group was already at the end, and there was no one waiting behind them, so the teachers simply took a ten-minute break.

Everyone couldn't help discussing Ren Shuai's performance just now in private.

The head of the department thought to himself that apart from being older, Ren Shuai really had no shortcomings, but he estimated that the culture class might indeed have short legs.

I don't know if I can do better than young people in my later studies. Otherwise, I won't be able to keep up with the class and fail the final exam after entering school, and it will be bad.

He turned his head to look at Zhu Mingtao beside him and said, "This Li Laifu is not young, and he probably has a poor cultural background. He was admitted to university at such an old age. In the future, the cultural courses may hold us back."

When Zhu Mingtao heard this, he laughed immediately, and waved his hands and said, "How could it be? Director, don't look at her age, but our department is the first place in the cultural class this year."

"Oh, number one, what, number one?"

The head of the department looked at Zhu Mingtao in surprise, and asked, "Is it a positive number?"

Zhu Mingtao was taken aback by the question. He didn't expect that the head of the department, who always had a straight face, would actually make a joke.

The first is the first, is it still the last one?

After Ren Shuai walked out of the examination room, he was completely relieved, but he almost slipped his tongue in the end.

It's all because of the mentality of the examiner, who said for a while that he would not be admitted, and then said that he would graduate directly, and finally turned around to become a teacher.

It hurt him so much that he almost revealed that he was Mei Ying's teacher.

He walked out and returned to his dormitory, only to find that he had received several messages on his mobile phone.

He didn't notice that the sound had been muted just now, but now he opened it and found that it was from Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting, and he also pulled the three of them into a small group.

The two have always believed that he is the inspector arranged by the school during the interview, responsible for testing and testing the process and fairness of the test.

So when the interview was about to end, I started sending messages to Ren Shuai, hoping to get some inside information from him and see if the two had passed the final round of interviews.

Ren Shuai read the messages of the two and was speechless for a while.

Although he said that he was a teacher, he couldn't say that he had nothing to do with the undercover investigation, only that he had nothing to do with it.

But the explanation was too verbose, and the two of them still didn't necessarily believe it.

Ren Shuai wondered if he should engage in a two-person mentality, but he decided to give up when he thought about the hardships of art candidates.

He didn't reply to the message, and fell asleep directly.

Tomorrow morning, I have to go back to the crew to make money. This is the pain of going to school while going to work.

Only social animals who are thousands of miles away from wealth and freedom can understand.

Before Ren Shuai fell asleep, the unmute phone rang suddenly.

Ren Shuai's drowsiness that had just arisen disappeared in an instant with fright.

He angrily picked up his mobile phone, only to find that the caller was Zhou Xiang, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

Ren Shuai restrained his anger from getting up, coughed lightly, and answered the phone.

"Hello, Teacher Li, I've been so busy recently that I haven't had time to contact you."

Zhou Xuan smiled and apologized to Shuai Ren.

Previously, Zhou Cun made an appointment with Ren Shuai at the end of the year, saying that it was a new drama to be filmed, and invited Ren Shuai to help out as a cameo.

But now that the Spring Festival is over, Zhou Chan has been silent, presumably the progress is not smooth.

Just when Ren Shuai thought his chance had run aground, Zhou Kan called again.

"How's it going, is your new play ready?" Ren Shuai asked.

Zhou Sui said in a cheerful tone: "That's right, I've been running on these things for a while. Before, I was only in charge of screenwriting and casting, and I never did other things. I didn't expect to work as a part-time producer for a while this time, and I almost ran away." Broken leg."

Ren Shuai chuckled secretly when he heard this, thinking that with Zhou's personality and a part-time job as a producer, it would be strange if he went to solicit investment and it went well.

If it weren't for Zhou Cun's excellent works in the circle, with his strict and stubborn personality, investors would be offended by him, and no one would invest in him.

But fortunately, investing in Zhoucun's works will probably not lose money, so even after some twists and turns, he still got the investment and was ready to start.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Then congratulations first, you can start the machine smoothly."

Zhou thought with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Li, by the way, I just wanted to make an appointment with you today to see if you are free recently."

When Ren Shuai heard this, he immediately felt troubled, if he had been a little free a while ago.

But recently and in the future, it feels like it will only get busier.

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(End of this chapter)

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