From janitor to actor

Chapter 312 Completion Rewards

Chapter 312 Completion Rewards
Ren Shuai picked up the phone, and Vice President Chu's loud voice came out of the receiver.

"Old Li, I didn't expect you to actually apply for the acting department of our school?"

When Vice President Chu heard that Ren Shuai was going to improve his acting culture class, wanted to study in the acting department, and wanted a diploma, he thought he was just talking.

Unexpectedly, today the teachers in charge of submitting grades from each department said that this year's performance department's culture and performance performance list is the capital of a candidate named Li Laifu.

After hearing this, Vice President Chu was overwhelmed with surprise.

At first he thought it was the same name, but after finding out the age, he immediately matched the number.

Hearing what he said, Ren Shuai responded with a smile: "Yes, I mentioned it to you before."

After Vice President Chu confirmed again from his own mouth, he immediately congratulated: "Then I would like to congratulate you. With your strength, you won the double top spot in the acting department."

Ren Shuai was overjoyed when he heard the words, thinking that the average number one scholar would have a scholarship or something. I don't know if Meiying has any indication of this.

He smiled politely, "Thank you principal."

Then wait for the principal's next words, it is best to say a series of numbers that will make him laugh from ear to ear.

"That's fine. I have nothing else to do. I just want to announce the good news to you. After school starts, I can get together when I have time. I'll call the teachers from the dubbing and acting department together. Everyone is familiar with it."

After Vice President Chu finished speaking, he immediately ended the call.

Ren Shuai looked at the phone and was stunned for a while before muttering, "That's it."

He opened the browser and searched for the prize money for the first place in Meiying's acting department.

In the end, I only saw all kinds of gossip news, but the reputation was quite big, and there was no mention of bonuses at all.

He sighed, realizing that he was thinking too much.

It was rare that Cui Shaoyu didn't arrange an announcement for him today. Zhou thought that the production team had gone to other places to shoot, and he couldn't make it even if he was free, so he decided to take a vacation for himself today, and finish writing the finale of "Cycle and Beginning" by the way.

The copyright has been sold, and he can only earn some royalties if he procrastinates.

What's more, there are system tasks waiting there, and if they are completed early, they can receive rewards earlier.

The publishing house is already preparing for the printing of the first physical book, and Cui Shaoyu is also thinking about the film and television adaptation.

It was rare for him to have time, so he simply finished writing the finale.

For Ren Shuai, who only watches HE in TV dramas, of course he can't end in BE when he writes a novel, besides, he writes a cyclical story.

He thinks he is a kind-hearted author with a conscience, and he must not let readers feel bored after watching the finale.

So Ren Shuai decisively arranged a perfect ending for the protagonist An Luoxing, not only solving a series of suspenseful cases in their hotel, but also meeting the girl who called him after successfully uncovering the cause of the cycle.

It turned out that the identity of the girl was the heir to the hotel where he worked.

In the finale, the heroine was finally arranged to appear on stage, so Luo Xing was not allowed to be single.

Ren Shuai looked at the finished ending, "Luo Xing and the girl were lying on the top platform of the hotel together, quietly watching the twinkling stars in the night sky".

He felt that taking this sentence as the last sentence in the book was a bit plain and without any waves, so he decided to throw a small stone.

After this sentence, he added another sentence.

"A shooting star passed by, slowly approaching"

Ren Shuai was very satisfied with this open ending, he clicked upload and published, satisfied.

At the moment when the finale was released, the book friends who had been waiting for many days were already hungry and thirsty. Seeing the update and improvement, they opened the novel at the speed of light.

Due to being too busy some time ago, Ren Shuai has been off for a few days.

But book friends did not expect that Ren Shuai would suddenly update the finale.

Fortunately, the last chapter is [-] words long, which reassures book lovers that the author will not be unfinished.

The editor Jing Ying also received the reminder immediately. Generally speaking, if the work of the fire is about to be completed, it will communicate with the editor in advance.

But Ren Shuai's situation is special. The copyright of his work has been bought out, and it is up to Ren Shuai himself when it ends.

Although the platform hopes to attract more views through this work, if the author insists on finishing it, they have nothing to do.

Although Jing Ying is Ren Shuai's editor, she is also a fan of his books. She has been looking forward to the finale of this work.

Before clicking on it, she took a deep breath, feeling that the novel she had been chasing for several months was finally coming to an end, and she was still a little bit reluctant.

With this feeling in mind, she read line by line, not wanting to miss even a single punctuation mark.

When she saw that the last incident was finally resolved, and the heroine and Luo Xing were watching the stars together on the rooftop, she showed a satisfied smile.

Then he moved his eyes down and saw the last sentence of the book.

"A shooting star passed by."

She murmured, thinking that she must make a good wish.

Then I saw the words "slowly approaching".

This, what does this mean?
Slowly approaching where, close to the ground, or close to the hero and heroine?

The happy ending, which is obviously full of warm atmosphere, why did such a sentence come suddenly, it was like throwing a thousand gold boulders into her peaceful heart lake, stirring up turbulent waves.

What did the author think, why did he add such a sentence at the end, wouldn't it be good to have less of this sentence?
How did Jing Ying know that Ren Shuai just felt that the ending was a bit flat and wanted to make some waves.

Unexpectedly, what Ren Shuai saw as a small stone was indeed a boulder comparable to a shooting star in the eyes of book friends, and it fell down with a "crack".

Many netizens who shared the same mood as Jing Ying couldn't restrain their impulses and began to leave messages under the works.

"I beg the author to greatly delete the last sentence."

"Are you going to write a sequel?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what's the meaning of that sentence at the end?"

Ren Shuai was unaware of this, he had already quit the platform, and happily checked the rewards.

The moment he submitted the finale of his work, the system sounded a long-lost wonderful reminder.

[Congratulations to the host, you have completed the continuation of the task of writing "The Week Again and Again", and you will be rewarded with a random item card]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a dialect card]

Ren Shuai listened to the prompt given by the system, and quickly opened the system interface to check the effect of this new card.

[Dialect card, after use, you can improve your dialect performance ability, and the time limit is 6 hours]

Ren Shuai is very satisfied with the aging of this card, and the price should be very affordable... right?

He entered the mall to look at the price and was stunned.

5000 recognition!
Isn't that right?

According to the tonality of the system, the timeliness and price are directly proportional, the higher the price, the shorter the timeliness.

Ren Shuai felt a little conflicted at this time.

On the one hand, I feel that I have earned it, and on the other hand, I feel that it will be a bit painful to buy in the future.

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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