From janitor to actor

Chapter 310 Learning to drive is not easy

Chapter 310 Learning to drive is not easy
"Okay, the introduction of these things in the car is basically finished, remember it, and repeat it for me." The coach said casually.

Hu Yue, who was sitting next to him, stared blankly, looked at the coach in doubt, thinking how could he remember it once he said it?

The coach has seen countless people, and he can tell what kind of students can learn to drive well and what kind of students can't learn.

Seeing Hu Yue's expression, he already knew it in his heart, and encouraged him: "Little girl, you look very smart, I must remember these clearly, and I will introduce it to the big brother behind."

Seeing Ren Shuai's age, the coach knew that he should be called Big Brother, thinking that this big brother must be a slow learner, not as spiritual as this young and beautiful girl.

Hu Yue looked shocked when she heard the words, and looked back at Ren Shuai in bewilderment, thinking that after all, she is also a college student. It is said that her IQ is not low, her memory is not bad, and she can't be worse than the uncle behind.

Thinking of this, she relaxed slightly, but she really didn't remember what the coach said just now.

She has no talent for mechanical things.

But the coach has already spoken, so she can only bite the bullet and say: "First put on the seat belt, then step on the brake, and the divorce, no, the clutch, and then, just, step on the accelerator!"

Ren Shuai was dumbfounded.

I thought this way of driving was a bit novel.

The coach was speechless, but he didn't want to discourage the little girl's enthusiasm as soon as she came up. At least her first two sentences were correct, but the latter gradually became outrageous.

The coach glanced at Ren Shuai in the blink of an eye, and then simply sighed, without asking Ren Shuai to repeat, and said directly: "Let me introduce again, listen carefully."

Ren Shuai was even more dazed, wondering what the coach's ignoring eyes meant when I was sitting behind such a big living person.

But Ren Shuai didn't care about it, and patiently listened to the coach's introduction.

"Okay, repeat it this time." He looked at Hu Yue expectantly.


Hu Yue listened attentively this time, wrote down more content, and said confidently: "After stepping on the clutch, you can release the handbrake, then put your right foot on the accelerator, and slowly lift the clutch with your left foot. Hold the steering wheel with your hands, and you can step on the accelerator when you feel the car shaking."

After listening to Ren Shuai, he always felt that something was wrong.

The coach stared wide-eyed, wondering what happened to the little girl, she couldn't remember after saying it twice, could it be that he didn't speak clearly enough, why the most important thing is that she couldn't remember?
He couldn't help asking: "Don't you think something is missing?"

Hu Yue's original careful smile gradually disappeared, and her helpless eyes drifted unconsciously to Ren Shuai. Only from people who were worse than her, could she find a little confidence.

But this look was interpreted by Ren Shuai as asking for help, and he added in a friendly way: "It's still a bit short of shifting gears."


The coach showed a childish look.

Hu Yue shut herself off immediately, thinking that Shuai Ren was inferior to her, but she didn't expect the clown to be herself.

But the coach didn't think so. He felt that most of what Hu Yue said was right, and Ren Shuai just picked up a leak.

The introduction inside the car is almost the same, and I will start to introduce some things outside the car. This part is relatively simple and does not require too much understanding.

After a few casual introductions, the coach asked the two to get on the car again and prepare for the actual operation.

Hu Yue didn't want to continue to sit back in the driver's seat, but the coach said that she could only reluctantly sit in front of the steering wheel if the two of them were asked to sit back where they were just now.

"Okay, let's start. The two of you take turns. Whoever makes a mistake will switch to the other person."

After the coach finished speaking, he leaned against the co-pilot in a godlike manner, waiting for the car to start.

Hu Yue took a deep breath, recalled the process in his mind, began to shift gears, released the handbrake, stepped on the clutch, and stepped on the accelerator.

However, nothing happened, and the car was parked in place intact.

The coach looked at her in shock, wondering if he forgot to tell the most important thing?
Then he subconsciously looked at Ren Shuai, wanting to ask for proof.

But Ren Shuai pushed the door of the car very quickly and got out of the car.

Hu Yue looked at Ren Shuai outside the car in a daze, not understanding why this classmate got out of the car suddenly.

Ren Shuai wanted to see that Hu Yue's state was completely untalented. Even if he learned to drive, he was probably at the level of a road killer.

He didn't want to hand over his wealth and life to the other party.

People who don’t even turn on the ignition and are ready to drive. People who can make this kind of mistake basically say goodbye to the steering wheel.

Seeing Ren Shuai getting out of the car, the coach immediately understood what he meant. He said just now that anyone who makes a mistake will be replaced.

Now it was finally Ren Shuai's turn to sit in the driver's seat. He was very proficient in driving on the phone, releasing the clutch and fueling at the same time.

The coach looked at him in shock, thinking that this big brother is good at drawing inferences from one example, and he hasn't taught him to put in second gear yet.

Originally, I wanted the two of them to familiarize themselves with the steering wheel by idling in the inner circle, but they didn't expect that Ren Shuai skipped a level directly.

Hu Yue watched Ren Shuai's movements, the car was running very smoothly, and the direction was not wobbling, thinking that it seems that driving is quite simple, but he just forgot to turn on the ignition, so don't worry.

After some self-comfort, Hu Yue retrieved the information, and took the initiative to say: "Coach, I have also learned."

Upon hearing this, the coach immediately nodded and said, "That's fine, brother, take a break first and let the little girl practice."

Ren Shuai immediately braked and took off the gear when he heard the words, but he was wondering if he could stand outside the car and wait, Hu Yue was not at ease driving.

But he changed his mind and thought again, even if he stood outside the car, he would definitely not be able to go far, and the safety island was not safe, and if Hu Yue was in danger, it would be even more dangerous for him to stand outside.

In his previous life, he had heard a legend in a driving school that a student hadn't passed Subject Two in two years of learning to drive. The reason why it took so long was because he spent more than half a year recuperating in the hospital.

Later, the coach did not dare to stand outside the car to supervise him, for fear of being sent to the ICU by kicking the accelerator.

Ren Shuai learned his lesson and decided to sit back in the car.

He switched positions with Hu Yue, but his eyes did not stare at Hu Yue, but at the coach's foot next to the auxiliary brake, always ready to remind the coach to help her step on the brake.

Hu Yue checked the preparations carefully, keeping his eyes on the front at all times, and stepped on the brakes immediately when encountering a situation.

She reached out to put the gear on, but it didn't feel right.

The coach quickly shouted: "I told you to shift gears, not grab your legs!"

Hu Yue's face was flushed, and he immediately grabbed the gear lever, pulled it back hard, and shifted directly to second gear.

Ren Shuai saw the opportunity early, put his hands on the front seat, and lowered his head slightly.

As Hu Yue let go of the clutch, the car "cranked" and turned off.

The unsuspecting coach only felt a twist of his neck and instantly experienced a stiff neck.

"You, get out of the car!"

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(End of this chapter)

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