From janitor to actor

Chapter 311 Horror Movie Dubbing

Chapter 311 Horror Movie Dubbing
Ren Shuai finished the thrilling first session of the practical car class, and walked towards the waiting point for the shuttle bus with lingering fears.

He sincerely hoped that the next time he matched students, he would not meet Hu Yue again.

Ren Shuai was thinking about messy things when he suddenly felt someone watching him.

A young man wearing a peaked cap looked at Ren Shuai with probing eyes, and then said, "You, you are money, full of money?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, this brother didn't remember his name, only the name of the character.

But Ren Shuai didn't explain. Looking at the trembling hands of the other party holding the phone, he thought that the other party should take a group photo.

So Ren Shuai nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Seeing Ren Shuai nodding his head, the man said excitedly, "Can you teach me your experience in chasing girls?"

Ren Shuai was stunned on the spot. I'm afraid this man was too involved in the drama and regarded the characters in "Silent Business War" as real people.

He didn't expect the character of Qian Manjin to be so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but the point of rooting in the hearts of the people was actually chasing girls.

It may also be that Su Xin looks too good. Qian Manjin, a local wealthy boss at such an age, can indeed be considered a success if he can catch up with a girl like Su Xin.

But Ren Shuai felt that this big brother was a bit funny, and he didn't look stupid, why couldn't he even distinguish between a character and a real person.

If someone with such an IQ comes to learn how to drive, it may be difficult to get a driver's license, right?
Ren Shuai briefly diverted his thoughts, and said to the young man in the peaked cap in a friendly manner: "First of all, you have to be rich."

The young man in the peaked cap was stunned on the spot after hearing this. He didn't need to wait for Ren Shuai to say second. This first alone wiped out most of the people.

Sure enough, as expected of a local tyrant, what he said was so insightful.

One sentence hits the point.

The peaked cap looked at Ren Shuai with some admiration, and then asked doubtfully, "Are you waiting for the bus here?"

He thought, Qian Manjin, who is the fifth king of diamonds, should have a luxury car, and even a professional driver.

Why are you standing here waiting for the bus from the driving school just like yourself?

Hearing this question, Ren Shuai could only nod his head.

Standing here is not waiting for the bus, is it basking in the sun?

The young man in the peaked cap showed a look of thinking he was very smart, and suddenly realized: "Are you waiting for the girl to finish class?"

Ren Shuai held his forehead speechlessly, looked at him and asked seriously: "Did you pass the first subject?"

"Uh, it's just a little short. There are two more games tomorrow, and I have made appointments for both." He replied regretfully.

Ren Shuai almost didn't laugh, and restrained himself with his professionalism, and said earnestly: "If you can't do it, you can take the bus. It saves money and is environmentally friendly. There is really no need to take a driver's license. It is good for everyone and yourself."

According to this man's mind, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch subject one eight times out of ten.

At this moment, the shuttle bus drove over, and Ren Shuai said all he wanted, hoping that he would have a rat tail juice, and then quickly boarded the shuttle bus.

After returning to school, Ren Shuai received a call from Cui Shaoyu, saying that the horror film had been edited and he needed to do the post-dubbing.

Ren Shuai didn't expect the team to be so efficient that the editing had already been completed and dubbing started.

What kind of fairy efficiency is this.

After communicating with Cui Shaoyu, he realized that when filming, the crew used the method of filming and editing at the same time, so the editing was completed not long after the filming was finished.

In addition to this horror film, the length of each episode is very short, and only 12 episodes were cut out of the whole drama.

Ren Shuai, as a half-professional dubbing staff, is quite familiar with the post-dubbing work.

Cui Shaoyu did not treat Ren Shuai badly. Although the film was invested by his company, he would not be stingy with the dubbing fee.

After all, Ren Shuai's current status in the dubbing industry far exceeds his status as an actor.

The overall dubbing actually took only one day. Ren Shuai went to watch several horror movies in this world, which caused him insomnia for two consecutive days.

On the third day, when he spared time to dub, Cui Shaoyu stared at the two dark circles under his eyes, and Cui Shaoyu almost thought he was too tired from learning to drive.

After all, it is indeed difficult for people over the age of 60 to learn to drive.

Ren Shuai didn't explain too much. He thought he was quite courageous before, even if he watched a few horror movies at night, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Moreover, the visual impact of the horror movies here is not very strong, and the sound effects can only be regarded as horror.

But as luck would have it, the few movies Ren Shuai selected could successfully bring back fond memories of watching the Ring at Midnight in his previous life.

This caused him to start thinking about it, and figures in white clothes and long hair kept flashing in his mind.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai kept reassuring himself that he had crossed over and that there was no Sadako in this world, so he barely fell asleep.

But watching horror movies is not completely fruitless. After eliciting memories from his previous life, Ren Shuai naturally remembered some of the sound effects.

In this dubbing job, he successfully put it into practice.

As a result, the master in charge of the recording was a little unwell, so he applied for a half-hour rest first.

And Cui Shaoyu only showed one side, and after listening for a few seconds, he lied that he had a work meeting to hold, and ran away.

Cui Shaoyu sat in the leaving car, still feeling lucky for Su Xin. Fortunately, her dubbing skills were too poor, so she could only invite professional dubbing actors, otherwise she might die on the spot.

Ren Shuai spent a whole day in the recording studio, and finally finished the dubbing work for this film, and also vented his grievances about insomnia for two nights.

When leaving, the co-voice actors and sound engineers heaved a sigh of relief.

Hurry up, this day is too long, the sound engineer even vowed in his heart that no matter how much he is given, he will not be able to accept the job of a horror film.

Unless you give too much.

Ren Shuai took a relaxing beauty sleep and made up for what he owed a few days ago.

He looked up at the calendar, and suddenly realized that today is the time for Meiying to announce the admission list.

Although during the exam, the chief examiner promised to admit him on the spot, but it didn't come to fruition on paper, and he was still a little worried.

Clicking on the school's official website, Ren Shuai found that the network was a bit stuck.

I'm afraid that the candidates are visiting frequently, and the server is a little bit overwhelmed.

He waited for a while, and the page was finally refreshed slowly. After logging into his account, Ren Shuai began to check the admission results.

"Congratulations, you have been admitted to the acting major of the acting department of our college."

After Ren Shuai clicked on it, he saw a special effect of scattering flowers, and a few words were displayed between the flying ribbons.

Ren Shuai's heart was finally relieved. At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and the caller ID turned out to be Vice President Chu.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, there was still about half a month before the start of school, and he was a consultant teacher, so he wouldn't be asked to return to school early for cleaning or something?

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(End of this chapter)

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