From janitor to actor

Chapter 302 Interview

Chapter 302 Interview
The main reason why Xu Zhi competed with Ren Shuai for the role this time was that he failed to play the role of the old fairy.

However, Ren Shuai relied on this role to attract a wave of fans, and he couldn't help being jealous after seeing it.

When Xu Zhi was invited by the crew of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" before, he was not very willing to go, because it was really a condescension for his position to play an old fairy who only had one scene.

But because of human face, he reluctantly agreed.

Later, he happened to catch up with a small car accident, and he twisted his foot slightly. He just took advantage of the problem and quit the show under the pretext of recovering from his injury.

It's just that he didn't expect that the role he rejected would be played by others.

Later, Xu Zhi became more and more angry, feeling that a character that he threw away casually, after being picked up by others, still performed very successfully, this is a loss of face to him.

After his feet recovered, he paid a little attention to the news of the next coach.

Unexpectedly, after Ren Shuai finished playing the old fairy, he not only received a top endorsement like Fenden Ko Niqi, but also starred in Ma Chumpeng's movie, just like Kai Hang.

The more Xu Zhi thought about it, the angrier he became, and he happened to hear that Ren Shuai was going to star in a drama with many old actors in it, and he was immediately moved.

In fact, with his popularity and status in the circle, he can choose a role with more roles in that drama, but he just wants to fight Ren Shuai so that he can find a balance in his heart.

After Cui Shaoyu heard the news, his heart was suspended at that time, feeling that Ren Shuai's role might not be guaranteed.

But fortunately, Ren Shuai was recommended by the heroine Wei Yan, and the show crew is also principled, and they didn't just give him the role because Xu Zhi took the initiative to offer an olive branch.

"Just calm down and don't pay too much attention to it."

Cui Shaoyu wanted to vaccinate Ren Shuai, so that he would be mentally prepared, and if the role was taken away by Xu Zhi, don't take it too seriously.

Ren Shuai, on the other hand, was overjoyed, waiting for the mission reminder when he joined the group.

What he fears most is not competition, but lack of tasks.

Xu Zhi is so kind and rushed to give him a mission opportunity, I am really grateful.

Ren Shuai smiled happily, nodded and comforted Cui Shaoyu and said, "It's okay, relax."

To say that Wei Yan introduced this small role to him before, he really didn't take it too seriously, after all, the salary is not too high.

He definitely won't treat this role with a normal heart, and he might have to put up [-]% of his energy to start a role defense battle.

When Cui Shaoyu saw Ren Shuai's state, she felt relieved a lot. She was worried that Ren Shuai would feel unhappy because of Xu Zhi's intervention.

Looking at it now, I don't know if it is an illusion, but I feel that Ren Shuai is happier.

"Since you don't care, it's fine."

Soon Ren Shuai returned to school, washed up and rested, and will go to the platform to record a talk show tomorrow.

This program is a fixed column on the platform. Every time a new drama is broadcast, it will be recorded in advance and played before the first episode.

Originally, another drama was broadcast on the platform, but due to some reasons, it was withdrawn, so "Silent Business War" was cut in front of the queue, but also because of this, the talk show was not recorded in advance.

This time, Ren Shuai and the others recorded a temporary extra episode, which will be broadcast soon after the filming is finished.

The next morning, Ren Shuai appeared at the program recording site on time.

Immediately, a director took him to the dressing room, where he was doing styling and talking to the script.

Ren Shuai is a supporting role. If it weren't for his recent rise in popularity and Zhou Chan's acquaintance with him, he would not be invited for this interview.

Therefore, there are only three questions in his screenplay, which are basically to introduce the characters, and then talk about the similarities with him and the impression of this shooting.

Very unremarkable.

After about an hour or so, Ren Shuai did his styling and checked the script before being led to the recording studio.

Each guest has a different dressing room, and the privacy is very good, so everyone did not meet face-to-face before recording.

When they suddenly met in the studio, they couldn't help but started talking in a low voice.

Everyone subconsciously chats with people they are familiar with. Su Xin and Ren Shuai are in the same company and the same agent, so of course they are the most familiar.

As soon as she saw Ren Shuai, she immediately sat next to him.

The studio faces the audience in the form of a row of large sofas. All the main creators are seated according to the order of the seats. Ren Shuai's seats and roles are ordinary, so he naturally sits at the farthest side.

The position in the middle is reserved for the male and female protagonists and screenwriter Zhou Chou.

Su Xin was next to Wei Yan, basically in the middle, but in order to chat with Ren Shuai, she took the initiative to sit on the edge.

"Mr. Li, are you ready?"

She is a newcomer, and it is her first time to participate in a talk show. She is afraid of saying the wrong thing, so she has to go to the script to memorize it one day in advance.

But this kind of program will not limit the problem too rigidly, it is all limited. She has no experience, and she is afraid that saying the wrong thing will leave a bad impression on the audience.

Su Xin heard that the audience didn't have a good impression of an actress like her who only relied on her appearance and lacked acting skills, and she was not popular with passers-by. If she really said something wrong, she would be blackmailed miserably.

So she wanted to hold on to the buddha's feet temporarily and learn from the old man Ren Shuai.

It's a pity that the entrustment is not human.

Ren Shuai couldn't help Su Xin's questions, and he was not a real senior, but words of comfort were indispensable.

"Don't be nervous. When you encounter a question that you are not sure about, you can ask it back, or you can pretend to be stupid and pretend that you don't understand or don't know."

He can only give Su Xin some simple methods, and it is not certain whether they are useful or not.

In fact, Cui Shaoyu had already trained her the day before, but Su Xin didn't understand it very well, and she didn't have the brain and comprehension ability of Cui Shaoyu, so she could only memorize the answers with a half-knowledge, and answered with some panacea.

Su Xin felt that the methods Ren Shuai mentioned today might be useful, after all, they were simple enough for her to remember.

At this time, Wei Yan also finished her pose and came to the studio. When she saw Ren Shuai, her eyes lit up in an instant, and she walked quickly to the side of Ren Shuai, and sat directly on the other side of Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai was sitting on the edge. After Wei Yan sat down, Ren Shuai could only squeeze towards Su Xin.

"Mr. Li, long time no see."

The last time they met was at the spring show.

"We meet again." Ren Shuai nodded and smiled.

He thought to himself, the show was about to be recorded soon, Wei Yan probably wouldn't use this time to ask him for acting skills.

"Ms. Li, I don't know if Manager Cui told you, it's about that character." Wei Yan said.

Ren Shuai heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it turned out to be this matter.

He nodded casually and said: "Well, I see, Xiao Cui said that a person named Xu Zhi also wanted to play the role of a teacher."

Wei Yan heard Ren Shuai call the handsome old man Xu "there is a man named Xu Zhi", this title means that he doesn't care about him at all.

Sure enough.

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(End of this chapter)

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