From janitor to actor

Chapter 301 Good-hearted people

Chapter 301 Good-hearted people

Zhou Wei waited for a long time and didn't hear Ren Shuai's reply, his heart skipped a beat, but he thought that Ren Shuai should have finished filming Ma Chunpeng's play, and he should have time.

Just as he was thinking, Ren Shuai spoke.

"Otherwise, you should make an appointment with my agent. My schedule is quite full, and I don't know when I will be free."

Ren Shuai can only tell him the truth, and now he has to follow Cui Shaoyu's schedule.

Even the exams are two days off.

Zhou Xuan was dumbfounded when he heard that, he didn't expect that Ren Shuai already had an agent, and his schedule was full.

Although he expected that after Ren Shuai starred in Ma Chunpeng's play, it would become more and more popular, and the film appointments would definitely become more and more full.

But he didn't expect it to be so soon, it was just more than a month later than his appointment time, and Ren Shuai was already so busy that he couldn't even spare a few days.

"Do you have the agent's contact information, I'll go and find out." Zhou Xuan asked.

Ren Shuai said, "You should know him too. My manager is Cui Shaoyu."

Zhou thought for a moment, feeling very surprised.

In the previous drama, Su Xin was able to play the second female lead, on the one hand, because of her good image, and on the other hand, because of Cui Shaoyu's ability as an agent.

It's just that he didn't expect that Cui Shaoyu's ability was stronger than he expected, and he was able to sign Ren Shuai.

"Haha, okay, then I'll contact Xiao Cui."

After Zhou Xuan finished speaking, he chatted with Ren Shuai for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Ren Shuai finally calmed down and slept until dawn.

But I still have to get up and go to the crew to film.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and Ren Shuai's filming mission in the crew was finally coming to an end.

The crew got together for a wrap-up dinner, and everyone was in attendance.

The atmosphere during the banquet was completely different from that during the filming. There was no scary and gloomy atmosphere, and it was full of laughter.

Because Mu Xiaoqing was too scared when filming, she didn't dare to chat with Ren Shuai alone for a long time.

After eating a meal this time, he instantly felt that Ren Shuai was still the amiable senior before.

But after cutting it into a movie, Mu Xiaoqing swore that she would never watch it, even if she acted in it herself.

It was already so frightening when it was filmed, but if it was cut into a horror film and accompanied by horrifying music, it would still scare her into the sky and out of her body.

Su Yu next to her is a social cow, and she gets along well with the crew. Although she is only a screenwriter and has not participated in the filming much, it does not prevent her from getting acquainted with the crew.

Cui Shaoyu, as the big financial backer and the investor of this film, is even more sought after, especially because she is beautiful, and the heads of various departments in the crew have come to talk to her.

She originally wanted to chat with Ren Shuai, but Ren Shuai has been busy filming recently, so she just took this opportunity to communicate with Ren Shuai about the follow-up work arrangements.

It's just that she didn't expect that there was an endless stream of people toasting at the celebration banquet, and she was surrounded by circles.

Although there were not as many people around Ren Shuai as Cui Shaoyu, they were always available, especially the director Xie Jiu, who had been sitting next to him and chatting with him about acting skills.

Ren Shuai can only make false claims and make jokes.

Although Xie Jiu is a horror film director and hasn't made a name for himself yet, he has a serious professional background and a solid theoretical foundation.

He communicated with Ren Shuai, and Ren Shuai was overwhelmed by the mist, one theory at a time, and another method at a time.

Fortunately, in order to cope with the candidates, Ren Shuai recently learned a little about movies, and he still heard some famous quotes from famous people.

Occasionally, I can reply a few sentences, and the rest are basically coping with it.

Fortunately, Xie Jiu was in high spirits today and drank a lot of wine. He didn't really hear what Ren Shuai said, but he was in high spirits and excited his words.

Finally, after eating and drinking, everyone went back to their respective homes, and Cui Shaoyu found a chance to chat with Ren Shuai face-to-face about work arrangements.

"Ms. Li, the one I told you before, "Silent Business Warfare" is about to start broadcasting, and the platform has arranged a talk show."

Although Cui Shaoyu is a little drunk, when talking about work, he still has clear thinking and fluent language.

Ren Shuai had already prepared for it. He had already told him that he would cooperate with the TV drama to promote it. It just so happened that this drama was also written by Zhou Xuan.

It's just that Ren Shuai didn't expect it to be a talk show. He had been interviewed by Qian Meigui before, but it was only broadcast on campus at that time, so he just answered a few words casually.

This time, the interview will be conducted on the platform and broadcast on the whole network, which may be different from before.

But Ren Shuai heard that in this kind of interview program, the questions are all discussed in advance, and there will be no particularly sharp questions.

"This time is a group interview, not only you will participate, but several leading actors and directors will also participate."

Ren Shuai had no objection, and said, "Okay, let's follow your arrangement."

Cui Shaoyu smiled and said: "Speaking of this matter, Zhou Xuan contacted me a few days ago, saying that his new drama is about to start filming. It just so happens that he will also go to this interview. We can discuss the specific schedule again."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "You can just look at it, but the school will start next month, and the school will arrange classes for me. When the schedule comes out, don't forget to set aside one day for me every month."

"That's right, I almost forgot about it, okay, I'll go back and check your schedule, and the crew that Wei Yan said was starting up, after you have finished the interview, you have to prepare for filming."

Ren Shuai nodded, he didn't have any psychological burden on starting the team.

Just as he was thinking, Cui Shaoyu suddenly said: "But I heard that someone is following your character."

Ren Shuai was taken aback, thinking this is to steal his role?
And this good thing.

Pie in the sky!

Ren Shuai almost laughed out loud. He was short of one mission of the achievement system, and he could receive the achievement reward.

Recently, he was also worried about the delay in the progress of the mission, but now it is all right, a kind person from heaven will help him advance the progress of the mission.

"Who is it?" Ren Shuai asked.

He wondered who this nice, helpful man was.

"Do you still remember playing the old god?" Cui Shaoyu asked.

Ren Shuai was a little surprised. Why did Cui Shaoyu ask about this? He asked back, "What's wrong?"

"It's the actor who was originally scheduled to play the old fairy."

"Who is that?"

Ren Shuai only knew that when he was arrested to play the old fairy, it was because the original actor had an accident and couldn't act.

But who the original actor was, he didn't know.

Cui Shaoyu was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Ren Shuai had never heard of Xu Zhi's name, he was a recognized old handsome guy.

When he was young, he was also a white-faced niche who was popular among thousands of girls, and they were all tragic male protagonists who appeared in romantic dramas.

Although he was criticized for not having acting skills when he was young, after years of hard work, he has also gained a wealth of experience, and his acting skills have naturally become proficient.

It was only later that as I got older and my coffee position gradually declined, did I start to take on some elder roles.

It was because of his face that the Nine Lives Nine Worlds crew did everything possible to ask him to play the old fairy.

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(End of this chapter)

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