From janitor to actor

Chapter 307 First broadcast

Chapter 307 First broadcast
Everyone thought it was Ren Shuai who brought money into the group, but it was surprisingly funny.

But the audience wouldn't change their impression just because he said something funny, but then Ren Shuai was followed by the host.

She began to ask about Ren Shuai's specialty, and Ren Shuai performed a mental arithmetic stunt, which instantly stunned the host.

Netizens who watched the interview burst into laughter, feeling that Teacher Li was a bit funny.

Many people are like this. When others don't speak, they rely on subjective assumptions to think that this person is not pleasing, but when they open their mouths, they change instantly.

Sporadic viewers started posting barrages, saying: "Is it possible that this teacher Li really became fans of the director, screenwriter and actors because of his charisma?"

Many people gradually have this feeling, but they can't admit it.

Soon the host began to ask Ren Shuai what to do if his love rival fell into the water with him.

Just when Ren Shuai didn't think at all and jumped into the river in Miaoda, many netizens jumped out to spray again.

"Too fake!"


"If I stood on the shore, I would definitely applaud."

"If you follow me, you must pick up stones and throw them into the water."

"When your rival falls into the water, clap your hands."

After a series of barrages flew out, Ren Shuai continued to speak the second half of the sentence.

"Swim around him."

As soon as this remark came out, many netizens couldn't sit still, raising their hands as if to take back the barrage they sent.

It's a pity that the barrage does not have a withdrawal function.

The timing of Mr. Li's short sentences and panting is a bit subtle, and it just leaves time for the relationship to send bullet screens to express gratitude.

But after expressing his feelings, he shot back the carbine, leaving the audience speechless.

Many viewers immediately lost their composure, and a series of testimonials flew across the screen.

"It's too much, Teacher Li!"

"Mr. Li really knows how to play, and dug a big hole."

"It's not just netizens jumping into the pit, you look at the expression of the hostess, [laughing and crying]"

"Teacher Li is a bit wonderful."

"I've been listening to you complaining for a long time. Did anyone see my speech? Teacher Li is very humorous!"

These barrage paintings have a sudden change. At the beginning, they complained about Ren Shuai's relationship with that resource, but now they all admire Ren Shuai's ability to play and his sense of humor.

Ren Shuai was sitting in the dormitory watching the show, and suddenly realized that he forgot to open the barrage, and quickly opened the barrage while the progress bar was still missing.

All I saw flying across the screen were comments praising him for his humor, and the audience took the initiative to amuse others to watch the variety show recorded by Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai nodded in satisfaction after watching it, thinking that the audience had a good impression of him.

He didn't know it at all. At the beginning, everyone regarded him as a related accountant who brought money into the group, and it was a slap in the face.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai didn't know about it, and he quit the program page very satisfied. In a short while, "Silent Business War" will be broadcast.

Ren Shuai looked at the time. The TV series starts at 22 o'clock in the evening. Six episodes are updated every week, the first two episodes are broadcast, and members watch four more episodes.

Although the show had a short promotional period and was temporarily transferred to replace the withdrawn film, it still attracted a large audience.

In the beginning, the actors took the initiative to do business, and the actor Xu Yang's first TV series, their company worked hard to promote it.

On the heroine's side, Wei Yan brought her own packing to ensure her physical fitness, but she didn't neglect publicity and promotion, and frequently operated on her private account.

The popularity of the two will naturally attract a large number of fans and audiences. In addition, this drama is written by Zhou Cang, and the word of mouth is guaranteed, so the audience is relieved to enter the pit.

Ren Shuai originally wanted to watch the premiere, but his biological clock had already told him that it was time to sleep.

His upper and lower eyelids began to fight. In order to prevent the phone from hitting his face, he could only reluctantly put the phone aside, closed his eyes unwillingly, and fell asleep.

Although Ren Shuai fell asleep, the audience was still full of energy, especially when the new drama premiered, the members excitedly clicked on the first episode to get a sneak peek.

Ren Shuai appeared very early in this show, and at the end of the second episode, he had already shown his face.

Many viewers watched the interview and were a little curious about Ren Shuai's performance in the play. After seeing Ren Shuai's appearance in the second episode, they couldn't help being curious, wondering how he developed a relationship with Su Xin.

What kind of plastic surgery-level acting skills is it that can make a young and lively beauty who is as beautiful as a flower willing to be his girlfriend.

Many viewers who did not buy memberships began to scold the platform, saying that they maliciously fished and caught half of the scene of Ren Shuai's appearance. Only by watching the third episode can they know the follow-up development.

Isn't this just forcing them to buy membership in disguise?
If you don't buy it, you have to wait until ten o'clock tomorrow night to watch the third episode, so can you sleep well tonight?

The audience doesn't want to dream about Ren Shuai in the middle of the night.

Therefore, many people immediately and reluctantly bought memberships, and then happily started the third episode.

However, the plot of the third episode did not satisfy them. Ren Shuai played the role of a diamond king and five, surrounded by many enchanting and beautiful women.

The second female lead, Su Xin, is a self-reliant and self-reliant urban white-collar worker, how could she fall in love with a greasy uncle like Ren Shuai.

If these two people could really make up a couple, it would be true love, but that would be ridiculous.

A lot of netizens began to criticize the screenwriter Zhou Chou, saying that he was so stupid that he actually made up such an illogical plot.

It would be okay if the second girl worshiped money, but she is obviously an independent woman. If Ren Shuai has a good personality, it can be explained, but he is just a playboy, and he doesn't seem to treat girls wholeheartedly.

The audience continued to look back with such a dissatisfied mentality.

Finally, in the fifth episode, Ren Shuai fell in love with Su Xin at first sight. When he saw her through the window, he chased him far away to confess his love.

Faced with this sudden uncle's confession, Su Xin of course refused decisively.

But I don't know if Su Xin's acting skills are not good, or Ren Shuai's charm is too strong, the audience feels that she is not firm in her rejection.

Everyone began to express dissatisfaction, saying that Su Xin's independent female personality would not be able to stand up.

At this moment, the camera gave Ren Shuai a close-up. His eyes were sincere and sincere, and the sincerity in his eyes could not be concealed across the screen.

At this moment, many viewers forgot Ren Shuai's playboy side, subverting the impression in an instant.

Faced with this kind of confession, it seems that it is indeed a bit difficult to refuse.

No wonder Su Xin was not so decisive.

But when she rejected Ren Shuai again later, her attitude was much firmer, with a hint of disgust on her face.

This is the effect that Su Xin took a lot of effort to perform.

At that time, the director personally went off the scene to help guide slowly.

After the end of the fifth episode, Ren Shuai was silent for half an episode, and then continued his crazy pursuit in the second half of the sixth episode, but unfortunately, he didn't get any real gains, and the hurt netizens began to worry about him, and there were enthusiastic Start to make moves in the barrage.

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(End of this chapter)

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