Chapter 309
After watching his cut version of the solo video, Ren Shuai turned off his phone in satisfaction.

Although he has no filming or business today, he is not idle.

According to his plan, he can buy a scooter, but the premise is that he needs to take a driver's license test.

It is stipulated here that after the age of 70, you cannot take the test again. Although Ren Shuai is only 60, there are not many people at this age who want to learn to drive.

Cui Shaoyu knew that he was going to learn to drive, so he recommended a driving school for him and paid for his study fee.

Ren Shuai exclaimed, Yezhou is a good boss.

The driving school has special buses to pick up people in various universities and areas where people are concentrated, but it is a holiday now, and the school does not allow students to stay overnight during the holidays, so the number of people learning to drive has dropped sharply.

Even when Ren Shuai got on the bus, he found that he was the only student at this stop.

The location of the driving school is close to the suburbs. After about an hour's drive, Ren Shuai came to the registration hall.

There is no need to participate in cultural training for the driver's license test here, and you can directly take the online test. After passing the test, you can get in the car to learn.

Ren Shuai's task this morning is to pass the traffic rules test with a score of 90.

He feels that he has taken a lot of exams recently, either the state exam or the interview, and now he has to take the traffic regulation exam.

Moreover, the traffic rules in this world are different from what he knew in his previous life, but fortunately, they are similar and do not belong to the design of anti-human thinking.

After signing in with his fingerprints, Ren Shuai entered an examination room full of computers and sat in his corresponding seat.

There were not many people who came to take the traffic regulation test today. There were only twelve or three people in total, and the test room was less than half full.

This exam is only one hour long. To Ren Shuai, it is only a quiz, and there are only multiple-choice questions.

Even if you select more than one answer, there is no score for that question.

Ren Shuai has a background in playing games, and the mouse clicks are fast and accurate.

He read the traffic regulation textbook three times. Due to time constraints, when he read the simulation questions, he only memorized the correct answers and did not look at the wrong options.

In this way, he can choose whichever option is familiar to him, which greatly improves the accuracy rate and shortens the time for memorizing the questions.

Those seemingly unfamiliar options are all excluded as wrong items.

About half an hour later, people got up one after another, finished the exam and left.

Ren Shuai also completed the test ahead of schedule and submitted the test paper in only four 10 minutes.

However, the candidates here will not get the results immediately after submitting, because the driving school is worried that the candidates will see the unsatisfactory results, which will affect other candidates.

There was an example before, when a candidate submitted a test paper, the result immediately showed a score of 89, which was one point short of failing.

As a result, the examinee's glass heart broke down emotionally at that time, grabbed the mouse of other people next to him, and submitted the answers directly, causing several people to fail to finish the paper.

Later, the driving school revised the procedures, and the candidates left the test room immediately after submitting the test papers, and then waited for the results outside the test room.

It doesn't take too long, as long as an hour is up, everyone's results will be sent to their mobile phones.

Ren Shuai got up and walked out of the examination room, went to the lounge to get a glass of water.

Most of the people who took the exam were around 20 years old, and there was only Ren Shuai, an older candidate, but everyone was sitting in the computer room, not conspicuous, but when he came to the lounge, others noticed him.

Naturally, everyone regarded him as a coach very logically, and nodded to him politely.

On the contrary, Ren Shuai was a little confused. After he nodded in return, he took a sip from the water glass, and after thinking about it, he decided to explain.

"I'm also here to learn how to drive."

After all, for the subsequent course arrangement, two people will sit in the car and drive alternately. If he doesn't say anything now, people will misunderstand him as a fake coach.

As soon as Ren Shuai spoke, the people sitting there showed surprise. They didn't expect Ren Shuai to come to learn a driver's license at such an old age.

According to the usual experience, there is no advantage in learning to drive when you are too old. On the contrary, it will affect the absorption of knowledge because of some inherent surprises, making it more difficult to verify.

According to the big data statistics of the driving school, the pass rate of students over the age of 50 is 60.00%, while the pass rate of students over 60 is only 42/[-].

Several young people looked at Ren Shuai with complicated eyes, always with the feeling of a bully looking at a scumbag.

Ren Shuai didn't care about this, he was still very confident about learning to drive.

A girl with braids in the crowd also looked at Ren Shuai the same way, but she didn't look superior in that way, but felt a little sympathetic.

Ten minutes later, the remaining seven or eight people also came out of the examination room, and they were all waiting for their results.

The reason why they didn't leave directly was partly because they made an appointment for the follow-up study, and partly because they waited to participate in the next round if they didn't pass.

Driving schools usually hold two written tests in the morning and afternoon, and they are now taking the morning test.

The hour was over quickly, and everyone's mobile phones vibrated or rang.

Everyone moved in unison, and all took out their phones to check their results.

Ren Shuai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the words 92 points, and couldn't help but smile a little on his face.

He raised his head, only to find that the eyes of the people around him were all looking at him, obviously preparing to see something on his face.

Seems to be expecting him to hang up.

But the faint smile on his face revealed the answer, and there was faint disappointment in this circle of eyes.

Ren Shuai was surprised, and couldn't understand the strange mentality of everyone.

It was the girl with the double braid who let out a sigh of relief looking at her mobile phone. Her mobile phone showed a score of 90, which was a thrilling pass.

Ren Shuai saw that the grades were passed, and he thought that he could start studying in the car smoothly.

He has already made an appointment with the coach in advance, and the class will start in half an hour.

Of course, Ren Shuai also made two-handed preparations. If he failed the computer-based test, he would cancel the appointment and continue to participate in the afternoon session.

Fortunately, there is no need to waste time to complete the task by two points.

According to the guidance of the staff, he came to the coach car he reserved, and the girl with the double-strand braid walked with him all the way.

"Li Laifu, Hu Yue."

The coach standing by the car looked at the student information in his hand, and confirmed the names to the two of them.

Ren Shuai nodded to confirm, and the girl next to him said "Yes" reflexively, looking very nervous.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, it seems that the girl named Hu Yue is studying with him.

"Okay, let's get in the car first, I'll introduce you to the functions of the buttons in the car."

After the words fell, the coach began the process of class.

Ren Shuai gave Hu Yue the posture in a very gentlemanly manner, and sat in the back row himself, so that Hu Yue could hear the coach's introduction more clearly.

But he didn't expect that Hu Yue, who was sitting in the driving seat, suddenly became even more at a loss, as if his mind had left home.

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(End of this chapter)

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