From janitor to actor

Chapter 306 The Interview Broadcast

Chapter 306 The Interview Broadcast
After Ren Shuai answered a few questions, the host quickly ended the question.

She really couldn't stand Ren Shuai's answer like this.

I have never met someone as difficult as him to interview. It's not that Ren Shuai didn't cooperate or made a bad face, but that he seemed to answer seriously, but the answer made people dumbfounded.

After the interview, the main creators originally wanted to have a meal and catch up on the old days, but Xu Yang and Su Xin both took leave from the film crew and had to rush back to the set at night.

The others had more or less work to prepare for, so they went back to their homes.

A week later, Ren Shuai and their talk show started as scheduled.

After this program, "Silent Business War" will begin its premiere.

Ren Shuai squatted in the dormitory, turned on the show on time, and wanted to enjoy his first talk show.

At this time, some viewers who were paying attention to the new drama on the platform also clicked on the show.

This program is dedicated to interviewing the main creative team before the start of the new drama, and has many regular audiences.

These audiences don't necessarily like these upcoming TV series, but like to watch the relatively real side of the stars when they are interviewed.

Although this type of talk show has a script, there is still no way to completely cover up the nature of the actors. From the expressions and tone of voice when speaking, some of the characteristics of the actors themselves can also be seen.

Some people even feel that this kind of talk show is more interesting than the TV series itself.

As soon as the show started, the host introduced several guests as usual.

The audience looked at the guests and couldn't help but start posting barrage.

"Ah, Xu Yang, I love you! Husband!"

"Damn husband, sisters, give me a rush!"

"Goddess Wei Yan, brothers, don't rush, let me come!"

The point of attracting the audience in this interview is also Xu Yang and Wei Yan's first partner, a popular male star with good looks, and a goddess of acting skills who guarantee ratings. The two have both good looks and acting skills together, it is very worthwhile expect.

When Su Xin was introduced, a male netizen's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but start speaking.

"Who is the second girl? She's a newcomer. She's too beautiful."

"Fairy, this second girl is too good-looking, I fell for a second."

"For this good looks, I'm going to make a decision on this drama."

In the end, the host introduced Ren Shuai, and the audience basically ignored the supporting roles. They just took a look at Ren Shuai because he looked good.

For supporting roles, audiences generally don't pay much attention to them.

At most, some people think Ren Shuai looks familiar, and they may have seen him in other places.

As the interview began, Ren Shuai, who was not taken seriously by others, was frequently cueed by the screenwriter and director, as if he was the protagonist in the play.

Many people who were waiting to see Xu Yang and Wei Yan were a little dissatisfied, and they all swiped on the bullet screen, "Why do you always point to this teacher Li? He didn't bring money into the group, did he?"

"Related account?"

Many people started posting such comments in the barrage.

Occasionally, one or two netizens discovered that Ren Shuai was the actor who played the old fairy, but these remarks were directly submerged in other bullet screens.

Finally, the interview with the screenwriter and director ended and they walked off the stage.

At this moment, the audience calmed down a little, thinking that finally they don't have to listen to these two people to praise Ren Shuai anymore.

The first actor to be interviewed was Wei Yan herself. She told some interesting stories about being in the crew, but she never left Shuai Ren.

She herself is an acting school, but in the end she kept saying how good Ren Shuai's acting skills are, and how much she wants to learn, so don't exaggerate.

After hearing Wei Yan's words, the audience became even more unhappy, and the barrage flew around.

"Wei Yan, if you are kidnapped, just blink."

"Your acting skills are the best, are you implying us by speaking ironically?"

"Wei Yan is ironic, that Li Laifu must have bribed the director who wrote the script."

"Is it possible that Li Laifu's acting skills are really good? Hahahahaha."

Ren Shuai was very happy when he saw this paragraph. After all, everyone likes others to praise themselves. The main reason why he is so happy is that,

He didn't open the barrage.

After Wei Yan finished praising Ren Shuai, it was Xu Yang's turn to praise.

Netizens are already a little numb, feeling that Ren Shuai, the royal family who brought money into the group, has already been hammered, and there is nothing to wash.

It is unbelievable that the hero and heroine did not praise each other and the script as much as they praised Ren Shuai during the interview.

The audience was tired of the barrage, and many people couldn't help but go online to find out the identity of Ren Shuai, wanting to see how divine this big guy is.

When interviewing Zhao Li later, he did not praise Ren Shuai's acting skills like the previous two, but said that he played games very well.

In fact, Zhao Li didn't think much of Ren Shuai when he was on the set, but later Ren Shuai crushed him with his strength, and Ren Shuai has become more and more popular recently, but he has gone downhill a bit.

Therefore, during the interview, Zhao Li also held Ren Shuai and said.

As a result, after he said that Ren Shuai was good at playing games, Su Xin agreed, saying that Ren Shuai was very good at playing games, which made her, a novice, fly away.

And this compliment immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the male audience, and they began to frantically use barrage.

"Shameless, this Li Laifu doesn't look too young, how can he brag about his game?"

"How dare you say that you almost entered the youth training team, that's a big bragging."

"I can't bear playing acting skills, but it's embarrassing to blow playing games. How old are you and you can still play?"

At this time, some netizens who had watched "Once Upon a Time Us" suddenly remembered that Ren Shuai played a game there, and there was indeed something.

These people began to use barrage to help clarify.

"Ms. Li's game is indeed very strong, if you don't believe me, you can watch it..."

"I've seen videos of him playing games, and his skills are really good."

As soon as these barrages came out, it aroused the reaction of other viewers.

"I even bought bullet screens. I saw someone sending bullet screens to help wash it. It must be a navy army."

"I don't believe that at this age you can play the game well."

The content of the barrage was gradually overwhelmed by this kind of voice, and the voices of the few netizens who spoke were drowned out, so they stopped struggling.

As the show continued, the host began to lead the topic in an ambiguous direction, and Su Xin's answer was also very thought-provoking.

The audience's attention was immediately drawn away, and many netizens who had just fallen began to cry out in agony.

"Why did the goddess follow him? I just fell in love and then fell out of love!"

"It turned out to be the big guy, the guy who picked the most beautiful actor in the crew at once. He really knows how to choose."

"No, is this Mr. Li the patron himself?"

The host began to dig holes for Su Xin, and Su Xin became more and more nervous. When he was talking, he even took a sneak peek at Ren Shuai. The camera caught Ren Shuai in an instant, and he seemed to be out of his mind, as if he was not listening at all. The host speaks.

Until the host asked the sentence: "What do you think?"

Only then did Ren Shuai slowly come back to his senses, and said the divine reply: "I'll sit by and watch."

At this moment, the audience watching the live broadcast burst into laughter, and the audience who drank water vomited directly on their mobile phones, almost suffering a heavy loss.

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(End of this chapter)

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