From janitor to actor

Chapter 308 Hot search see hot search again

Chapter 308 Hot search see hot search again
Ren Shuai woke up, washed up and punched.

After completely waking up, he turned on his phone, ready to watch the new drama that started airing last night.

As soon as he turned on the phone, a series of trending searches came out, and Ren Shuai habitually pointed his finger towards the close button.

Just when his mobile phone was about to touch the screen, he saw some familiar words in the trending search out of the corner of his eye, so he stopped and looked carefully.

"Qian Manjin confessed his love successfully, congratulations!"

A hot search like this is ranked ninth, making people confused and wondering who is Qian Manjin?

But Ren Shuai looks familiar, the character he played in "Silent Business War" is called Qian Manjin.

However, the character in the play confessed successfully, so how could it become a hot search, probably the crew bought it.

It's just that even if he buys Hot Search, he won't be given a supporting role that isn't even a male third, but should be given as a male and female lead.

He changed his mind, maybe Cui Shaoyu bought the trending search, just to push him, but this trending search is so strange, a character in the play has successfully confessed, so there is nothing to pay attention to.

This is Ren Shuai's misunderstanding.

In fact, this popular search was really topped by the audience's help. The root cause is that the new drama received a lot of attention when it was launched, and the first broadcast can only watch up to six episodes.

However, Qian Manjingang, played by Ren Shuai, happened to have more appearances in the early stage, and his role identity was very different from Su Xin, but he wanted to pursue the other party.

Under normal circumstances, a character like Su Xin would definitely not agree to the love request of a character like Ren Shuai. The two not only have a big age difference, but also a big difference in income.

This kind of contradiction immediately aroused controversy among the audience, and once there was controversy, it became heated.

Many people speculated whether Su Xin would agree to Ren Shuai's crazy pursuit, and whether the two could become a couple.

As a result, in the sixth episode, Ren Shuai finally seized the opportunity and successfully got Su Xin to nod, establishing their relationship.

After watching it, many viewers originally thought that the two of them were in a relationship, and it was impossible for them to be together.

But after watching a few episodes, I suddenly felt that the two of them were not as incompatible as imagined, but unexpectedly a little in tune.

Although Ren Shuai is old and always has Yingying and Yanyan by his side, when he pursues Su Xin, he is very dedicated, no matter his eyes or the charm of his whole body, it makes people feel that Su Xin should agree to him.

Many viewers felt that it was Ren Shuai who acted out the role, making Qian Manjin less obtrusive and greasy, and making the audience believe that it is possible and convincing for Su Xin to be moved.

Many viewers who watched the interview had a strange feeling at this time, no wonder the director praised him, no wonder the screenwriter praised him, no wonder both the male and female protagonists praised him, no wonder Su Xin blushed and his heart beat.

Many people couldn't help but start to imagine, if they were the role of Su Xin, would they not be moved by Ren Shuai's pursuit.

Some netizens even opened a post to discuss this issue, whether there is real love between the elderly rich man and the young beauty.

This post caused widespread discussion. Originally, people did not think that there was true love between these two people, but after seeing the development of Ren Shuai and Su Xin, some people gradually wavered.

But the TV series is fake after all, and there are very few people at Ren Shuai's age who can have such good looks and demeanor, let alone rich people.

The discussion brought a lot of attention to the role of Qian Manjin, and naturally it gradually became a hot search.

The production team was also very puzzled. Originally, they thought about the premiere of the new drama and helped to arrange a hot search for the male and female protagonists. Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai got there first.

As a manager, Cui Shaoyu naturally also cares about the new dramas of her two artists. She originally thought that Su Xin, as the second female lead, has an excellent appearance, and she should get a lot of connections.

Unexpectedly, the supporting role played by Ren Shuai unexpectedly made it to the list. Cui Shaoyu even suspected that Zhou Xuan spent money on the hot search in order to thank Ren Shuai for taking time to help him film a new drama.

None of the parties had communicated with each other, but they all had a tacit understanding that the hot search was bought by the other party.

Even Ren Shuai himself didn't know the truth.

He doesn't care about hot searches anymore. He has been in the top three several times before, and it just caused a little fuss. Besides, this time it is a hot search that he bought, which is very fake.

Ren Shuai continued to click on the video software and began to watch the silent business battle.

Since he still has a business event to attend later, and there is not much time, Ren Shuai searched for Qianmanjincut, wanting to see a collection of individually edited characters to save time.

However, Ren Shuai also thought that his role is not too important, and it is possible that everyone will make a solo cut collection for him.

With the mentality of giving it a try, he searched.

Unexpectedly, there is more than one clip of his character.

He was very surprised. He didn't expect enthusiastic netizens to help edit the video just one night after going online. He must have worked overtime overnight.

Really dedicated.

Ren Shuai sighed in his heart, chose the longest video and clicked on it.

As soon as the video came up, it was Ren Shuai's appearance shot, which was very chic and comfortable. At a glance, people could tell that he was a successful person, and he was definitely not short of money.

Soon, the scene where Ren Shuai fell in love with Su Xin for the first time, shocked him.

At this time, several bullet screens were drawn across the video.

"Mr. Qian is so handsome, I'll agree if it's me."

"Old and rich, absolute diamond potential stock, no loss in shares!"

"It's the first time I've seen such a handsome greasy uncle in a drama, I like it."

"Ms. Li's face is not only handsome in old gods, but also handsome in modern clothes!"

All the comments were praises for Ren Shuai, and Ren Shuai was dumbfounded at once, but after thinking about it, he understood that this video is a solo edited version of his character, and those who can click to watch it must like him .

Then naturally there will be no lack of praise.

Ren Shuai continued to look back, and immediately acted out the scene where he confessed his love to Su Xin.

In this scene, Ren Shuai used his charm card enough, so naturally his eyes were discharging, and he could feel his attractiveness through the mobile phone.

Just when Su Xin was hesitating, the barrage became dense again, and they were all people who worried about Ren Shuai.

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

Uniform messages like this flew by, like seeing someone proposing marriage on the side of the road, followed by the melon-eating crowd.

Ren Shuai couldn't laugh or cry when he watched it, wondering if the current audience is so into the show?
Finally, Su Xin nodded slowly but firmly, and agreed to Ren Shuai to be his girlfriend.

The moment she nodded, the bullet screen turned into all small flowers and salute ribbons, as if celebrating the wedding of the two.

Even if it is a TV series, the instinct of human beings to like to watch the excitement is still unavoidable.

Just after the two established a relationship, the plot of the sixth episode is basically coming to an end.

Many netizens yelled on the bullet screen, "The whole drama is over", and the two have lived a happy life since then.

Ren Shuai took a sip of wolfberry water, and almost burst out laughing when he saw this wave of barrage, thinking that the hero and heroine hadn't achieved a good result yet, and his supporting role was HE.

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(End of this chapter)

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